Your IP :
% Copyright (C) 2001-2019 Artifex Software, Inc.
% All Rights Reserved.
% This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
% implied.
% This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
% modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
% of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
% Refer to licensing information at or contact
% Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato,
% CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.
% A procset to redefine a resource category with a resource map.
% Public entries :
% Redefine - a procedure for redefining a resource category with a map.
% Methods for interpreting the resource map to be provided by client
% in the argument dictionary.
% Note that the procedure Redefine is idempotential :
% consequtive calls to it will not replace the category methods,
% but will merge resource maps. If an interleaving redefinition
% needs to cancel the idempotentity, it must remove the entry
% /.IsRedefinedWithMap from the category dictionary.
% MakeResourceEnumerator - this procedure is useful for
% redefining any category. It provides a proper order of instances
% and proper stacks during resourceforall.
% BindWithCurrentdict - a procedure for generating temporary procedures
% from templates, binding them with a local dictionary.
% execstack_lookup - a procedure for communicating through the execution stack.
% It allows for a callee to get an information from an indirect caller.
% The procedures are designed for exeution witout putting
% the procset instance onto the dictionary stack.
languagelevel 2 .setlanguagelevel
currentglobal //true setglobal
/MappedCategoryRedefiner 10 dict begin % The procset.
currentpacking //false setpacking
/InstanceEnumeratorPattern % - InstanceEnumeratorPattern ...
% This is a pattern for enumeration procedure to be built dynamically,
% applying BindWithCurrentdict with a temporary dictionary.
% The following names will be replaced with specific objects
% during BindWithCurrentdict :
% en_local_dict - a dictionary for storing the local integer variable 'status'.
% scr - the scratch string argument of resourceforall;
% proc - the procedure argument of resourceforall;
% InstancesStatus - a dictionary that maps resource instance names to their status value;
% Category - the category to be enumerated.
% When this procedure is called from ResourceForAll, the category is the current dictionary.
% We remove it from the dictionary stack before performing the enumeration
% to provide the <proc> to write to the underlying dictionary,
% and put it back after the enumeration is completed.
0 1 2 {
en_local_dict exch /status exch put
InstancesStatus {
en_local_dict /status get eq {
scr cvs % ... (Font)
proc exec %
} {
} ifelse % ...
} forall
} for % ...
} stopped
Category begin
{ stop } if
} bind def
% An auxiliary proc for BindWithCurrentdict :
/.BindAux % <proc> BindAux <proc>
{ 0 exec
} bind def
/BindWithCurrentdict % <proc> BindWithCurrentdict <proc>
% Make a copy of the given procedure, binding in the values of all names
% defined in currentdict.
% Caution1 : this code cannot handle procedures that were already
% bound recursively.
% Caution2 : this code don't bind packedarrays. This was done
% intentionally for a termination of the procedure tree.
dup length array copy
dup length 1 sub -1 0 {
2 copy get % {precopy} i {elem}
dup dup type /arraytype eq exch xcheck and {
% {precopy} i {elem}
//.BindAux exec % {precopy} i {elem_copy}
2 index 3 1 roll put % {precopy}
} {
dup dup type /nametype eq exch xcheck and {
% {precopy} i {elem}
currentdict exch .knownget {
2 index 3 1 roll put % {precopy}
} {
} ifelse
} {
pop pop
} ifelse
} ifelse % {precopy}
} for % {copy}
} bind def
//.BindAux 0 //BindWithCurrentdict put % bind the recursive call in 'Bind'.
/MakeResourceEnumerator % <proc> <scr> <InstancesStatus> MakeResourceEnumerator <Enumerator>
% Build the enumeration procedure :
% Since the resourceforall procedure may leave values on the operand stack,
% we cannot simply store the enumerator's local data on the stack.
% We also cannot use a static dictionary to store local variables,
% because of possible recursion in the resourceforall procedure.
% To work around this, we create a copy of the enumeration procedure and
% bind it dynamically with a temporary dictionary, which contains
% local variables for the currently executing instance of resourceforall.
% Always place the enumerator in local VM,
% because its elements may be in local VM.
currentglobal 4 1 roll
//false setglobal
currentdict % Category
6 dict begin % the temporary dictionary
/Category exch def
/InstancesStatus exch def
/scr exch def
/proc exch def
/en_local_dict currentdict def
//InstanceEnumeratorPattern //BindWithCurrentdict exec % Enumerator
/status 0 def % variable for the current status to enumerate - do not bind with it !
exch setglobal
} bind def
/execstack_lookup % <object> execstack_lookup <object1>
% <object> execstack_lookup null
{ % Checks whether execution stack contains a procedure starting with <object>,
% and retrives the 2nd element of the procedure,
% or null if the procedure was not found.
