Your IP :
# Fail2Ban configuration file for black-listing via nginx
# Author: Serg G. Brester (aka sebres)
# To use 'nginx-block-map' action you should define some special blocks in your nginx configuration,
# and use it hereafter in your locations (to notify fail2ban by failure, resp. nginx by ban).
# Example (argument "token_id" resp. cookie "session_id" used here as unique identifier for user):
# http {
# ...
# # maps to check user is blacklisted (banned in f2b):
# #map $arg_token_id $blck_lst_tok { include; }
# map $cookie_session_id $blck_lst_ses { include; }
# ...
# # special log-format to notify fail2ban about failures:
# log_format f2b_session_errors '$msec failure "$cookie_session_id" - $remote_addr - $remote_user '
# ;# '"$request" $status $bytes_sent '
# # '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"';
# # location checking blacklisted values:
# location ... {
# # check banned sessionid:
# if ($blck_lst_ses != "") {
# try_files "" @f2b-banned;
# }
# ...
# # notify fail2ban about a failure inside nginx:
# error_page 401 = @notify-f2b;
# ...
# }
# ...
# # location for return with "403 Forbidden" if banned:
# location @f2b-banned {
# default_type text/html;
# return 403 "<br/><center>
# <b style=\"color:red; font-size:18pt; border:2pt solid black; padding:5pt;\">
# You are banned!</b></center>";
# }
# ...
# # location to notify fail2ban about a failure inside nginx:
# location @notify-f2b {
# access_log /var/log/nginx/f2b-auth-errors.log f2b_session_errors;
# }
# }
# ...
# Note that quote-character (and possibly other special characters) are not allowed currently as session-id.
# Thus please add any session-id validation rule in your locations (or in the corresponding backend-service),
# like in example below:
# location ... {
# if ($cookie_session_id !~ "^[\w\-]+$") {
# return 403 "Wrong session-id"
# }
# ...
# }
# The parameters for jail corresponding log-format (f2b_session_errors):
# [nginx-blck-lst]
# filter =
# datepattern = ^Epoch
# failregex = ^ failure "<F-ID>[^"]+</F-ID>" - <ADDR>
# usedns = no
# The same log-file can be used for IP-related jail (additionally to session-related, to ban very bad IPs):
# [nginx-blck-ip]
# maxretry = 100
# filter =
# datepattern = ^Epoch
# failregex = ^ failure "[^"]+" - <ADDR>
# usedns = no
# path to configuration of nginx (used to target nginx-instance in multi-instance system,
# and as path for the blacklisted map):
srv_cfg_path = /etc/nginx/
# cmd-line arguments to supply to test/reload nginx:
#srv_cmd = nginx -c %(srv_cfg_path)s/nginx.conf
srv_cmd = nginx
# pid file (used to check nginx is running):
srv_pid = /run/
# command used to check whether nginx is running and configuration is valid:
srv_is_running = [ -f "%(srv_pid)s" ]
srv_check_cmd = %(srv_is_running)s && %(srv_cmd)s -qt
# first test nginx is running and configuration is correct, hereafter send reload signal:
blck_lst_reload = %(srv_check_cmd)s; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
%(srv_cmd)s -s reload; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo 'reload failed.'; fi;
# map-file for nginx, can be redefined using `action = nginx-block-map[blck_lst_file="/path/"]`:
blck_lst_file = %(srv_cfg_path)s/
# Action definition:
actionstart_on_demand = false
actionstart = touch '%(blck_lst_file)s'
actionflush = truncate -s 0 '%(blck_lst_file)s'; %(blck_lst_reload)s
actionstop = %(actionflush)s
actioncheck =
_echo_blck_row = printf '\%%s 1;\n' "<fid>"
actionban = %(_echo_blck_row)s >> '%(blck_lst_file)s'; %(blck_lst_reload)s
actionunban = id=$(%(_echo_blck_row)s | sed -e 's/[]\/$*.^|[]/\\&/g'); sed -i "/^$id$/d" %(blck_lst_file)s; %(blck_lst_reload)s