Your IP :
module.exports = errorHandler
module.exports.exit = exit
var cbCalled = false
var log = require('npmlog')
var npm = require('../npm.js')
var itWorked = false
var path = require('path')
var wroteLogFile = false
var exitCode = 0
var rollbacks = npm.rollbacks
var chain = require('slide').chain
var errorMessage = require('./error-message.js')
var replaceInfo = require('./replace-info.js')
var stopMetrics = require('./metrics.js').stop
const cacheFile = require('./cache-file.js')
var logFileName
function getLogFile () {
if (!logFileName) {
logFileName = path.resolve(npm.config.get('cache'), '_logs', (new Date()).toISOString().replace(/[.:]/g, '_') + '-debug.log')
return logFileName
var timings = {
version: npm.version,
command: process.argv.slice(2),
logfile: null
process.on('timing', function (name, value) {
if (timings[name]) { timings[name] += value } else { timings[name] = value }
process.on('exit', function (code) {
process.emit('timeEnd', 'npm')
if (npm.config && npm.config.loaded && npm.config.get('timing')) {
try {
timings.logfile = getLogFile()
cacheFile.append('_timing.json', JSON.stringify(timings) + '\n')
} catch (_) {
// ignore
// kill any outstanding stats reporter if it hasn't finished yet
if (code) itWorked = false
if (itWorked) {'ok')
} else {
if (!cbCalled) {
log.error('', 'cb() never called!')
log.error('', 'This is an error with npm itself. Please report this error at:')
log.error('', ' <>')
if (code) {
log.verbose('code', code)
if (npm.config && npm.config.loaded && npm.config.get('timing') && !wroteLogFile) writeLogFile()
if (wroteLogFile) {
// just a line break
if (log.levels[log.level] <= log.levels.error) console.error('')
'A complete log of this run can be found in:',
' ' + getLogFile()
wroteLogFile = false
var doExit = npm.config && npm.config.loaded && npm.config.get('_exit')
if (doExit) {
// actually exit.
if (exitCode === 0 && !itWorked) {
exitCode = 1
if (exitCode !== 0) process.exit(exitCode)
} else {
itWorked = false // ready for next exit
function exit (code, noLog) {
exitCode = exitCode || process.exitCode || code
var doExit = npm.config && npm.config.loaded ? npm.config.get('_exit') : true
log.verbose('exit', [code, doExit])
if (log.level === 'silent') noLog = true
if (rollbacks.length) {
chain( (f) {
return function (cb) {
npm.commands.unbuild([f], true, cb)
}), function (er) {
if (er) {
log.error('error rolling back', er)
if (!code) {
} else {
if (!noLog) writeLogFile()
} else {
if (!noLog && code) writeLogFile()
rollbacks.length = 0
} else if (code && !noLog) {
} else {
function reallyExit (er) {
if (er && !code) code = typeof er.errno === 'number' ? er.errno : 1
itWorked = !code
// Exit directly -- nothing in the CLI should still be running in the
// background at this point, and this makes sure anything left dangling
// for whatever reason gets thrown away, instead of leaving the CLI open
// Commands that expect long-running actions should just delay `cb()`
process.stdout.write('', () => {
function errorHandler (er) {
if (!npm.config || !npm.config.loaded) {
// logging won't work unless we pretend that it's ready
er = er || new Error('Exit prior to config file resolving.')
console.error(er.stack || er.message)
if (cbCalled) {
er = er || new Error('Callback called more than once.')
cbCalled = true
if (!er) return exit(0)
if (typeof er === 'string') {
log.error('', er)
return exit(1, true)
} else if (!(er instanceof Error)) {
log.error('weird error', er)
return exit(1, true)
var m = er.code || er.message.match(/^(?:Error: )?(E[A-Z]+)/)
if (m && !er.code) {
er.code = m
].forEach(function (k) {
var v = er[k]
if (!v) return
v = replaceInfo(v)
log.verbose(k, v)
log.verbose('cwd', process.cwd())
var os = require('os')
var args = replaceInfo(process.argv)
log.verbose('', os.type() + ' ' + os.release())
log.verbose('argv',' '))
log.verbose('node', process.version)
log.verbose('npm ', 'v' + npm.version)
].forEach(function (k) {
var v = er[k]
if (v) log.error(k, v)
var msg = errorMessage(er)
msg.summary.concat(msg.detail).forEach(function (errline) {
log.error.apply(log, errline)
if (npm.config && npm.config.get('json')) {
var error = {
error: {
code: er.code,
summary: messageText(msg.summary),
detail: messageText(msg.detail)
console.log(JSON.stringify(error, null, 2))
exit(typeof er.errno === 'number' ? er.errno : 1)
function messageText (msg) {
return (line) {
return line.slice(1).join(' ')
function writeLogFile () {
if (wroteLogFile) return
var os = require('os')
try {
var logOutput = ''
log.record.forEach(function (m) {
var pref = [, m.level]
if (m.prefix) pref.push(m.prefix)
pref = pref.join(' ')
m.message.trim().split(/\r?\n/).map(function (line) {
return (pref + ' ' + line).trim()
}).forEach(function (line) {
logOutput += line + os.EOL
cacheFile.write(getLogFile(), logOutput)
// truncate once it's been written.
log.record.length = 0
wroteLogFile = true
} catch (ex) {