% Since 'execstack' actually renders subarrays of procedures,
% the pattern for recognition must be like this :
% { <object> <object1>
% CallSomething
% } loop
% The solution with 'loop' depends on how GS implements cycles,
% so it must not appear in documents, which are required to be interpreter independent.
% Any other type of cycles are also acceptable.
% If no repitition is really needed, just insert 'exit' into its body.
% If <object> <object1> are not needed for the caller, insert "pop pop" after them.
% If <object1> is really unuseful, the pattern may be simplified :
% { <object> pop
% CallSomething
% exit
% } loop
% It will retrieve 'pop' or 'null'.
% Note that 2 topmost execstack elements are the execstack_lookup procedure and its caller.
% We don't check them.
currentglobal //false setglobal % <object> bGlobal
//false .countexecstack array //false .execstack % <object> bGlobal [execstack]
dup //null exch % <object> bGlobal [execstack] null [execstack]
length 3 sub -1 0 { % <object> bGlobal [execstack] null i
2 index exch get % <object> bGlobal [execstack] null proc
dup type dup /packedarraytype eq exch /arraytype eq or {
dup rcheck {
dup length 1 gt { % <object> bGlobal [execstack] null proc
dup 0 get % <object> bGlobal [execstack] null proc elem0
5 index eq { % <object> bGlobal [execstack] null proc
1 get % <object> bGlobal [execstack] null object1
exch pop exit % <object> bGlobal [execstack] object1
} {
} ifelse
} {
pop % <object> bGlobal [execstack] false
} ifelse
} {
pop % <object> bGlobal [execstack] false
} ifelse
} {
pop % <object> bGlobal [execstack] false
} ifelse
} for % <object> bGlobal [execstack] bResult
exch pop exch setglobal exch pop % bResult
} bind def
currentpacking //false setpacking
/MethodsToRedefine 5 dict begin
% Procedures in this dictionary really are patterns for new category methods.
% The following names will be replaced with specific objects during BindWithCurrentdict :
% .map - the map dictionary;
% DefineResource, ResourceStatus, ResourceFileName, FindResource, ResourceForAll
% - procedures from the original resource category.
/FindResource % <Name> FindResource <dict>
{ RESMPDEBUG { (resmp FindResource beg ) print dup = } if
dup ResourceStatus exec {
pop 2 lt
} {
} ifelse % bInVirtualMemory
{ FindResource exec
} {
dup dup .map exch .knownget { % /Name /Name <<record>>
dup dup /RecordVirtualMethods get /IsActive get exec {
1 index //.getvminstance exec { % /Name /Name <<record>> holder
1 get 1 eq
} {
} ifelse % /Name /Name <<record>> bStatusIs1
4 1 roll % bStatusIs1 /Name /Name <<record>>
dup /RecordVirtualMethods get /MakeInstance get exec
% bStatusIs1 /Name /Name Instance size
5 1 roll % size bStatusIs1 /Name /Name Instance
DefineResource exec % size bStatusIs1 /Name Instance
% Make ResourceStatus to return correct values for this instance :
% Hack: we replace status values in the instance holder :
exch //.getvminstance exec pop % size bStatusIs1 Instance holder
dup 5 -1 roll 2 exch put % bStatusIs1 Instance holder
3 2 roll { % Instance holder
1 1 put % Instance
} {
} ifelse % Instance
} { % /Name /Name <<record>>
pop pop FindResource exec
} ifelse
} { % /Name /Name
pop FindResource exec
} ifelse
} ifelse
RESMPDEBUG { (resmp FindResource end) = } if
} bind def
/ResourceStatus % <Name> ResourceStatus <status> <size> true
% <Name> ResourceStatus false
{ RESMPDEBUG { (resmp ResourceStatus beg ) print dup //== exec } if
dup ResourceStatus exec { % /Name status size
1 index 2 lt {
% In VM - return with it.
3 2 roll pop //true
} {
% Not in VM.
