Your IP :

Current Path : /var/www/admin_ftp_12/data/www/httpdocs/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/
Upload File :
Current File : /var/www/admin_ftp_12/data/www/httpdocs/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/main.php


 * Bitrix Framework
 * @package bitrix
 * @subpackage main
 * @copyright 2001-2023 Bitrix

use Bitrix\Main;
use Bitrix\Main\Application;
use Bitrix\Main\Composite;
use Bitrix\Main\Page\Asset;
use Bitrix\Main\Page\AssetLocation;
use Bitrix\Main\Page\AssetMode;
use Bitrix\Main\Web\Uri;
use Bitrix\Main\Authentication\Internal\ModuleGroupTable;


abstract class CAllMain
	var $ma;
	var $sDocPath2, $sDirPath, $sUriParam;
	var $sDocTitle;
	var $sDocTitleChanger = null;
	var $arPageProperties = [];
	var $arPagePropertiesChanger = [];
	var $arDirProperties = [];
	/** @var Asset */
	public $oAsset;
	 * Array of css, js, and inline strings
	var $sPath2css = [];
	var $arHeadStrings = [];
	var $arHeadScripts = [];
	 * Additional css, js and inline strings. Need to include in specifik place.
	var $arHeadAdditionalCSS = [];
	var $arHeadAdditionalScripts = [];
	var $arHeadAdditionalStrings = [];
	var $bInAjax = false;
	var $version;
	var $arAdditionalChain = [];
	var $arPanelButtons = [];
	var $arPanelFutureButtons = [];
	var $ShowPanel = null;
	var $PanelShowed = false;
	var $showPanelWasInvoked = false;
	var $buffer_content = [];
	var $buffer_content_type = [];
	var $buffer_man = false;
	var $buffer_manual = false;
	var $auto_buffer_cleaned, $buffered = false;
	 * @var CApplicationException
	var $LAST_ERROR = false;
	var $ERROR_STACK = [];
	var $arIncludeDebug = [];
	var $aCachedComponents = [];
	var $ShowIncludeStat = false;
	var $_menu_recalc_counter = 0;
	var $__view = [];
	/** @var CEditArea */
	var $editArea = false;
	/** @var array */
	var $arComponentMatch = false;
	var $arAuthResult;
	private $__componentStack = [];

	public function __construct()
		global $QUERY_STRING;
		$this->sDocPath2 = GetPagePath(false, true);
		$this->sDirPath = GetDirPath($this->sDocPath2);
		$this->sUriParam = !empty($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) ? $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] : $QUERY_STRING;

		$this->oAsset = Asset::getInstance();

	 * @deprecated Does nothing.
	public function reinitPath()

	public function GetCurPage($get_index_page = null)
		if (null === $get_index_page)
			if (defined('BX_DISABLE_INDEX_PAGE'))
				$get_index_page = !BX_DISABLE_INDEX_PAGE;
				$get_index_page = true;

		$str = $this->sDocPath2;

		if (!$get_index_page)
			if (($i = mb_strpos($str, '/index.php')) !== false)
				$str = mb_substr($str, 0, $i) . '/';

		return $str;

	public function SetCurPage($page, $param = false)
		$this->sDocPath2 = GetPagePath($page);
		$this->sDirPath = GetDirPath($this->sDocPath2);
		if ($param !== false)
			$this->sUriParam = $param;

	public function GetCurUri($addParam = "", $get_index_page = null)
		$page = $this->GetCurPage($get_index_page);
		$param = $this->GetCurParam();
		if ($param <> '')
			$url = $page . "?" . $param . ($addParam != "" ? "&" . $addParam : "");
			$url = $page . ($addParam != "" ? "?" . $addParam : "");
		return $url;

	public function GetCurPageParam($strParam = "", $arParamKill = [], $get_index_page = null)
		$sUrlPath = $this->GetCurPage($get_index_page);

		$strNavQueryString = DeleteParam($arParamKill);
		if ($strNavQueryString <> "" && $strParam <> "")
			$strNavQueryString = "&" . $strNavQueryString;
		if ($strNavQueryString == "" && $strParam == "")
			return $sUrlPath;
			return $sUrlPath . "?" . $strParam . $strNavQueryString;

	public function GetCurParam()
		return $this->sUriParam;

	public function GetCurDir()
		return $this->sDirPath;

	public function GetFileRecursive($strFileName, $strDir = false)
		if ($strDir === false)
			$strDir = $this->GetCurDir();

		$io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance();
		$fn = $io->CombinePath("/", $strDir, $strFileName);

		$p = null;
		while (!$io->FileExists($io->RelativeToAbsolutePath($fn)))
			$p = bxstrrpos($strDir, "/");
			if ($p === false)
			$strDir = mb_substr($strDir, 0, $p);
			$fn = $io->CombinePath("/", $strDir, $strFileName);
		if ($p === false)
			return false;

		return $fn;

	public function IncludeAdminFile($strTitle, $filepath)
		//define all global vars
		static $exclude = ["this" => 1, "exclude" => 1, "key" => 1, "GLOBALS" => 1, "strTitle" => 1, "filepath" => 1];
		foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $value)
			if (!isset($exclude[$key]))
				global ${$key};


		include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_ROOT . "/modules/main/include/prolog_admin_after.php");
		include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_ROOT . "/modules/main/include/epilog_admin.php");

	public function SetAuthResult($arAuthResult)
		$this->arAuthResult = $arAuthResult;

	public function AuthForm($mess, $show_prolog = true, $show_epilog = true, $not_show_links = "N", $do_die = true)
		static $exclude = ["this" => 1, "exclude" => 1, "key" => 1, "GLOBALS" => 1, "mess" => 1, "show_prolog" => 1, "show_epilog" => 1, "not_show_links" => 1, "do_die" => 1];
		foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $value)
			if (!isset($exclude[$key]))
				global ${$key};

		if (mb_substr($this->GetCurDir(), 0, mb_strlen(BX_ROOT . "/admin/")) == BX_ROOT . "/admin/" || (defined("ADMIN_SECTION") && ADMIN_SECTION === true))
			$isAdmin = "_admin";
			$isAdmin = "";

		if (isset($this->arAuthResult) && $this->arAuthResult !== true && (is_array($this->arAuthResult) || $this->arAuthResult <> ''))
			$arAuthResult = $this->arAuthResult;
			$arAuthResult = $mess;

		/** @global CMain $APPLICATION */
		global $APPLICATION, $forgot_password, $change_password, $register, $confirm_registration;

		//page title

		if (
			&& isset($arAuthResult["TYPE"])
			&& isset($arAuthResult["ERROR_TYPE"])
			&& $arAuthResult["TYPE"] === "ERROR"
			&& $arAuthResult["ERROR_TYPE"] === "CHANGE_PASSWORD"
			//require to change the password after N days
			$change_password = "yes";

		$inc_file = "";
		if ($forgot_password == "yes")
			//pass request form
			$comp_name = "system.auth.forgotpasswd";
			$inc_file = "forgot_password";
		elseif ($change_password == "yes")
			//pass change form
			$comp_name = "system.auth.changepasswd";
			$inc_file = "change_password";
		elseif ($register == "yes" && $isAdmin == "" && COption::GetOptionString("main", "new_user_registration", "N") == "Y")
			//registration form
			$comp_name = "system.auth.registration";
		elseif (($confirm_registration === "yes") && ($isAdmin === "") && (COption::GetOptionString("main", "new_user_registration_email_confirmation", "N") === "Y"))
			//confirm registartion
			$comp_name = "system.auth.confirmation";
		elseif (
			&& \Bitrix\Security\Mfa\Otp::isOtpRequired()
			&& (!isset($_REQUEST["login_form"]) || $_REQUEST["login_form"] !== "yes")
			//otp form
			$comp_name = "system.auth.otp";
			$inc_file = "otp";
			header('X-Bitrix-Ajax-Status: Authorize');

