Your IP :
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <atomic>
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
#include "cppgc/internal/finalizer-trait.h"
#include "cppgc/internal/logging.h"
#include "cppgc/internal/name-trait.h"
#include "cppgc/trace-trait.h"
#include "v8config.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
namespace cppgc {
namespace internal {
using GCInfoIndex = uint16_t;
struct V8_EXPORT EnsureGCInfoIndexTrait final {
// Acquires a new GC info object and updates `registered_index` with the index
// that identifies that new info accordingly.
template <typename T>
V8_INLINE static GCInfoIndex EnsureIndex(
std::atomic<GCInfoIndex>& registered_index) {
return EnsureGCInfoIndexTraitDispatch<T>{}(registered_index);
template <typename T, bool = FinalizerTrait<T>::HasFinalizer(),
bool = NameTrait<T>::HasNonHiddenName()>
struct EnsureGCInfoIndexTraitDispatch;
static GCInfoIndex V8_PRESERVE_MOST
EnsureGCInfoIndex(std::atomic<GCInfoIndex>&, TraceCallback,
FinalizationCallback, NameCallback);
static GCInfoIndex V8_PRESERVE_MOST EnsureGCInfoIndex(
std::atomic<GCInfoIndex>&, TraceCallback, FinalizationCallback);
static GCInfoIndex V8_PRESERVE_MOST
EnsureGCInfoIndex(std::atomic<GCInfoIndex>&, TraceCallback, NameCallback);
static GCInfoIndex V8_PRESERVE_MOST
EnsureGCInfoIndex(std::atomic<GCInfoIndex>&, TraceCallback);
#define DISPATCH(has_finalizer, has_non_hidden_name, function) \
template <typename T> \
struct EnsureGCInfoIndexTrait::EnsureGCInfoIndexTraitDispatch< \
T, has_finalizer, has_non_hidden_name> { \
V8_INLINE GCInfoIndex \
operator()(std::atomic<GCInfoIndex>& registered_index) { \
return function; \
} \
// ------------------------------------------------------- //
// DISPATCH(has_finalizer, has_non_hidden_name, function) //
// ------------------------------------------------------- //
DISPATCH(true, true, //
EnsureGCInfoIndex(registered_index, //
TraceTrait<T>::Trace, //
FinalizerTrait<T>::kCallback, //
NameTrait<T>::GetName)) //
DISPATCH(true, false, //
EnsureGCInfoIndex(registered_index, //
TraceTrait<T>::Trace, //
FinalizerTrait<T>::kCallback)) //
DISPATCH(false, true, //
EnsureGCInfoIndex(registered_index, //
TraceTrait<T>::Trace, //
NameTrait<T>::GetName)) //
DISPATCH(false, false, //
EnsureGCInfoIndex(registered_index, //
TraceTrait<T>::Trace)) //
// Trait determines how the garbage collector treats objects wrt. to traversing,
// finalization, and naming.
template <typename T>
struct GCInfoTrait final {
V8_INLINE static GCInfoIndex Index() {
static_assert(sizeof(T), "T must be fully defined");
static std::atomic<GCInfoIndex>
registered_index; // Uses zero initialization.
GCInfoIndex index = registered_index.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if (V8_UNLIKELY(!index)) {
index = EnsureGCInfoIndexTrait::EnsureIndex<T>(registered_index);
CPPGC_DCHECK(index != 0);
CPPGC_DCHECK(index == registered_index.load(std::memory_order_acquire));
return index;
static constexpr bool CheckCallbacksAreDefined() {
// No USE() macro available.
return true;
// Fold types based on finalizer behavior. Note that finalizer characteristics
// align with trace behavior, i.e., destructors are virtual when trace methods
// are and vice versa.
template <typename T, typename ParentMostGarbageCollectedType>
struct GCInfoFolding final {
static constexpr bool kHasVirtualDestructorAtBase =
static constexpr bool kBothTypesAreTriviallyDestructible =
std::is_trivially_destructible<ParentMostGarbageCollectedType>::value &&
static constexpr bool kHasCustomFinalizerDispatchAtBase =
static constexpr bool kWantsDetailedObjectNames = true;
static constexpr bool kWantsDetailedObjectNames = false;
// Always true. Forces the compiler to resolve callbacks which ensures that
// both modes don't break without requiring compiling a separate
// configuration. Only a single GCInfo (for `ResultType` below) will actually
// be instantiated but existence (and well-formedness) of all callbacks is
// checked.
static constexpr bool kCheckTypeGuardAlwaysTrue =
GCInfoTrait<T>::CheckCallbacksAreDefined() &&
// Folding would regress name resolution when deriving names from C++
// class names as it would just folds a name to the base class name.
using ResultType =
std::conditional_t<kCheckTypeGuardAlwaysTrue &&
(kHasVirtualDestructorAtBase ||
kBothTypesAreTriviallyDestructible ||
kHasCustomFinalizerDispatchAtBase) &&
ParentMostGarbageCollectedType, T>;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace cppgc