exch pop exch % size /Name
dup .map exch .knownget { % size /Name <<record>>
dup dup /RecordVirtualMethods get /IsActive get exec {
3 2 roll pop % /Name <<record>>
dup /RecordVirtualMethods get /GetSize get exec 2 exch //true
} { % size /Name <<record>>
pop pop 2 exch //true
} ifelse
} { % size /Name
pop 2 exch //true
} ifelse
} ifelse
} { % /Name
dup .map exch .knownget { % /Name <<record>>
dup dup /RecordVirtualMethods get /IsActive get exec {
dup /RecordVirtualMethods get /GetSize get exec 2 exch //true
} { % /Name <<record>>
pop pop //false
} ifelse
} { % /Name
pop //false
} ifelse
} ifelse
RESMPDEBUG { (resmp ResourceStatus end) = } if
} bind def
/ResourceFileName % <Name> <scratch> ResourceFileName <string>
{ RESMPDEBUG { (resmp ResourceFileName beg ) print 1 index = } if
exch % (scratch) /Name
.map 1 index .knownget { % (scratch) /Name <<record>>
RESMPDEBUG { (resmp ResourceFileName : have a map record.) = } if
dup dup /RecordVirtualMethods get /IsActive get exec {
RESMPDEBUG { (resmp ResourceFileName : record is active.) = } if
dup /RecordVirtualMethods get /GetFilePath get exec % (string)
RESMPDEBUG { (resmp ResourceFileName : retrieving ) print dup = } if
} { % (scratch) /Name <<record>>
RESMPDEBUG { (resmp ResourceFileName : record is NOT active.) = } if
pop exch ResourceFileName exec
RESMPDEBUG { (resmp ResourceFileName : retrieving ) print dup = } if
} ifelse
} {
RESMPDEBUG { (resmp ResourceFileName : have NO map record.) = } if
exch ResourceFileName exec
RESMPDEBUG { (resmp ResourceFileName : retrieving ) print dup = } if
} ifelse
RESMPDEBUG { (resmp ResourceFileName end) = } if
} bind def
/ResourceForAll % <template> <proc> <scratch> ResourceForAll -
{ RESMPDEBUG { (resmp ResourceForAll beg ) print CategoryName =string cvs print ( ) print 2 index = } if
% Create InstancesStatus dictionary :
20 dict % IS - Instances Status
4 1 roll % <<IS>> (templ) {proc} (sctarch)
% Check if we are under another ResourceForAll :
/.DisableResourceOrdering //execstack_lookup exec //null eq 4 1 roll
% <<IS>> bOrder (templ) {proc} (sctarch)
% Put underlying resources to the InstancesStatus dictionary :
currentdict % the category
begin % ResourceForAll removes it locally.
2 index
{ cvn % <<IS>> bOrder (templ) {proc} (sctarch) /Name
4 index {
dup ResourceStatus exec {pop 6 index 3 1 roll put} {pop} ifelse
} {
5 index exch 2 put % Don't need the ordering, put '2' as a scratch.
} ifelse
2 index ResourceForAll exec % <<IS>> bOrder (templ) {proc} (sctarch)
4 3 roll pop % <<IS>> (templ) {proc} (sctarch)
% Put .map entries to the InstancesStatus dictionary :
4 -1 roll begin % (templ) {proc} (sctarch)
.map { % (templ) {proc} (sctarch) /Name record
dup dup /RecordVirtualMethods get /IsActive get exec {
pop % (templ) {proc} (sctarch) /Name
dup currentdict exch known {
} {
dup 2 index cvs % (templ) {proc} (sctarch) /Name (Name)
4 index .stringmatch { % (templ) {proc} (sctarch) /Name
2 def % It is not in VM.
} {
} ifelse
} ifelse
} { % (templ) {proc} (sctarch) /Name record
pop pop
} ifelse
} forall % (templ) {proc} (sctarch)
% prepare stacks for the enumeration :
3 2 roll pop % {proc} (sctarch)
currentdict end % {proc} (scratch) <<IS>>
% Make the enumerator and apply it :
//MakeResourceEnumerator exec exec
RESMPDEBUG { (resmp ResourceForAll end)= } if
} bind def
/GetCIDSystemInfoFromMap % <Name> GetCIDSystemInfoFromMap <Name>
% <Name> GetCIDSystemInfoFromMap <dict>
{ RESMPDEBUG { (resmp GetCIDSystemInfoFromMap beg ) print dup = } if
% This is a special function for communicating with GetCIDSystemInfo in .
dup .map exch .knownget {
RESMPDEBUG { (resmp GetCIDSystemInfoFromMap : have a map record.) = } if
dup /RecordVirtualMethods get /GetCSI get exec
dup //null ne {
RESMPDEBUG { (resmp GetCIDSystemInfoFromMap : retrieving a dict.) = } if
} if
} if
RESMPDEBUG { (resmp GetCIDSystemInfoFromMap end) = } if
} bind def
currentdict end def
/Redefine % <OptionsDict> Redefine -
{ % Before calling this proc, the OptionsDict must specify options for
% the catregory to be redefined :
% CategoryName - a name of category to redefine;
% MapFileName - a string for the resource map file name;
% VerifyMap - a procedure :
% <raw_map> VerifyMap -
% - checks the map for consistency
% PreprocessRecord - a procedure :
% <map> <Name> <raw_record> PreprocessRecord <map> <Name> <record> true
% <map> <Name> <raw_record> PreprocessRecord <map> <Name> <raw_record> false
% - converts a map record into a dictionary;
% It must add RecordVirtualMethods dictionary to the record :
% MakeInstance - a procedure :
% <Name> <record> MakeInstance <Name> <Instance> <size>
% - converts the record to resource instance;
% GetFilePath - a procedure for ResourceFileName :
% <scratch> <Name> <record> GetFilePath <filepath>
% GetSize - a procedure for ResourceStatus :
% <Name> <record> GetSize <size>
% GetCSI - a procedure for obtaining CIDSystemInfo dictionary from the record :
% <record> GetCSI <CSI>
% <record> GetCSI null
% IsActive - a procedure for skipping records depending on the current device :
% <record> IsActive <bool>
% Also it is allowed to contain additional entries for client's needs.