			//auth form
			$comp_name = "system.auth.authorize";
			$inc_file = "authorize";

		if ($show_prolog)

			define("BX_AUTH_FORM", true);
			include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_ROOT . "/modules/main/include/prolog" . $isAdmin . "_after.php");

		if ($isAdmin == "")
			// form by Components 2.0
				"bitrix:" . $comp_name,
				COption::GetOptionString("main", "auth_components_template", ""),
					"AUTH_RESULT" => $arAuthResult,
					"NOT_SHOW_LINKS" => $not_show_links,
			include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_ROOT . "/modules/main/interface/auth/wrapper.php");

		$autoCompositeArea = Main\Composite\Internals\AutomaticArea::getCurrentArea();

		if ($show_epilog)
			include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_ROOT . "/modules/main/include/epilog" . $isAdmin . ".php");

		if ($do_die)

	public function ShowAuthForm($message)
		$this->AuthForm($message, false, false, "N", false);

	 * @param bool $mode
	public function SetNeedCAPTHA($mode)
		$kernelSession = Main\Application::getInstance()->getKernelSession();
		$kernelSession["BX_LOGIN_NEED_CAPTCHA"] = (bool)$mode;

	 * @return bool
	public function NeedCAPTHA()
		$kernelSession = Main\Application::getInstance()->getKernelSession();
		return !empty($kernelSession["BX_LOGIN_NEED_CAPTCHA"]);

	public function NeedCAPTHAForLogin($login)
		//When last login was failed then ask for CAPTCHA
		if ($this->NeedCAPTHA())
			return true;

		//This is local cache. May save one query.
		$USER_ATTEMPTS = false;

		$session = Main\Application::getInstance()->getSession();

		//Check if SESSION cache for POLICY_ATTEMPTS is actual for given login
		if (!$session->has("BX_LOGIN_NEED_CAPTCHA_LOGIN") || $session["BX_LOGIN_NEED_CAPTCHA_LOGIN"]["LOGIN"] !== $login)
			if ($login <> '')
				$rsUser = CUser::GetList('LOGIN', 'DESC', [
					"LOGIN_EQUAL_EXACT" => $login,
					"EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID" => "",
					['FIELDS' => ['ID', 'LOGIN', 'LOGIN_ATTEMPTS']]
				$arUser = $rsUser->Fetch();
				if ($arUser)
					$policy = CUser::getPolicy($arUser["ID"]);
					$POLICY_ATTEMPTS = (int)$policy->getLoginAttempts();
					$USER_ATTEMPTS = (int)$arUser["LOGIN_ATTEMPTS"];
			$session["BX_LOGIN_NEED_CAPTCHA_LOGIN"] = [
				"LOGIN" => $login,

		//For users who had successful login and if policy is set
		//check for CAPTCHA display
		if ($login <> '' && $session["BX_LOGIN_NEED_CAPTCHA_LOGIN"]["POLICY_ATTEMPTS"] > 0)
			//We need to know how many attempts user made
			if ($USER_ATTEMPTS === false)
				$rsUser = CUser::GetList('LOGIN', 'DESC', [
					"LOGIN_EQUAL_EXACT" => $login,
					"EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID" => "",
					['FIELDS' => ['ID', 'LOGIN', 'LOGIN_ATTEMPTS']]
				$arUser = $rsUser->Fetch();
				if ($arUser)
					$USER_ATTEMPTS = intval($arUser["LOGIN_ATTEMPTS"]);
					$USER_ATTEMPTS = 0;
			//When user login attempts exceeding the policy we'll show the CAPTCHA
				return true;

		return false;

	public function GetMenuHtml($type = "left", $bMenuExt = false, $template = false, $sInitDir = false)
		$menu = $this->GetMenu($type, $bMenuExt, $template, $sInitDir);
		return $menu->GetMenuHtml();

	public function GetMenuHtmlEx($type = "left", $bMenuExt = false, $template = false, $sInitDir = false)
		$menu = $this->GetMenu($type, $bMenuExt, $template, $sInitDir);
		return $menu->GetMenuHtmlEx();

	public function GetMenu($type = "left", $bMenuExt = false, $template = false, $sInitDir = false)
		$menu = new CMenu($type);
		if ($sInitDir === false)
			$sInitDir = $this->GetCurDir();
		if (!$menu->Init($sInitDir, $bMenuExt, $template))
			$menu->MenuDir = $sInitDir;
		return $menu;

	 * @return bool
	 * @deprecated Use HttpRequest::isHttps()
	public static function IsHTTPS()
		return Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->isHttps();

	public function GetTitle($property_name = false, $strip_tags = false)
		if ($property_name !== false && $this->GetProperty($property_name) <> '')
			$res = $this->GetProperty($property_name);
			$res = $this->sDocTitle;
		if ($strip_tags && is_string($res))
			return strip_tags($res);
		return $res;

	public function SetTitle($title, $arOptions = null)
		$this->sDocTitle = $title;

		if (is_array($arOptions))
			$this->sDocTitleChanger = $arOptions;
			$arTrace = array_reverse(Main\Diag\Helper::getBackTrace(0, DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT | DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS));

			foreach ($arTrace as $arTraceRes)
				if (isset($arTraceRes['class']) && isset($arTraceRes['function']))
					if (strtoupper($arTraceRes['class']) == 'CBITRIXCOMPONENT' && strtoupper($arTraceRes['function']) == 'INCLUDECOMPONENT' && is_object($arTraceRes['object']))
						/** @var CBitrixComponent $comp */
						$comp = $arTraceRes['object'];
						$this->sDocTitleChanger = [
							'COMPONENT_NAME' => $comp->GetName(),


	public function ShowTitle($property_name = "title", $strip_tags = true)
		$this->AddBufferContent([&$this, "GetTitle"], $property_name, $strip_tags);

	public function SetPageProperty($PROPERTY_ID, $PROPERTY_VALUE, $arOptions = null)
		$this->arPageProperties[mb_strtoupper($PROPERTY_ID)] = $PROPERTY_VALUE;

		if (is_array($arOptions))
			$this->arPagePropertiesChanger[mb_strtoupper($PROPERTY_ID)] = $arOptions;

	public function GetPageProperty($PROPERTY_ID, $default_value = false)
		if (isset($this->arPageProperties[mb_strtoupper($PROPERTY_ID)]))
			return $this->arPageProperties[mb_strtoupper($PROPERTY_ID)];
		return $default_value;

	public function ShowProperty($PROPERTY_ID, $default_value = false)
		$this->AddBufferContent([&$this, "GetProperty"], $PROPERTY_ID, $default_value);

	public function GetProperty($PROPERTY_ID, $default_value = false)
		$propVal = $this->GetPageProperty($PROPERTY_ID);
		if ($propVal !== false)
			return $propVal;

		$propVal = $this->GetDirProperty($PROPERTY_ID);
		if ($propVal !== false)
			return $propVal;

		return $default_value;

	public function GetPagePropertyList()
		return $this->arPageProperties;

	public static function InitPathVars(&$site, &$path)
		$site = false;
		if (is_array($path))
			$site = $path[0];
			$path = $path[1];
		return $path;

	public function SetDirProperty($PROPERTY_ID, $PROPERTY_VALUE, $path = false)
		self::InitPathVars($site, $path);

		if ($path === false)
			$path = $this->GetCurDir();
		if ($site === false)
			$site = SITE_ID;

		if (!isset($this->arDirProperties[$site][$path]))
			$this->InitDirProperties([$site, $path]);

		$this->arDirProperties[$site][$path][mb_strtoupper($PROPERTY_ID)] = $PROPERTY_VALUE;

	public function InitDirProperties($path)
		self::InitPathVars($site, $path);

		$DOC_ROOT = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot($site);

		if ($path === false)
			$path = $this->GetCurDir();
		if ($site === false)
			$site = SITE_ID;

		if (isset($this->arDirProperties[$site][$path]))
			return true;

		$io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance();

		$dir = $path;
		while (true) // until the root
			$dir = rtrim($dir, "/");
			$section_file_name = $DOC_ROOT . $dir . "/.section.php";

			if ($io->FileExists($section_file_name))
				$arDirProperties = false;
				if (is_array($arDirProperties))
					foreach ($arDirProperties as $prid => $prval)
						$prid = mb_strtoupper($prid);
						if (!isset($this->arDirProperties[$site][$path][$prid]))
							$this->arDirProperties[$site][$path][$prid] = $prval;

			if ($dir == '')

