Your IP :
Fatal and autodie would not be possible if it were not for the contributions
of the wonderful people below.
Lionel Cons
- Original module
Ilya Zakharevich
- Prototype updates
Paul Fenwick
- autodie, autodie::exception, Fatal overhaul
- Suggesting the name 'lethal', which the module was
called during much of development.
Juerd Waalboer
- Suggesting the name 'autodie'
Aristotle Pagaltzis
- Suggestions and sanity checking on design and interface
Mark Reed and Rolan Giersig
- Klingon Translators
Matt Trout
- Suggesting I look at namespace::clean as a pragma that
works under 5.8 and which is able to precisely delete
subroutines from globs.
Robert 'phaylon' Sedlacek
- Writing namespace::clean, which I twisted to my dark
will to provide a faster, 5.8 clean autodie with less
Stephen 'Stennie' Steneker
- Spelling corrections.
- Advice on $^H, %^H, and other dark and terrible magicks.
- Being a wonderful sounding board for when I had too many
ideas and not enough implementation.
- Resolving the most frustrating issue of user-subroutine
replacement under Perl 5.8,
- Enlightening me as to the correct way to reference globs.
- Reminding me that 'use' really does happen first, regardless
of how it's been dressed.
Matt Kraai
- Formatting fixes in diagnostics.
Darren Duncan
- Spotting omissions in user documentation.
Damian Conway
- Extremely detailed and inspirational input into how
autodie::hints should work, as opposed to my original
and rather stunted proposal.
Jacinta Richardson
- Documentation, proof-reading, code review, and a huge
amount of sound-boarding. In particular most of the
autodie::hints documentation would not exist without
Jacinta's efforts.
Ben Morrow
- Providing an excellent and compelling argument as to
how roles should be handled.
- Spotting that autodie can clobber package scalars when
formats are copied between blogs.
Glenn Fowler
- Documentation review and improvement when I had spent
so long looking at the autodie::hints documentation I
wasn't sure if they made sense anymore. ;)
Toby Corkindale
- Documentation copyediting and improvements.
Vincent Pit
- Additional test cases.
- Help in tracking down string eval weirdness.
- Code review and sanity support.
Florian Ragwitz
- Help in tracking down string eval weirdness.
- Letting me cargo-cult code from B::Hooks::EndOfScope.
Elliot Shank
- Integration into Perl::Critic
Michael Schwern
- Finding a more-than-a-decade old bug in Fatal that caused
it to leak carp functions.
- Improvements to generated error messages.
- Safer loading of exception classes.
- Support for working with the open pragma.
David Taylor
- Documentation fixes.
Nick Cleaton
- Support for multi-arg open.
Craig A. Berry
- VMS support.
Jonathan Yu
- chmod support.
- Prevention of author tests failing if Sub::Identify not installed.
Jerry D. Hedden
- Better test output, particularly when running as part of the
Perl core.
Curtis Jewell
- Improvements to File::Copy tests under Windows.
Olivier Mengué
- Compatibility fixes with Carp.
Todd Rinaldo
- Avoided possible test failures when STDIN was a socket.
- chmod support and tests.
David Steinbrunner
- Spelling and documentation corrections.
Niels Thykier
- Identification and caching of reuseable subroutines.
- Significant reductions in the number of string evals().
- Refactoring and restructing to make autodie's guts more sane.
- General all round speed improvements.
- Niels Thykier is a hero of the free people. Autodie loads
*much* faster due to his efforts!
- Fixes around leak guards and slurpy core subroutines.