% The OptionsDict is also used for storing some local variables.
% If a category is being redefined several times with this function,
% each redefinition must either use an unique map file,
% or the map file should be scanned by the last redefinition
% (and must be defined in the last one with /MapFileName).
% This happens so because we must accumulate all variants of
% methods before scanning the map. We would like to delay
% the scanning until all redefinitions are done, but it requires
% to implement a queue of "refinish" methods and execute it
% at very end of the prelude.
begin % OptionsDict
CategoryName /Category findresource /OldCategory exch def
OldCategory /.IsRedefinedWithMap known {
% Already redefined with map - don't redefine, but enhance the map.
OldCategory /NewCategory exch def
} {
% Redefine with a new category instance.
OldCategory dup length dict
dup /.PreprocessRecord 4 dict put
copy /NewCategory exch def
} ifelse
% Provide the 'or' logic for PreprocessRecord,
% to allow different record types to be mixed in a single map file.
% We do this with building a dictionary of PreprocessRecord procedures,
% which come from different calls to Redefine :
NewCategory /.PreprocessRecord get dup length % <<pr>> l
currentdict /PreprocessRecord get .growput
currentdict /MapFileName known {
MapFileName .libfile {
1 dict begin
/; {} def
mark exch cvx exec .dicttomark % <<map>>
dup VerifyMap % <<map>>
} {
QUIET not {
currentdict /IsMapFileOptional .knownget not { //false } if not {
(Warning: the map file ) print dup =string cvs print ( was not found.) =
} if
} if
pop 0 dict % <<map>>
} ifelse
} {
currentdict /.map .knownget not {
0 dict % <<map>>
} if
} ifelse
% Preprocess entries :
dup NewCategory /.PreprocessRecord get % <<map>> <<map>> <<pr>>
3 1 roll { % <<pr>> <<map>> /Name raw_record
//false 3 1 roll % <<pr>> <<map>> false /Name raw_record
4 index { % <<pr>> <<map>> false /Name raw_record i {pr}
exch pop % <<pr>> <<map>> false /Name raw_record {pr}
exec { % <<pr>> <<map>> false /Name record
3 -1 roll pop //true 3 1 roll % <<pr>> <<map>> true /Name record
} if % <<pr>> <<map>> false /Name raw_record
} forall
3 2 roll { % <<pr>> <<map>> /Name record
2 index 3 1 roll put % <<pr>> <<map>>
} {
exch % <<pr>> <<map>> raw_record /Name
(Incorrect record ) print =string cvs print ( of the map file ) print MapFileName =string cvs print (.) =
end % Pops OptionsDict from dstack.
pop pop pop %
/Redefine cvx /undefinedresource signalerror
} ifelse
} forall % <<pr>> <<map>>
exch pop % <<map>>
% Add the map :
OldCategory /.IsRedefinedWithMap known { % <<map>>
% Just add to the old map :
OldCategory /.map get copy pop %
} { % <<map>>
% Store the map to both the category and OptionsDict :
dup NewCategory exch /.map exch put
/.map exch def %
} ifelse
OldCategory /.IsRedefinedWithMap known not {
% Copy old methods to OptionsDict :
[ /DefineResource /ResourceStatus /ResourceFileName
/FindResource /ResourceForAll
] {
dup OldCategory exch get def
} forall
% Build new methods :
//MethodsToRedefine {
//BindWithCurrentdict exec NewCategory 3 1 roll put
} forall
CategoryName /CIDFont ne {
NewCategory /GetCIDSystemInfoFromMap undef
% This is some ugly, sorry.
} if
% Redefine the category :
NewCategory /.IsRedefinedWithMap //true put
CategoryName NewCategory /Category defineresource pop
} if
end % OptionsDict
} bind executeonly def
currentdict /PutPreprocessRecord .undef
currentdict end
/ProcSet defineresource pop
setglobal .setlanguagelevel