			// file or folder
			$pos = bxstrrpos($dir, "/");
			if ($pos === false)

			//parent folder
			$dir = mb_substr($dir, 0, $pos + 1);

		return true;

	public function GetDirProperty($PROPERTY_ID, $path = false, $default_value = false)
		self::InitPathVars($site, $path);

		if ($path === false)
			$path = $this->GetCurDir();
		if ($site === false)
			$site = SITE_ID;

		if (!isset($this->arDirProperties[$site][$path]))
			$this->InitDirProperties([$site, $path]);

		$prop_id = mb_strtoupper($PROPERTY_ID);
		if (isset($this->arDirProperties[$site][$path][$prop_id]))
			return $this->arDirProperties[$site][$path][$prop_id];

		return $default_value;

	public function GetDirPropertyList($path = false)
		self::InitPathVars($site, $path);

		if ($path === false)
			$path = $this->GetCurDir();
		if ($site === false)
			$site = SITE_ID;

		if (!isset($this->arDirProperties[$site][$path]))
			$this->InitDirProperties([$site, $path]);

		if (isset($this->arDirProperties[$site][$path]) && is_array($this->arDirProperties[$site][$path]))
			return $this->arDirProperties[$site][$path];

		return false;

	public function GetMeta($id, $meta_name = false, $bXhtmlStyle = true)
		if (!$meta_name)
			$meta_name = $id;
		$val = $this->GetProperty($id);
		if (!empty($val))
			return '<meta name="' . htmlspecialcharsbx($meta_name) . '" content="' . htmlspecialcharsEx($val) . '"' . ($bXhtmlStyle ? ' /' : '') . '>' . "\n";
		return '';

	public function GetLink($id, $rel = null, $bXhtmlStyle = true)
		if ($rel === null)
			$rel = $id;
		$href = $this->GetProperty($id);
		if ($href <> '')
			return '<link rel="' . $rel . '" href="' . $href . '"' . ($bXhtmlStyle ? ' /' : '') . '>' . "\n";
		return '';

	public static function ShowBanner($type, $html_before = "", $html_after = "")
		if (!CModule::IncludeModule("advertising"))

		/** @global CMain $APPLICATION */
		global $APPLICATION;
		$APPLICATION->AddBufferContent(["CAdvBanner", "Show"], $type, $html_before, $html_after);

	public function ShowMeta($id, $meta_name = false, $bXhtmlStyle = true)
		$this->AddBufferContent([&$this, "GetMeta"], $id, $meta_name, $bXhtmlStyle);

	public function ShowLink($id, $rel = null, $bXhtmlStyle = true)
		$this->AddBufferContent([&$this, "GetLink"], $id, $rel, $bXhtmlStyle);

	public function SetAdditionalCSS($Path2css, $additional = false)
		$this->oAsset->addCss($Path2css, $additional);

		if ($additional)
			$this->arHeadAdditionalCSS[] = $this->oAsset->getAssetPath($Path2css);
			$this->sPath2css[] = $this->oAsset->getAssetPath($Path2css);

	/** @deprecated */
	public function GetAdditionalCSS()
		$n = count($this->sPath2css);
		if ($n > 0)
			return $this->sPath2css[$n - 1];
		return false;

	public function GetCSSArray()
		return array_unique($this->sPath2css);

	/** @deprecated use Asset::getInstance()->getCss() */
	public function GetCSS($cMaxStylesCnt = true, $bXhtmlStyle = true, $assetTargetType = Main\Page\AssetShowTargetType::ALL)
		if ($cMaxStylesCnt === true)
			$cMaxStylesCnt = Main\Config\Option::get('main', 'max_css_files', 20);
		$res = $this->oAsset->getCss($assetTargetType);
		return $res;

	public function ShowCSS($cMaxStylesCnt = true, $bXhtmlStyle = true)
		$this->AddBufferContent([&$this, "GetHeadStrings"], 'BEFORE_CSS');
		$this->AddBufferContent([&$this, "GetCSS"], $cMaxStylesCnt, $bXhtmlStyle);

	/** @deprecated $Asset::getInstance->addString($str, $bUnique, $location); */
	public function AddHeadString($str, $bUnique = false, $location = AssetLocation::AFTER_JS_KERNEL)
		$location = Asset::getLocationByName($location);
		$this->oAsset->addString($str, $bUnique, $location);

	public function GetHeadStrings($location = AssetLocation::AFTER_JS_KERNEL)
		$location = Asset::getLocationByName($location);
		if ($location === AssetLocation::AFTER_JS_KERNEL)
			$res = $this->oAsset->getJs(1);
			$res = $this->oAsset->getStrings($location);

		return ($res == '' ? '' : $res . "\n");

	public function ShowHeadStrings()
		if (!$this->oAsset->getShowHeadString())
			$this->AddBufferContent([&$this, "GetHeadStrings"], 'DEFAULT');

	/** @deprecated use Asset::getInstance()->addJs($src, $additional) */
	public function AddHeadScript($src, $additional = false)
		$this->oAsset->addJs($src, $additional);

		if ($src <> '')
			if ($additional)
				$this->arHeadAdditionalScripts[] = Asset::getAssetPath($src);
				$this->arHeadScripts[] = Asset::getAssetPath($src);

	/** @deprecated use Asset::getInstance()->addBeforeJs($content) */
	public function AddLangJS($content)
		$this->oAsset->addString($content, true, 'AFTER_CSS');

	/** @deprecated use Asset::getInstance()->addString($content, false, \Bitrix\Main\Page\AssetLocation::AFTER_JS, $mode) */
	public function AddAdditionalJS($content)
		$this->oAsset->addString($content, false, AssetLocation::AFTER_JS);

	public static function IsExternalLink($src)
		return (strncasecmp($src, 'http://', 7) == 0 || strncasecmp($src, 'https://', 8) == 0 || strncmp($src, '//', 2) == 0);

	/** @deprecated deprecated use Asset::addCssKernelInfo() */
	public function AddCSSKernelInfo($module = '', $arCSS = [])
		$this->oAsset->addCssKernelInfo($module, $arCSS);

	/** @deprecated deprecated use Asset::addJsKernelInfo() */
	public function AddJSKernelInfo($module = '', $arJS = [])
		$this->oAsset->addJsKernelInfo($module, $arJS);

	/** @deprecated use Asset::getInstance()->groupJs($from, $to) */
	public function GroupModuleJS($from = '', $to = '')
		$this->oAsset->groupJs($from, $to);

	/** @deprecated use Asset::getInstance()->moveJs($module) */
	public function MoveJSToBody($module = '')

	/** @deprecated use Asset::getInstance()->groupCss($from, $to) */
	public function GroupModuleCSS($from = '', $to = '')
		$this->oAsset->groupCss($from, $to);

	/** @deprecated use Asset::getInstance()->setUnique($type, $id) */
	public function SetUniqueCSS($id = '', $cssType = 'page')
		$cssType = (($cssType == 'page') ? 'PAGE' : 'TEMPLATE');
		$this->oAsset->setUnique($cssType, $id);
		return true;

	/** @deprecated */
	public function SetUniqueJS()
		return true;

	/** @deprecated use Asset::getInstance()->getJs($type) */
	public function GetHeadScripts($type = 0)
		return $this->oAsset->getJs($type);

	public function ShowHeadScripts()
		$this->AddBufferContent([&$this, "GetHeadScripts"], 2);

	public function ShowBodyScripts()
		$this->AddBufferContent([&$this, "GetHeadScripts"], 3);

	public function ShowHead($bXhtmlStyle = true)
		echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' . LANG_CHARSET . '"' . ($bXhtmlStyle ? ' /' : '') . '>' . "\n";
		$this->ShowMeta("robots", false, $bXhtmlStyle);
		$this->ShowMeta("keywords", false, $bXhtmlStyle);
		$this->ShowMeta("description", false, $bXhtmlStyle);
		$this->ShowLink("canonical", null, $bXhtmlStyle);
		$this->ShowCSS(true, $bXhtmlStyle);

	public function ShowAjaxHead($bXhtmlStyle = true, $showCSS = true, $showStrings = true, $showScripts = true)
		$this->sPath2css = [];
		$this->arHeadAdditionalCSS = [];
		$this->arHeadAdditionalStrings = [];
		$this->arHeadAdditionalScripts = [];
		$this->arHeadScripts = [];
		$this->arHeadStrings = [];
		$this->bInAjax = true;

