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seconlt-hVurtscmPRCfLp2.9 %s version %s.
hVurtlscmPRCf:L:p: Nothing to displaySELinux is not enabledhelpversionpromptlevelrawcolorcurrentselfcurrent-execself-execcurrent-fsself-fscurrent-keyself-keyparentparent-execparent-fsparent-keyfilelinkpidpid-execpid-fspid-key Invalid color string Couldn't allocate security context Couldn't translate security context Couldn't read security context Couldn't get current security context Couldn't get current exec security context Couldn't get current fs security context Couldn't get current key security context Couldn't get security context for pid %lu Couldn't get security context for file %s Couldn't get security context for symlink %s No color information for context field Unable to convert colors to ANSI codes  Usage: %s [-%s] [ context | - ]
          --help          -h            Show this message.
          --version       -V            Show the version.
          --prompt        -P            Output in a format good for a prompt.
          --user          -u            Show the user of the context.
          --role          -r            Show the role of the context.
          --type          -t            Show the type of the context.
          --sensitivity   -s            Show the sensitivity level of the context.
          --clearance     -c            Show the clearance level of the context.
          --mls-range     -m            Show the sensitivity to clearance range of 
                                        the context.
          --raw           -R            Show the context in "raw" format.
          --color         -C            Output using ANSI color codes (requires -P).
          --current,      --self        Get the context for the current process.
          --current-exec, --self-exec   Get the exec context for the current process.
          --current-fs,   --self-fs     Get the fs context for the current process.
          --current-key,  --self-key    Get the key context for the current process.
          --parent                      Get the context for the parent process.
          --parent-exec                 Get the exec context for the parent process.
          --parent-fs                   Get the fs context for the parent process.
          --parent-key                  Get the key context for the parent process.
          --pid           -p <arg>      Use the context from the specified pid.
          --pid-exec      <arg>         Use the exec context from the specified pid.
          --pid-fs        <arg>         Use the fs context from the specified pid.
          --pid-key       <arg>         Use the key context from the specified pid.
          --file          -f <arg>      Use the context from the specified file.
          --link          -L <arg>      Use the context from the specified link.
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