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Revision history for IO-HTML
1.001 2014-06-28
- No code changes, just documentation improvements
- Update links to the HTML5 draft specification
1.00 2013-02-23
- No code changes, just documentation improvements
- Document filehandle position set by sniff_encoding
0.04 2012-02-04
- Require Encode 2.10 to get the utf-8-strict encoding.
This is only an issue with Perl 5.8.6 and earlier.
0.03 2012-01-30
- Fix 10-find.t to work on Perl 5.8.8
(mime_name wasn't introduced until Encode 2.21; 5.8.8 has 2.12.)
0.02 2012-01-29
- Fix 20-open.t to work on Perl < 5.14.0
(Using "<:raw" on in-memory files didn't work until then.)
0.01 2012-01-28
- Initial release