		$this->oAsset = $this->oAsset->setAjax();

		if ($showCSS === true)
			$this->ShowCSS(true, $bXhtmlStyle);

		if ($showStrings === true)

		if ($showScripts === true)

	public function SetShowIncludeAreas($bShow = true)
		Main\Application::getInstance()->getKernelSession()["SESS_INCLUDE_AREAS"] = $bShow;

	public function GetShowIncludeAreas()
		global $USER;

		if (!is_object($USER) || !$USER->IsAuthorized() || defined('ADMIN_SECTION') && ADMIN_SECTION)
			return false;
		$kernelSession = Main\Application::getInstance()->getKernelSession();
		if (isset($kernelSession["SESS_INCLUDE_AREAS"]) && $kernelSession["SESS_INCLUDE_AREAS"])
			return true;
		static $panel_dynamic_mode = null;
		if (!isset($panel_dynamic_mode))
			$aUserOpt = CUserOptions::GetOption("global", "settings", []);
			$panel_dynamic_mode = (isset($aUserOpt["panel_dynamic_mode"]) && $aUserOpt["panel_dynamic_mode"] == "Y");
		return $panel_dynamic_mode;

	public function SetPublicShowMode($mode)
		$this->SetShowIncludeAreas($mode != 'view');

	public function GetPublicShowMode()
		return $this->GetShowIncludeAreas() ? 'configure' : 'view';

	public function SetEditArea($areaId, $arIcons)
		if (!$this->GetShowIncludeAreas())

		if ($this->editArea === false)
			$this->editArea = new CEditArea();

		$this->editArea->SetEditArea($areaId, $arIcons);

	public function IncludeStringBefore()
		if ($this->editArea === false)
			$this->editArea = new CEditArea();
		return $this->editArea->IncludeStringBefore();

	public function IncludeStringAfter($arIcons = false, $arParams = [])
		return $this->editArea->IncludeStringAfter($arIcons, $arParams);

	public function IncludeString($string, $arIcons = false)
		return $this->IncludeStringBefore() . $string . $this->IncludeStringAfter($arIcons);

	public function GetTemplatePath($rel_path)
		if (mb_substr($rel_path, 0, 1) != "/")
			if (defined("SITE_TEMPLATE_ID"))
				$path = getLocalPath("templates/" . SITE_TEMPLATE_ID . "/" . $rel_path, BX_PERSONAL_ROOT);
				if ($path !== false)
					return $path;

			$path = getLocalPath("templates/.default/" . $rel_path, BX_PERSONAL_ROOT);
			if ($path !== false)
				return $path;

			//we don't use /local folder for components 1.0
			$module_id = mb_substr($rel_path, 0, mb_strpos($rel_path, "/"));
			if ($module_id <> '')
				$path = "/bitrix/modules/" . $module_id . "/install/templates/" . $rel_path;
				if (file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $path))
					return $path;

			return false;

		return $rel_path;

	public function SetTemplateCSS($rel_path)
		if ($path = $this->GetTemplatePath($rel_path))

	// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
	// COMPONENTS 2.0 >>>>>
	public function IncludeComponent($componentName, $componentTemplate, $arParams = [], $parentComponent = null, $arFunctionParams = [], $returnResult = false)
		/** @global CMain $APPLICATION */

		if (is_array($this->arComponentMatch))
			$skipComponent = true;
			foreach ($this->arComponentMatch as $cValue)
				if (mb_strpos($componentName, $cValue) !== false)
					$skipComponent = false;
			if ($skipComponent)
				return false;

		$componentRelativePath = CComponentEngine::MakeComponentPath($componentName);
		if ($componentRelativePath == '')
			return false;

		$debug = null;
		$bShowDebug = Main\Application::getInstance()->getKernelSession()["SESS_SHOW_INCLUDE_TIME_EXEC"] == "Y"
			&& (
				|| Main\Application::getInstance()->getKernelSession()["SHOW_SQL_STAT"] == "Y"
			&& !defined("PUBLIC_AJAX_MODE");
		if ($bShowDebug || $APPLICATION->ShowIncludeStat)
			$debug = new CDebugInfo();

		if (is_object($parentComponent))
			if (!($parentComponent instanceof cbitrixcomponent))
				$parentComponent = null;

		$bDrawIcons = ((!isset($arFunctionParams["HIDE_ICONS"]) || $arFunctionParams["HIDE_ICONS"] <> "Y") && $APPLICATION->GetShowIncludeAreas());

		if ($bDrawIcons)
			echo $this->IncludeStringBefore();

		$result = null;
		$bComponentEnabled = (!isset($arFunctionParams["ACTIVE_COMPONENT"]) || $arFunctionParams["ACTIVE_COMPONENT"] <> "N");

		$component = new CBitrixComponent();
		if ($component->InitComponent($componentName))
			$obAjax = null;
			if ($bComponentEnabled)
				if (($arParams['AJAX_MODE'] ?? '') == 'Y')
					$obAjax = new CComponentAjax($componentName, $componentTemplate, $arParams, $parentComponent);

				$this->__componentStack[] = $component;
				$result = $component->IncludeComponent($componentTemplate, $arParams, $parentComponent, $returnResult);


			if ($bDrawIcons)
				$panel = new CComponentPanel($component, $componentName, $componentTemplate, $parentComponent, $bComponentEnabled);
				$arIcons = $panel->GetIcons();

				echo $this->IncludeStringAfter($arIcons["icons"], $arIcons["parameters"]);

			if ($bComponentEnabled && $obAjax)

		if ($bShowDebug)
			echo $debug->Output($componentName, "/bitrix/components" . $componentRelativePath . "/component.php", ($arParams["CACHE_TYPE"] ?? '') . ($arParams["MENU_CACHE_TYPE"] ?? ''));
		elseif (isset($debug))
			$debug->Stop($componentName, "/bitrix/components" . $componentRelativePath . "/component.php", ($arParams["CACHE_TYPE"] ?? '') . ($arParams["MENU_CACHE_TYPE"] ?? ''));

		return $result;

	 * Returns false or instance of current component being executed.
	 * @return boolean|CBitrixComponent
	public function getCurrentIncludedComponent()
		return end($this->__componentStack);

	 * Returns a current component stack.
	 * @return array
	public function getComponentStack()
		return $this->__componentStack;

	 * Clears vew content area by code.
	 * @param string $view View content code.
	 * @return void
	public function clearViewContent(string $view): void
		if ($this->__view[$view] ?? null)

	public function AddViewContent($view, $content, $pos = 500)
		if (!isset($this->__view[$view]) || !is_array($this->__view[$view]))
			$this->__view[$view] = [[$content, $pos]];
			$this->__view[$view][] = [$content, $pos];

	public function ShowViewContent($view)
		$this->AddBufferContent([&$this, "GetViewContent"], $view);

	public function GetViewContent($view)
		if (!isset($this->__view[$view]) || !is_array($this->__view[$view]))
			return '';

			function ($a, $b) {
				if ($a[1] == $b[1])
					return 0;
				return ($a[1] < $b[1] ? -1 : 1);

		$res = [];
		foreach ($this->__view[$view] as $item)
			$res[] = $item[0];

		return implode($res);

	public static function OnChangeFileComponent($path, $site)
		// kind of optimization
		if (HasScriptExtension($path) && basename($path) !== '.access.php')
			if ($site === false)
				$site = SITE_ID;
			$docRoot = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot($site);

			Main\UrlRewriter::delete($site, ["PATH" => $path, "!ID" => '']);
			Main\Component\ParametersTable::deleteByFilter(["SITE_ID" => $site, "REAL_PATH" => $path]);
			Main\UrlRewriter::reindexFile($site, $docRoot, $path);
	// <<<<< COMPONENTS 2.0
	// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

