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% Copyright (C) 2001-2019 Artifex Software, Inc.
% All Rights Reserved.
% This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
% implied.
% This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
% modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
% of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
% Refer to licensing information at or contact
% Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato,
% CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.
% Initialization file for basic Display PostScript functions
% that are also included in Level 2.
level2dict begin
% ------ Errors ------ %
% These errors are only defined in Level 2 and DPS.
{ /configurationerror /undefinedresource /unregistered }
{ .registererror } forall
% ------ Halftones ------ %
{ { counttomark -1 roll } forall .dicttomark
} bind def
/currenthalftone % - currenthalftone <dict>
{ mark .currenthalftone
{ { exch pop } % halftone
{ /HalftoneType 1 % screen
{ /Frequency /Angle /SpotFunction }
//.makestackdict exec readonly
{ /HalftoneType 2 % colorscreen
{ /RedFrequency /RedAngle /RedSpotFunction
/GreenFrequency /GreenAngle /GreenSpotFunction
/BlueFrequency /BlueAngle /BlueSpotFunction
/GrayFrequency /GrayAngle /GraySpotFunction
//.makestackdict exec readonly
exch get exec
} odef
currentdict /.makestackdict undef
% Define sethalftone so it converts types 1-4 to type 5.
/.makehalftoneRGBV { % <dict> <type> <keys> <keysRGBV>
4 -1 roll exch { 1 index exch get exch } forall 15 1 roll
14 -2 roll mark 15 1 roll { /Gray /Blue /Green /Red } {
% stack: v0 v1 v2 type keys comp
2 index 0 get 8 -1 roll
4 index 1 get 9 -1 roll
6 index 2 get 10 -1 roll
% stack: type keys comp mark k0 v0 k1 v1 k2 v2
/HalftoneType 10 index .dicttomark
counttomark 2 roll
} forall pop pop
/Default 1 index .dicttomark exch pop { .sethalftone5 }
} bind def
% The value of each entry in .halftonetypes is a procedure:
% <setdict> <htdict> <<proc>> <setdict'> <htdict'> <sethalftoneproc>
% This allows us to use these procedures both for actually implementing
% sethalftone and for converting subsidiary dictionaries of HalftoneType 5
% halftones.
systemdict begin
15 dict /.halftonetypes 1 index def begin
1 {
mark exch /Default exch .dicttomark { .sethalftone5 }
} bind def
2 {
1 { /Frequency /Angle /SpotFunction } {
/RedFrequency /RedAngle /RedSpotFunction
/GreenFrequency /GreenAngle /GreenSpotFunction
/BlueFrequency /BlueAngle /BlueSpotFunction
/GrayFrequency /GrayAngle /GraySpotFunction
} //.makehalftoneRGBV exec
} bind def
3 {
mark exch /Default exch .dicttomark { .sethalftone5 }
} bind def
4 {
3 { /Width /Height /Thresholds } {
/RedWidth /RedHeight /RedThresholds
/GreenWidth /GreenHeight /GreenThresholds
/BlueWidth /BlueHeight /BlueThresholds
/GrayWidth /GrayHeight /GrayThresholds
} //.makehalftoneRGBV exec
} bind def
5 {
pop dup length dict copy
mark 1 index {
% Even HalftoneType 5 dictionaries have entries other than
% subsidiary halftone dictionaries.
dup type /dicttype ne {
} {
dup /HalftoneType .knownget not { 0 } if
} ifelse dup 5 gt {
% Stack: dict mark ... keyN dictN httypeN
% Assume that all HalftoneTypes > 5 convert to 5.
1 index 3 1 roll
//.halftonetypes exch get exec pop /Default get
% Stack: dict mark ... keyN setdict'N htdict'N
counttomark 1 add index 3 index 4 -1 roll put
} {
} ifelse
} forall .dicttomark { .sethalftone5 }
} bind def
currentdict /.makehalftoneRGBV undef
/sethalftone { % <dict> sethalftone -
% We must create the new dictionary in the same VM as the
% operand; otherwise, invalidaccess errors may occur.
.currentglobal 1 .argindex dup gcheck .setglobal
dup //.halftonetypes 1 index /HalftoneType get
dup type /integertype ne {
/sethalftone .systemvar /typecheck signalerror
} if
.knownget not {
/sethalftone .systemvar /rangecheck signalerror
} if
exec exec
.setglobal pop
} .bind odef
% Redefine setscreen and setcolorscreen to recognize halftone dictionaries,
% and to insert the Frequency and Angle into Type 1 halftones, per
% Adobe TN 5085.
