Your IP :
Status of implementation of the XSLT 1.0 Features:
Stylesheet Constructs:
YES xsl:stylesheet
? id = id
YES extension-element-prefixes = tokens
YES exclude-result-prefixes = tokens
YES version = number
YES xsl:transform
? id = id
YES extension-element-prefixes = tokens
YES exclude-result-prefixes = tokens
YES version = number
YES Literal Result Element as Stylesheet
YES Embedding Stylesheets
NO mediaType
Top Level Elements:
YES xsl:include
YES href = uri-reference
YES xsl:import
YES href = uri-reference
YES xsl:strip-space
YES elements = tokens
YES xsl:preserve-space
YES elements = tokens
YES xsl:template
YES match = pattern
YES name = qname
YES priority = number
YES mode = qname
YES xsl:namespace-alias
YES stylesheet-prefix = prefix | "#default"
YES result-prefix = prefix | "#default"
YES xsl:attribute-set
YES name = qname
YES use-attribute-sets = qnames
YES xsl:variable
YES name = qname
YES select = expression
YES Content: template
YES xsl:param
YES name = qname
YES select = expression
YES Content: template
YES xsl:key
YES name = qname
YES match = pattern
YES use = expression
YES xsl:output
YES method = "xml" | "html" | "text" | qname-but-not-ncname
YES version = nmtoken
YES encoding = string
YES omit-xml-declaration = "yes" | "no"
YES standalone = "yes" | "no"
YES doctype-public = string
YES doctype-system = string
YES cdata-section-elements = qnames
YES indent = "yes" | "no"
YES media-type = string
YES xsl:apply-templates
YES select = node-set-expression
YES mode = qname
YES xsl:apply-imports
YES xsl:call-template
YES name = qname
YES xsl:element
YES name = { qname }
YES namespace = { uri-reference }
YES use-attribute-sets = qnames
YES xsl:attribute
YES name = { qname }
YES namespace = { uri-reference }
YES xsl:text
YES disable-output-escaping = "yes" | "no"
YES xsl:processing-instruction
YES name = { ncname }
YES xsl:comment
YES xsl:copy
YES use-attribute-sets = qnames
YES xsl:value-of
YES select = string-expression
YES disable-output-escaping = "yes" | "no"
YES xsl:number
YES level = "single" | "multiple" | "any"
YES count = pattern
YES from = pattern
YES value = number-expression
YES format = { string }
NO lang = { nmtoken }
NO letter-value = { "alphabetic" | "traditional" }
YES grouping-separator = { char }
YES grouping-size = { number }
YES xsl:for-each
YES select = node-set-expression
YES xsl:if
YES test = boolean-expression
YES xsl:choose
YES xsl:when
YES test = boolean-expression
YES xsl:otherwise
YES xsl:sort
YES select = string-expression
NO lang = { nmtoken }
YES data-type = { "text" | "number" | qname-but-not-ncname }
YES order = { "ascending" | "descending" }
NO case-order = { "upper-first" | "lower-first" }
YES xsl:variable
YES name = qname
YES select = expression
YES Content: template
YES xsl:param
YES name = qname
YES select = expression
YES Content: template
YES xsl:copy-of
YES select = expression
YES xsl:with-param
YES name = qname
YES select = expression
YES xsl:decimal-format
YES name = qname
YES decimal-separator = char
YES grouping-separator = char
YES infinity = string
YES minus-sign = char
YES NaN = string
YES percent = char
YES per-mille = char
YES zero-digit = char
YES digit = char
YES pattern-separator = char
YES xsl:message
YES terminate = "yes" | "no"
YES xsl:fallback
YES Conflict Resolution for Template Rules
YES Whitespace Stripping
YES Built-in Template Rules
YES match="*|/"
YES match="text()|@*"
YES match="processing-instruction()|comment()"
YES Namespace
YES Mode
YES Extension Elements
YES Extension Functions
YES Attribute Value Templates
YES Result Tree Fragments
YES node-set document(object, node-set?)
YES node-set key(string, object)
YES string format-number(number, string, string?)
YES node-set current()
YES string unparsed-entity-uri(string)
YES string generate-id(node-set?)
YES object system-property(string)
YES boolean element-available(string)
YES boolean function-available(string)
YES para
YES chapter|appendix
YES olist/item
YES appendix//para
YES text()
YES processing-instruction()
YES node()
YES id("W11")
YES para[1]
YES *[position()=1 and self::para]
YES para[last()=1]
YES items/item[position()>1]
YES item[position() mod 2 = 1]
YES div[@class="appendix"]//p
YES @class
YES @*
YES except ns for key key('a','b')