	// $arParams - do not change!
	public function IncludeFile($rel_path, $arParams = [], $arFunctionParams = [])
		/** @global CMain $APPLICATION */
		/** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */

		if (Main\Application::getInstance()->getKernelSession()["SESS_SHOW_INCLUDE_TIME_EXEC"] == "Y" && ($USER->CanDoOperation('edit_php') || Main\Application::getInstance()->getKernelSession()["SHOW_SQL_STAT"] == "Y"))
			$debug = new CDebugInfo();
		elseif ($APPLICATION->ShowIncludeStat)
			$debug = new CDebugInfo();
			$debug = null;

		$sType = "TEMPLATE";
		$bComponent = false;
		if (mb_substr($rel_path, 0, 1) != "/")
			$bComponent = true;
			$path = getLocalPath("templates/" . SITE_TEMPLATE_ID . "/" . $rel_path, BX_PERSONAL_ROOT);
			if ($path === false)
				$sType = "DEFAULT";
				$path = getLocalPath("templates/.default/" . $rel_path, BX_PERSONAL_ROOT);
				if ($path === false)
					$path = BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/templates/" . SITE_TEMPLATE_ID . "/" . $rel_path;
					$module_id = mb_substr($rel_path, 0, mb_strpos($rel_path, "/"));
					if ($module_id <> '')
						$path = "/bitrix/modules/" . $module_id . "/install/templates/" . $rel_path;
						$sType = "MODULE";
						if (!file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $path))
							$sType = "TEMPLATE";
							$path = BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/templates/" . SITE_TEMPLATE_ID . "/" . $rel_path;
			$path = $rel_path;

		if ($arFunctionParams["WORKFLOW"] && !IsModuleInstalled("workflow"))
			$arFunctionParams["WORKFLOW"] = false;
		elseif ($sType != "TEMPLATE" && $arFunctionParams["WORKFLOW"])
			$arFunctionParams["WORKFLOW"] = false;

		$bDrawIcons = (
			$arFunctionParams["SHOW_BORDER"] !== false && $APPLICATION->GetShowIncludeAreas()
			&& (
				$USER->CanDoFileOperation('fm_edit_existent_file', [SITE_ID, $path])
				|| ($arFunctionParams["WORKFLOW"] && $USER->CanDoFileOperation('fm_edit_in_workflow', [SITE_ID, $path]))

		$iSrcLine = 0;
		$sSrcFile = '';
		$arIcons = [];

		if ($bDrawIcons)
			$path_url = "path=" . $path;
			$encSiteTemplateId = urlencode(SITE_TEMPLATE_ID);
			$editor = '';
			$resize = 'false';

			if (!in_array($arFunctionParams['MODE'], ['html', 'text', 'php']))
				$arFunctionParams['MODE'] = $bComponent ? 'php' : 'html';

			if ($sType != 'TEMPLATE')
				switch ($arFunctionParams['MODE'])
					case 'html':
						$editor = "/bitrix/admin/fileman_html_edit.php?site=" . SITE_ID . "&";
					case 'text':
						$editor = "/bitrix/admin/fileman_file_edit.php?site=" . SITE_ID . "&";
					case 'php':
						$editor = "/bitrix/admin/fileman_file_edit.php?full_src=Y&site=" . SITE_ID . "&";
				$editor .= "templateID=" . $encSiteTemplateId . "&";
				switch ($arFunctionParams['MODE'])
					case 'html':
						$editor = '/bitrix/admin/public_file_edit.php?site=' . SITE_ID . '&bxpublic=Y&from=includefile&templateID=' . $encSiteTemplateId . '&';

					case 'text':
						$editor = '/bitrix/admin/public_file_edit.php?site=' . SITE_ID . '&bxpublic=Y&from=includefile&noeditor=Y&';
						$resize = 'true';

					case 'php':
						$editor = '/bitrix/admin/public_file_edit_src.php?site=' . SITE_ID . '&templateID=' . $encSiteTemplateId . '&';
						$resize = 'true';

			if ($arFunctionParams["TEMPLATE"])
				$arFunctionParams["TEMPLATE"] = "&template=" . urlencode($arFunctionParams["TEMPLATE"]);

			if ($arFunctionParams["BACK_URL"])
				$arFunctionParams["BACK_URL"] = "&back_url=" . urlencode($arFunctionParams["BACK_URL"]);
				$arFunctionParams["BACK_URL"] = "&back_url=" . urlencode($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);

			if ($arFunctionParams["LANG"])
				$arFunctionParams["LANG"] = "&lang=" . urlencode($arFunctionParams["LANG"]);
				$arFunctionParams["LANG"] = "&lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID;

			$arPanelParams = [];

			$bDefaultExists = false;
			if ($USER->CanDoOperation('edit_php') && $bComponent)
				$bDefaultExists = true;
				$arPanelParams["TOOLTIP"] = [
					'TITLE' => GetMessage("main_incl_component1"),
					'TEXT' => $rel_path,

				$aTrace = Main\Diag\Helper::getBackTrace(1, DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS);

				$sSrcFile = $aTrace[0]["file"];
				$iSrcLine = intval($aTrace[0]["line"]);
				$arIcons[] = [
					'URL' => 'javascript:' . $APPLICATION->GetPopupLink([
							'URL' => "/bitrix/admin/component_props.php?" .
								"path=" . urlencode(CUtil::addslashes($rel_path)) .
								"&template_id=" . urlencode(CUtil::addslashes(SITE_TEMPLATE_ID)) .
								"&lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID .
								"&src_path=" . urlencode(CUtil::addslashes($sSrcFile)) .
								"&src_line=" . $iSrcLine,
					'ICON' => "parameters",
					'TITLE' => GetMessage("main_incl_file_comp_param"),
					'DEFAULT' => true,

			if ($sType == "MODULE")
				$arIcons[] = [
					'URL' => 'javascript:if(confirm(\'' . GetMessage("MAIN_INC_BLOCK_MODULE") . '\'))window.location=\'' . $editor . '&path=' . urlencode(BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . '/templates/' . SITE_TEMPLATE_ID . '/' . $rel_path) . $arFunctionParams["BACK_URL"] . $arFunctionParams["LANG"] . '&template=' . $path . '\';',
					'ICON' => 'copy',
					'TITLE' => str_replace("#MODE#", $arFunctionParams["MODE"], str_replace("#BLOCK_TYPE#", (!is_set($arFunctionParams, "NAME") ? GetMessage("MAIN__INC_BLOCK") : $arFunctionParams["NAME"]), GetMessage("main_incl_file_edit_copy"))),
			elseif ($sType == "DEFAULT")
				$arIcons[] = [
					'URL' => 'javascript:if(confirm(\'' . GetMessage("MAIN_INC_BLOCK_COMMON") . '\'))window.location=\'' . $editor . $path_url . $arFunctionParams["BACK_URL"] . $arFunctionParams["LANG"] . $arFunctionParams["TEMPLATE"] . '\';',
					'ICON' => 'edit-common',
					'TITLE' => str_replace("#MODE#", $arFunctionParams["MODE"], str_replace("#BLOCK_TYPE#", (!is_set($arFunctionParams, "NAME") ? GetMessage("MAIN__INC_BLOCK") : $arFunctionParams["NAME"]), GetMessage("MAIN_INC_BLOCK_EDIT"))),

				$arIcons[] = [
					'URL' => $editor . '&path=' . urlencode(BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . '/templates/' . SITE_TEMPLATE_ID . '/' . $rel_path) . $arFunctionParams["BACK_URL"] . $arFunctionParams["LANG"] . '&template=' . $path,
					'ICON' => 'copy',
					'TITLE' => str_replace("#MODE#", $arFunctionParams["MODE"], str_replace("#BLOCK_TYPE#", (!is_set($arFunctionParams, "NAME") ? GetMessage("MAIN__INC_BLOCK") : $arFunctionParams["NAME"]), GetMessage("MAIN_INC_BLOCK_COMMON_COPY"))),
				$arPanelParams["TOOLTIP"] = [
					'TITLE' => GetMessage('main_incl_file'),
					'TEXT' => $path,

