Your IP :
// Copyright 2021 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iosfwd>
#include "v8-local-handle.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "v8-maybe.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "v8-primitive.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "v8config.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
namespace v8 {
class Integer;
class PrimitiveArray;
class StackTrace;
class String;
class Value;
* The optional attributes of ScriptOrigin.
class ScriptOriginOptions {
V8_INLINE ScriptOriginOptions(bool is_shared_cross_origin = false,
bool is_opaque = false, bool is_wasm = false,
bool is_module = false)
: flags_((is_shared_cross_origin ? kIsSharedCrossOrigin : 0) |
(is_wasm ? kIsWasm : 0) | (is_opaque ? kIsOpaque : 0) |
(is_module ? kIsModule : 0)) {}
V8_INLINE ScriptOriginOptions(int flags)
: flags_(flags &
(kIsSharedCrossOrigin | kIsOpaque | kIsWasm | kIsModule)) {}
bool IsSharedCrossOrigin() const {
return (flags_ & kIsSharedCrossOrigin) != 0;
bool IsOpaque() const { return (flags_ & kIsOpaque) != 0; }
bool IsWasm() const { return (flags_ & kIsWasm) != 0; }
bool IsModule() const { return (flags_ & kIsModule) != 0; }
int Flags() const { return flags_; }
enum {
kIsSharedCrossOrigin = 1,
kIsOpaque = 1 << 1,
kIsWasm = 1 << 2,
kIsModule = 1 << 3
const int flags_;
* The origin, within a file, of a script.
class V8_EXPORT ScriptOrigin {
V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("Use constructor without the isolate.")
V8_INLINE ScriptOrigin(Isolate* isolate, Local<Value> resource_name,
int resource_line_offset = 0,
int resource_column_offset = 0,
bool resource_is_shared_cross_origin = false,
int script_id = -1,
Local<Value> source_map_url = Local<Value>(),
bool resource_is_opaque = false, bool is_wasm = false,
bool is_module = false,
Local<Data> host_defined_options = Local<Data>())
: resource_name_(resource_name),
options_(resource_is_shared_cross_origin, resource_is_opaque, is_wasm,
host_defined_options_(host_defined_options) {
V8_INLINE ScriptOrigin(Local<Value> resource_name,
int resource_line_offset = 0,
int resource_column_offset = 0,
bool resource_is_shared_cross_origin = false,
int script_id = -1,
Local<Value> source_map_url = Local<Value>(),
bool resource_is_opaque = false, bool is_wasm = false,
bool is_module = false,
Local<Data> host_defined_options = Local<Data>())
: resource_name_(resource_name),
options_(resource_is_shared_cross_origin, resource_is_opaque, is_wasm,
host_defined_options_(host_defined_options) {
V8_INLINE Local<Value> ResourceName() const;
V8_INLINE int LineOffset() const;
V8_INLINE int ColumnOffset() const;
V8_INLINE int ScriptId() const;
V8_INLINE Local<Value> SourceMapUrl() const;
V8_INLINE Local<Data> GetHostDefinedOptions() const;
V8_INLINE ScriptOriginOptions Options() const { return options_; }
void VerifyHostDefinedOptions() const;
Local<Value> resource_name_;
int resource_line_offset_;
int resource_column_offset_;
ScriptOriginOptions options_;
int script_id_;
Local<Value> source_map_url_;
Local<Data> host_defined_options_;
* An error message.
class V8_EXPORT Message {
Local<String> Get() const;
* Return the isolate to which the Message belongs.
Isolate* GetIsolate() const;
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal<String> GetSource(
Local<Context> context) const;
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal<String> GetSourceLine(
Local<Context> context) const;
* Returns the origin for the script from where the function causing the
* error originates.
ScriptOrigin GetScriptOrigin() const;
* Returns the resource name for the script from where the function causing
* the error originates.
Local<Value> GetScriptResourceName() const;
* Exception stack trace. By default stack traces are not captured for
* uncaught exceptions. SetCaptureStackTraceForUncaughtExceptions allows
* to change this option.
Local<StackTrace> GetStackTrace() const;
* Returns the number, 1-based, of the line where the error occurred.
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe<int> GetLineNumber(Local<Context> context) const;
* Returns the index within the script of the first character where
* the error occurred.
int GetStartPosition() const;
* Returns the index within the script of the last character where
* the error occurred.
int GetEndPosition() const;
* Returns the Wasm function index where the error occurred. Returns -1 if
* message is not from a Wasm script.
int GetWasmFunctionIndex() const;
* Returns the error level of the message.
int ErrorLevel() const;
* Returns the index within the line of the first character where
* the error occurred.
int GetStartColumn() const;
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe<int> GetStartColumn(Local<Context> context) const;
* Returns the index within the line of the last character where
* the error occurred.
int GetEndColumn() const;
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe<int> GetEndColumn(Local<Context> context) const;
* Passes on the value set by the embedder when it fed the script from which
* this Message was generated to V8.
bool IsSharedCrossOrigin() const;
bool IsOpaque() const;
static void PrintCurrentStackTrace(Isolate* isolate, std::ostream& out);
static const int kNoLineNumberInfo = 0;
static const int kNoColumnInfo = 0;
static const int kNoScriptIdInfo = 0;
static const int kNoWasmFunctionIndexInfo = -1;
Local<Value> ScriptOrigin::ResourceName() const { return resource_name_; }
Local<Data> ScriptOrigin::GetHostDefinedOptions() const {
return host_defined_options_;
int ScriptOrigin::LineOffset() const { return resource_line_offset_; }
int ScriptOrigin::ColumnOffset() const { return resource_column_offset_; }
int ScriptOrigin::ScriptId() const { return script_id_; }
Local<Value> ScriptOrigin::SourceMapUrl() const { return source_map_url_; }
} // namespace v8