/.fixsethalftonescreen % <freq> <angle> <dict> .fix...screen
% <freq> <angle> <dict> <dict'>
{ dup dup /HalftoneType get 1 eq
{ dup wcheck not { dup length dict .copydict } if
dup /Frequency 5 index put
dup /Angle 4 index put
languagelevel 3 ge { dup /AccurateScreens dup getuserparam put } if
} bind def
/setscreen % <ignore*2> <dict> setscreen -
{ dup type /dicttype eq
{ //.fixsethalftonescreen exec sethalftone pop pop pop }
{ //setscreen }
} .bind odef
/setcolorscreen % <ignore*11> <dict> setcolorscreen -
{ dup type /dicttype eq
{ //.fixsethalftonescreen exec sethalftone 12 { pop } repeat }
{ //setcolorscreen }
} .bind odef
currentdict /.fixsethalftonescreen undef
% Redefine currentscreen and currentcolorscreen to extract the Frequency
% and Angle from Type 1 halftones, per Adobe TN 5085.
/.fixcurrenthalftonescreen % <dict> .fix... <freq> <angle> <proc>
{ dup /HalftoneType get 1 eq
{ dup /Frequency get 1 index /Angle get }
{ 60.0 0.0 } % Adobe returns these as reals
ifelse 3 2 roll
} bind def
/currentscreen % - currentscreen 60 0 <dict>
{ .currenthalftone
{ { //.fixcurrenthalftonescreen exec }% halftone
{ } % screen
{ 12 3 roll 9 { pop } repeat % colorscreen
dup type /dicttype eq { //.fixcurrenthalftonescreen exec } if
exch get exec
} odef
/currentcolorscreen % - currentcolorscreen (60 0 <dict>)*4
{ .currenthalftone
{ { //.fixcurrenthalftonescreen exec 3 copy 6 copy } % halftone
{ % screen
% The procedure might not be readable....
dup rcheck { dup length array copy cvx } if
3 copy 6 copy
{ } % colorscreen
exch get exec
} odef
currentdict /.fixcurrenthalftonescreen undef
% ------ User objects ------ %
/.UserObjects {
.userdict /UserObjects
} bind executeonly odef
% In order to get proper error recovery behavior, we need to be careful
% not to pop any operands from the stack until we're done.
% The code below faithfully duplicates the apparent array-growing
% behavior of Adobe interpreters.
/defineuserobject { % <index> <value> defineuserobject -
1 index 65535 gt {
% .localvmarray throws limitcheck but CET 31-02 wants rangecheck
/defineuserobject .systemvar /rangecheck signalerror
} if
.UserObjects .knownget {
length dup 3 .argindex le {
% Stack: index value len
2 index eq { 1 index 2 mul } { 1 index 1 add } ifelse
.localvmarray .UserObjects get
1 index copy pop
.UserObjects 3 -1 roll put
} {
} ifelse
} {
.UserObjects 3 .argindex 1 add 10 .max .localvmarray put
} ifelse
.UserObjects get 2 .argindex 2 index put pop pop
} bind odef
/execuserobject { % <index> execuserobject -
dup type /integertype ne {
% Adobe validates the argument before accessing UserObjects - CET 31-03
/execuserobject .systemvar /typecheck signalerror
} if
.UserObjects get 1 .argindex get exch pop exec
} bind odef
/undefineuserobject { % <index> undefineuserobject -
dup type /integertype ne {
% Adobe validates the argument before accessing UserObjects - CET 31-11
/undefineuserobject .systemvar /typecheck signalerror
} if
.UserObjects get 1 .argindex //null put pop
} bind odef
currentdict /.UserObjects undef
% ------ Cache control ------ %
% Dummy definitions for cache control operators
/ucachestatus { % - ucachestatus -mark- ? ? ? ? <size>
mark 0 0 0 0 /MaxUPathItem getuserparam
} odef
/setucacheparams { % -mark- ... <size> setucacheparams -
% Provoke an appropriate error if needed.
counttomark 1 lt { () 0 get } if
dup 0 or /MaxUPathItem getuserparam .max
1 dict dup /MaxUPathItem 4 -1 roll put setuserparams cleartomark
} odef
end % level2dict