				$arIcons[] = [
					'URL' => 'javascript:' . $APPLICATION->GetPopupLink(
								'URL' => $editor . $path_url . $arFunctionParams["BACK_URL"] . $arFunctionParams["LANG"] . $arFunctionParams["TEMPLATE"],
								"PARAMS" => [
									'width' => 770,
									'height' => 470,
									'resize' => $resize,
					'ICON' => 'bx-context-toolbar-edit-icon',
					'TITLE' => str_replace("#MODE#", $arFunctionParams["MODE"], str_replace("#BLOCK_TYPE#", (!is_set($arFunctionParams, "NAME") ? GetMessage("MAIN__INC_BLOCK") : $arFunctionParams["NAME"]), GetMessage("MAIN_INC_ED"))),
					'DEFAULT' => !$bDefaultExists,

				if ($arFunctionParams["WORKFLOW"])
					$arIcons[] = [
						'URL' => '/bitrix/admin/workflow_edit.php?' . $arFunctionParams["LANG"] . '&fname=' . urlencode($path) . $arFunctionParams["TEMPLATE"] . $arFunctionParams["BACK_URL"],
						'ICON' => 'bx-context-toolbar-edit-icon',
						'TITLE' => str_replace("#BLOCK_TYPE#", (!is_set($arFunctionParams, "NAME") ? GetMessage("MAIN__INC_BLOCK") : $arFunctionParams["NAME"]), GetMessage("MAIN_INC_ED_WF")),

			echo $this->IncludeStringBefore();

		$res = null;
		if (is_file($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $path))
			if (is_array($arParams))
				extract($arParams, EXTR_SKIP);

			$res = include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $path);

		if (Main\Application::getInstance()->getKernelSession()["SESS_SHOW_INCLUDE_TIME_EXEC"] == "Y" && ($USER->CanDoOperation('edit_php') || Main\Application::getInstance()->getKernelSession()["SHOW_SQL_STAT"] == "Y"))
			echo $debug->Output($rel_path, $path);
		elseif (is_object($debug))
			$debug->Stop($rel_path, $path);

		if ($bDrawIcons)
			$comp_id = $path;
			if ($sSrcFile)
				$comp_id .= '|' . $sSrcFile;
			if ($iSrcLine)
				$comp_id .= '|' . $iSrcLine;

			$arPanelParams['COMPONENT_ID'] = md5($comp_id);
			echo $this->IncludeStringAfter($arIcons, $arPanelParams);

		return $res;

	public function AddChainItem($title, $link = "", $bUnQuote = true)
		if ($bUnQuote)
			$title = str_replace(["&amp;", "&quot;", "&#039;", "&lt;", "&gt;"], ["&", "\"", "'", "<", ">"], $title);
		$this->arAdditionalChain[] = ["TITLE" => $title, "LINK" => htmlspecialcharsbx($link)];

	public function GetNavChain($path = false, $iNumFrom = 0, $sNavChainPath = false, $bIncludeOnce = false, $bShowIcons = true)
		if ($this->GetProperty("NOT_SHOW_NAV_CHAIN") == "Y")
			return "";

		CMain::InitPathVars($site, $path);
		$DOC_ROOT = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot($site);

		if ($path === false)
			$path = $this->GetCurDir();

		$arChain = [];
		$strChainTemplate = $DOC_ROOT . SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH . "/chain_template.php";
		if (!file_exists($strChainTemplate))
			if (($template = getLocalPath("templates/.default/chain_template.php", BX_PERSONAL_ROOT)) !== false)
				$strChainTemplate = $DOC_ROOT . $template;

		$io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance();

		while (true)//until the root
			$path = rtrim($path, "/");

			$chain_file_name = $DOC_ROOT . $path . "/.section.php";
			if ($io->FileExists($chain_file_name))
				$sChainTemplate = "";
				$sSectionName = "";
				if ($sSectionName <> '')
					$arChain[] = ["TITLE" => $sSectionName, "LINK" => $path . "/"];
				if ($sChainTemplate <> '')
					$strChainTemplate = $sChainTemplate;

			if ($path . '/' == SITE_DIR)

			if ($path == '')

			//file or folder
			$pos = bxstrrpos($path, "/");
			if ($pos === false)

			//parent folder
			$path = mb_substr($path, 0, $pos + 1);

		if ($sNavChainPath !== false)
			$strChainTemplate = $DOC_ROOT . $sNavChainPath;

		$arChain = array_reverse($arChain);
		$arChain = array_merge($arChain, $this->arAdditionalChain);
		if ($iNumFrom > 0)
			$arChain = array_slice($arChain, $iNumFrom);

		return $this->_mkchain($arChain, $strChainTemplate, $bIncludeOnce, $bShowIcons);

	public function _mkchain($arChain, $strChainTemplate, $bIncludeOnce = false, $bShowIcons = true)
		$strChain = $sChainProlog = $sChainEpilog = "";
		if (file_exists($strChainTemplate))
			$ITEM_COUNT = count($arChain);
			$arCHAIN = $arChain;
			$arCHAIN_LINK = &$arChain;
			$arResult = &$arChain; // for component 2.0
			if ($bIncludeOnce)
				$strChain = include($strChainTemplate);
				foreach ($arChain as $i => $arChainItem)
					$ITEM_INDEX = $i;
					$TITLE = $arChainItem["TITLE"];
					$LINK = $arChainItem["LINK"];
					$sChainBody = "";
					$strChain .= $sChainBody;
					if ($i == 0)
						$strChain = $sChainProlog . $strChain;
				if (!empty($arChain))
					$strChain .= $sChainEpilog;

		/** @global CMain $APPLICATION */
		global $USER;
		if ($this->GetShowIncludeAreas() && $USER->CanDoOperation('edit_php') && $bShowIcons)
			$site = CSite::GetSiteByFullPath($strChainTemplate);
			$DOC_ROOT = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot($site);

			if (mb_strpos($strChainTemplate, $DOC_ROOT) === 0)
				$path = mb_substr($strChainTemplate, mb_strlen($DOC_ROOT));

				$templ_perm = $this->GetFileAccessPermission($path);
				if ((!defined("ADMIN_SECTION") || ADMIN_SECTION !== true) && $templ_perm >= "W")
					$arIcons = [];
					$arIcons[] = [
						"URL" => "/bitrix/admin/fileman_file_edit.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&site=" . $site . "&back_url=" . urlencode($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . "&full_src=Y&path=" . urlencode($path),
						"ICON" => "nav-template",
						"TITLE" => GetMessage("MAIN_INC_ED_NAV"),

					$strChain = $this->IncludeString($strChain, $arIcons);
		return $strChain;

	public function ShowNavChain($path = false, $iNumFrom = 0, $sNavChainPath = false)
		$this->AddBufferContent([&$this, "GetNavChain"], $path, $iNumFrom, $sNavChainPath);

	public function ShowNavChainEx($path = false, $iNumFrom = 0, $sNavChainPath = false)
		$this->AddBufferContent([&$this, "GetNavChain"], $path, $iNumFrom, $sNavChainPath, true);


	public function SetFileAccessPermission($path, $arPermissions, $bOverWrite = true)
		global $CACHE_MANAGER;

		CMain::InitPathVars($site, $path);
		$DOC_ROOT = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot($site);

		$path = rtrim($path, "/");
		if ($path == '')
			$path = "/";

		if (($p = bxstrrpos($path, "/")) !== false)
			$path_file = mb_substr($path, $p + 1);
			$path_dir = mb_substr($path, 0, $p);
			return false;

		if ($path_file == "" && $path_dir == "")
			$path_file = "/";

		$PERM = [];

		$io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance();
		if ($io->FileExists($DOC_ROOT . $path_dir . "/.access.php"))
			$fTmp = $io->GetFile($DOC_ROOT . $path_dir . "/.access.php");
			//include replaced with eval in order to honor of ZendServer
			eval("?>" . $fTmp->GetContents());

