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namespace Bitrix\MobileApp\Janative\Entity;

use Bitrix\Main\IO\File;
use Bitrix\Main\IO\Path;
use Bitrix\Main\SystemException;
use Bitrix\Main\Web\Json;
use Bitrix\MobileApp\Janative\Manager;
use Bitrix\MobileApp\Janative\Utils;

class Extension extends Base
	protected static array $modificationDates = [];
	protected static array $dependencies = [];
	protected static $paths = [];
	public ?string $result = null;

	 * Extension constructor.
	 * @param $identifier
	 * @throws \Exception
	public function __construct($identifier)
		$identifier = Path::normalize($identifier);
		$this->baseFileName = 'extension';
		$desc = Utils::extractEntityDescription($identifier);
		$this->name = $desc['name'];
		$this->namespace = $desc['namespace'];
		if (isset(self::$paths[$desc['fullname']]))
			$this->path = self::$paths[$desc['fullname']];
			$this->path = Manager::getExtensionPath($identifier);
			self::$paths[$desc['fullname']] = $this->path;

		if (!$this->path)
			throw new SystemException("Extension '{$desc['fullname']}' doesn't exists");

	private function getBundleContent(): string
		$files = $this->getBundleFiles();
		$content = "";
		foreach ($files as $path)
			$file = new File($path);
			if ($file->isExists())
				$content .= "\n".$file->getContents()."\n";

		return $content;

	 * Returns content of extension without depending extensions
	 * @return string
	 * @throws \Bitrix\Main\IO\FileNotFoundException
	public function getContent($excludeResult = false): string
		$content = "";
		$extensionFile = new File($this->path . '/' . $this->baseFileName . '.js');
		if ($excludeResult !== true) {
			$content .= $this->getResultExpression();
			$this->result = $this->getResult();

		if ($extensionFile->isExists() && $extensionContent = $extensionFile->getContents())
			$content .= $this->getBundleContent();
			$content .= $extensionContent;

		$content .= "\n\n";

		return $content;

	public function getResultExpression(): string {
		$this->result = $this->getResult();
		if ($this->result != null && $this->result !== '')
			$name = ($this->namespace != "bitrix"? $this->namespace.":" : "").$this->name;
			return <<<JS
this.jnExtensionData.set("{$name}", {$this->result});

		return "";

	private function getResult(): ?string
		$file = new File($this->path . '/extension.php');
		$result = null;
		if ($file->isExists())
			$result = include($file->getPath());

		if (!empty($result) && is_array($result))
			return Json::encode($result);

		return null;

	public function getIncludeExpression($callbackName = 'onExtensionsLoaded'): string
		$relativePath = $this->getPath() . 'extension.js';
		$localizationPhrases = $this->getLangDefinitionExpression();
		$content = "\n//extension '{$this->name}'\n";
		$content .= "{$localizationPhrases}\n";
		$content .= "loadScript(\"{$relativePath}\", false, {$callbackName});";

		return $content;

	 * Returns list of dependencies by name of extensions
	 * @param $name
	 * @param array $list
	 * @param array $alreadyResolved
	 * @return array
	 * @throws \Exception
	public static function getResolvedDependencyList($name, &$list = [], &$alreadyResolved = [], $margin = 0): array
		$baseExtension = new Extension($name);
		$depsList = $baseExtension->getDependencyList();
		$alreadyResolved[] = $name;
		if (!empty($depsList))
			foreach ($depsList as $ext)
				$depExtension = new Extension($ext);
				$extDepsList = $depExtension->getDependencyList();
				if (empty($extDepsList))
					array_unshift($list, $ext);
				elseif (!in_array($ext, $alreadyResolved))
					self::getResolvedDependencyList($ext, $list, $alreadyResolved, $margin);

		$list[] = $name;

		return array_unique($list);

	protected function onBeforeModificationMarkerSave(array &$value)
		$files = $this->getBundleFiles();
		foreach ($files as $path)
			$file = new File($path);
			if ($file->isExists())
				$value[] = Utils::getFileHash($file);

	 * @return array
	 * @throws \Exception
	protected function resolveDependencies(): array
		$name = ($this->namespace !== "bitrix" ? $this->namespace . ":" : "") . $this->name;
		return self::getResolvedDependencyList($name);

	public function getDependencyList()
		$fullName = "$this->namespace:$this->name";
		if (isset(self::$dependencies[$fullName]))
			return self::$dependencies[$fullName];
			$list = parent::getDependencyList();
			self::$dependencies[$fullName] = $list;

		return self::$dependencies[$fullName];