		$FILE_PERM = $PERM[$path_file];
		if (!is_array($FILE_PERM))
			$FILE_PERM = [];

		if (!$bOverWrite && !empty($FILE_PERM))
			return true;

		$bDiff = false;

		$str = "<?\n";
		foreach ($arPermissions as $group => $perm)
			if ($perm <> '')
				$str .= "\$PERM[\"" . EscapePHPString($path_file) . "\"][\"" . EscapePHPString($group) . "\"]=\"" . EscapePHPString($perm) . "\";\n";

			if (!$bDiff)
				//compatibility with group id
				$curr_perm = $FILE_PERM[$group];
				if (!isset($curr_perm) && preg_match('/^G[0-9]+$/', $group))
					$curr_perm = $FILE_PERM[mb_substr($group, 1)];

				if ($curr_perm != $perm)
					$bDiff = true;

		foreach ($PERM as $file => $arPerm)
			if (strval($file) !== $path_file)
				foreach ($arPerm as $group => $perm)
					$str .= "\$PERM[\"" . EscapePHPString($file) . "\"][\"" . EscapePHPString($group) . "\"]=\"" . EscapePHPString($perm) . "\";\n";

		if (!$bDiff)
			foreach ($FILE_PERM as $group => $perm)
				//compatibility with group id
				$new_perm = $arPermissions[$group];
				if (!isset($new_perm) && preg_match('/^G[0-9]+$/', $group))
					$new_perm = $arPermissions[mb_substr($group, 1)];

				if ($new_perm != $perm)
					$bDiff = true;

		$str .= "?" . ">";

		$this->SaveFileContent($DOC_ROOT . $path_dir . "/.access.php", $str);
		unset($this->FILE_PERMISSION_CACHE[$site . "|" . $path_dir . "/.access.php"]);

		if ($bDiff)
			foreach (GetModuleEvents("main", "OnChangePermissions", true) as $arEvent)
				ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, [[$site, $path], $arPermissions, $FILE_PERM]);

			if (COption::GetOptionString("main", "event_log_file_access", "N") === "Y")
				CEventLog::Log("SECURITY", "FILE_PERMISSION_CHANGED", "main", "[" . $site . "] " . $path, print_r($FILE_PERM, true) . " => " . print_r($arPermissions, true));
		return true;

	public function RemoveFileAccessPermission($path, $arGroups = false)
		global $CACHE_MANAGER;

		CMain::InitPathVars($site, $path);
		$DOC_ROOT = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot($site);

		$path = rtrim($path, "/");
		if ($path == '')
			$path = "/";

		if (($p = bxstrrpos($path, "/")) !== false)
			$path_file = mb_substr($path, $p + 1);
			$path_dir = mb_substr($path, 0, $p);
			return false;

		$PERM = [];
		$io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance();
		if (!$io->FileExists($DOC_ROOT . $path_dir . "/.access.php"))
			return true;

		include($io->GetPhysicalName($DOC_ROOT . $path_dir . "/.access.php"));

		$str = "<?\n";
		foreach ($PERM as $file => $arPerm)
			if ($file != $path_file || $arGroups !== false)
				foreach ($arPerm as $group => $perm)
					$bExists = false;
					if (is_array($arGroups))
						//compatibility with group id
						if (in_array($group, $arGroups))
							$bExists = true;
						elseif (preg_match('/^G[0-9]+$/', $group) && in_array(mb_substr($group, 1), $arGroups))
							$bExists = true;
						elseif (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $group) && in_array('G' . $group, $arGroups))
							$bExists = true;
					if ($file != $path_file || ($arGroups !== false && !$bExists))
						$str .= "\$PERM[\"" . EscapePHPString($file) . "\"][\"" . EscapePHPString($group) . "\"]=\"" . EscapePHPString($perm) . "\";\n";

		$str .= "?" . ">";

		$this->SaveFileContent($DOC_ROOT . $path_dir . "/.access.php", $str);
		unset($this->FILE_PERMISSION_CACHE[$site . "|" . $path_dir . "/.access.php"]);

		foreach (GetModuleEvents("main", "OnChangePermissions", true) as $arEvent)
			ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, [[$site, $path], []]);

		return true;

	public function CopyFileAccessPermission($path_from, $path_to, $bOverWrite = false)
		CMain::InitPathVars($site_from, $path_from);
		$DOC_ROOT_FROM = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot($site_from);

		CMain::InitPathVars($site_to, $path_to);

		//upper .access.php
		if (($p = bxstrrpos($path_from, "/")) !== false)
			$path_from_file = mb_substr($path_from, $p + 1);
			$path_from_dir = mb_substr($path_from, 0, $p);
			return false;

		$PERM = [];

		$io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance();
		if (!$io->FileExists($DOC_ROOT_FROM . $path_from_dir . "/.access.php"))
			return true;

		include($io->GetPhysicalName($DOC_ROOT_FROM . $path_from_dir . "/.access.php"));

		$FILE_PERM = $PERM[$path_from_file];
		if (!empty($FILE_PERM))
			return $this->SetFileAccessPermission([$site_to, $path_to], $FILE_PERM, $bOverWrite);

		return true;

	public function GetFileAccessPermission($path, $groups = false, $task_mode = false) // task_mode - new access mode
		global $USER;

		if ($groups === false)
			if (!is_object($USER))
				$groups = ['G2'];
				$groups = $USER->GetAccessCodes();
		elseif (is_array($groups) && !empty($groups))
			//compatibility with user groups id
			$bNumbers = preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $groups[0]);
			if ($bNumbers)
				foreach ($groups as $key => $val)
					$groups[$key] = "G" . $val;

		CMain::InitPathVars($site, $path);
		$DOC_ROOT = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot($site);

		//Windows files are case-insensitive
		$bWin = (strncasecmp(PHP_OS, "WIN", 3) == 0);
		if ($bWin)
			$path = mb_strtolower($path);

		if (trim($path, "/") != "")
			$path = Rel2Abs("/", $path);
			if ($path == "")
				return (!$task_mode ? 'D' : [CTask::GetIdByLetter('D', 'main', 'file')]);

		if (COption::GetOptionString("main", "controller_member", "N") == "Y" && COption::GetOptionString("main", "~controller_limited_admin", "N") == "Y")
			$bAdminM = (is_object($USER) && $USER->IsAdmin());
			$bAdminM = in_array("G1", $groups);

		if ($bAdminM)
			return (!$task_mode ? 'X' : [CTask::GetIdByLetter('X', 'main', 'file')]);

		if (mb_substr($path, -12) == "/.access.php")
			return (!$task_mode ? 'D' : [CTask::GetIdByLetter('D', 'main', 'file')]);

		if (mb_substr($path, -10) == "/.htaccess")
			return (!$task_mode ? 'D' : [CTask::GetIdByLetter('D', 'main', 'file')]);

		$max_perm = "D";
		$arGroupTask = [];

		$io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance();

		//in the group list * === "any group"
		$groups[] = "*";
		while (true)//till the root
			$path = rtrim($path, "\0");
			$path = rtrim($path, "/");

			if ($path == '')
				$access_file_name = "/.access.php";
				$Dir = "/";
				//file or folder
				$pos = bxstrrpos($path, "/");
				if ($pos === false)
				$Dir = mb_substr($path, $pos + 1);

				//security fix: under Windows "my." == "my"
				$Dir = TrimUnsafe($Dir);

				//parent folder
				$path = mb_substr($path, 0, $pos + 1);

				$access_file_name = $path . ".access.php";

			if (array_key_exists($site . "|" . $access_file_name, $this->FILE_PERMISSION_CACHE))
				$PERM = $this->FILE_PERMISSION_CACHE[$site . "|" . $access_file_name];
				$PERM = [];

				//file with rights array
				if ($io->FileExists($DOC_ROOT . $access_file_name))
					include($io->GetPhysicalName($DOC_ROOT . $access_file_name));

				//Windows files are case-insensitive
				if ($bWin && !empty($PERM))
					$PERM_TMP = [];
					foreach ($PERM as $key => $val)
						$PERM_TMP[mb_strtolower($key)] = $val;
					$PERM = $PERM_TMP;

				$this->FILE_PERMISSION_CACHE[$site . "|" . $access_file_name] = $PERM;

			//check wheather the rights are assigned to this file\folder for these groups
			if (isset($PERM[$Dir]) && is_array($PERM[$Dir]))
				$dir_perm = $PERM[$Dir];
				foreach ($groups as $key => $group_id)
					if (isset($dir_perm[$group_id]))
						$perm = $dir_perm[$group_id];
					elseif (preg_match('/^G([0-9]+)$/', $group_id, $match)) //compatibility with group id
						if (isset($dir_perm[$match[1]]))
							$perm = $dir_perm[$match[1]];

					if ($task_mode)
						if (mb_substr($perm, 0, 2) == 'T_')
							$tid = intval(mb_substr($perm, 2));
						elseif (($tid = CTask::GetIdByLetter($perm, 'main', 'file')) === false)

						$arGroupTask[$group_id] = $tid;
						if (mb_substr($perm, 0, 2) == 'T_')
							$tid = intval(mb_substr($perm, 2));
							$perm = CTask::GetLetter($tid);
							if ($perm == '')
								$perm = 'D';

						if ($max_perm == "" || $perm > $max_perm)
							$max_perm = $perm;
							if ($perm == "W")
								break 2;

					if ($group_id == "*")
						break 2;

					// delete the group from the list, we have rights already for it

					if (count($groups) == 1 && in_array("*", $groups))
						break 2;

				if (count($groups) <= 1)

			if ($path == '')

		if ($task_mode)
			$arTasks = array_unique(array_values($arGroupTask));
			if (empty($arTasks))
				return [CTask::GetIdByLetter('D', 'main', 'file')];
			return $arTasks;
			return $max_perm;

	 * @deprecated Not used, will be removed.
	public function GetFileAccessPermissionByUser($userID, $path, $groups = false, $task_mode = false)
		$intUserID = intval($userID);
		if ($intUserID . '|' != $userID . '|')
			return (!$task_mode ? 'D' : [CTask::GetIdByLetter('D', 'main', 'file')]);

		if ($groups === false)
			$groups = CUser::GetUserGroup($intUserID);

		return $this->GetFileAccessPermission($path, $groups, $task_mode);

	public function SaveFileContent($abs_path, $strContent)
		$strContent = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $strContent);

		$file = [];

		foreach (GetModuleEvents("main", "OnBeforeChangeFile", true) as $arEvent)
			if (!ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, [$abs_path, &$strContent]))
				if (!$this->GetException())
					$this->ThrowException(GetMessage("main_save_file_handler_error", ["#HANDLER#" => $arEvent["TO_NAME"]]));
				return false;

		$io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance();
		$fileIo = $io->GetFile($abs_path);


		if ($fileIo->IsExists())
			$file["exists"] = true;
			if (!$fileIo->IsWritable())
			$file["size"] = $fileIo->GetFileSize();

		/****************************** QUOTA ******************************/
		if (COption::GetOptionInt("main", "disk_space") > 0)
			$quota = new CDiskQuota();
			if (false === $quota->checkDiskQuota(["FILE_SIZE" => mb_strlen($strContent) - intval($file["size"])]))
				$this->ThrowException($quota->LAST_ERROR, "BAD_QUOTA");
				return false;
		/****************************** QUOTA ******************************/
		if ($fileIo->PutContents($strContent))
			if ($file["exists"])
				$this->ThrowException(GetMessage("MAIN_FILE_NOT_CREATE"), "FILE_NOT_CREATE");
				$this->ThrowException(GetMessage("MAIN_FILE_NOT_OPENED"), "FILE_NOT_OPEN");
			return false;


		$site = CSite::GetSiteByFullPath($abs_path);
		$DOC_ROOT = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot($site);
		if (mb_strtoupper(mb_substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN')
			//Fix for name case under Windows
			$abs_path = mb_strtolower($abs_path);
			$DOC_ROOT = mb_strtolower($DOC_ROOT);

		if (mb_strpos($abs_path, $DOC_ROOT) === 0 && $site !== false)
			$DOC_ROOT = rtrim($DOC_ROOT, "/\\");
			$path = "/" . ltrim(mb_substr($abs_path, mb_strlen($DOC_ROOT)), "/\\");

			foreach (GetModuleEvents("main", "OnChangeFile", true) as $arEvent)
				ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, [$path, $site]);
		/****************************** QUOTA ******************************/
		if (COption::GetOptionInt("main", "disk_space") > 0)
			$fs = $fileIo->GetFileSize();
			CDiskQuota::updateDiskQuota("files", $fs - intval($file["size"]), "update");
		/****************************** QUOTA ******************************/
		return true;

	public function GetFileContent($path)

		$io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance();

		if (!$io->FileExists($path))
			return false;
		$f = $io->GetFile($path);
		if ($f->GetFileSize() <= 0)
			return "";
		$contents = $f->GetContents();
		return $contents;

	 * @deprecated Use LPA::Process()
	public static function ProcessLPA($filesrc = false, $old_filesrc = false)
		return LPA::Process($filesrc, $old_filesrc);

	 * @deprecated Use LPA::ComponentChecker()
	public static function LPAComponentChecker(&$arParams, &$arPHPparams, $parentParamName = false)
		LPA::ComponentChecker($arParams, $arPHPparams, $parentParamName);

	public static function _ReplaceNonLatin($str)
		return preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_:.!\$\\-;@^~]/i", "", $str);

	public function GetLangSwitcherArray()
		return $this->GetSiteSwitcherArray();

	public function GetSiteSwitcherArray()
		$cur_dir = $this->GetCurDir();
		$cur_page = $this->GetCurPage();
		$bAdmin = (mb_substr($cur_dir, 0, mb_strlen(BX_ROOT . "/admin/")) == BX_ROOT . "/admin/");

		$path_without_lang = $path_without_lang_tmp = "";

		$db_res = CSite::GetList('', '', ["ACTIVE" => "Y", "ID" => LANG]);
		if (($ar = $db_res->Fetch()) && mb_strpos($cur_page, $ar["DIR"]) === 0)
			$path_without_lang = mb_substr($cur_page, mb_strlen($ar["DIR"]) - 1);
			$path_without_lang = ltrim($path_without_lang, "/");
			$path_without_lang_tmp = rtrim($path_without_lang, "/");

		$result = [];
		$db_res = CSite::GetList("SORT", "ASC", ["ACTIVE" => "Y"]);
		while ($ar = $db_res->Fetch())
			$ar["NAME"] = htmlspecialcharsbx($ar["NAME"]);
			$ar["SELECTED"] = ($ar["LID"] == LANG);

			if ($bAdmin)
				global $QUERY_STRING;
				$p = rtrim(str_replace("&#", "#", preg_replace("/lang=[^&#]*&*/", "", $QUERY_STRING)), "&");
				$ar["PATH"] = $this->GetCurPage() . "?lang=" . $ar["LID"] . ($p <> '' ? '&' . $p : '');
				$ar["PATH"] = "";

				if (mb_strlen($path_without_lang) > 1 && file_exists($ar["ABS_DOC_ROOT"] . "/" . $ar["DIR"] . "/" . $path_without_lang_tmp))
					$ar["PATH"] = $ar["DIR"] . $path_without_lang;

				if ($ar["PATH"] == '')
					$ar["PATH"] = $ar["DIR"];

				if ($ar["ABS_DOC_ROOT"] !== $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"])
					$ar["FULL_URL"] = (CMain::IsHTTPS() ? "https://" : "http://") . $ar["SERVER_NAME"] . $ar["PATH"];
					$ar["FULL_URL"] = $ar["PATH"];

			$result[] = $ar;
		return $result;

	Returns an array of roles for a module
	W - max rights (admin)
	D - min rights (access denied)

	$module_id - a module id
	$arGroups - array of groups ID, if not set then for current useer
	$use_default_role - "Y" - use default role
	$max_role_for_super_admin - "Y" - for group ID=1 return max rights
	public static function GetUserRoles($module_id, $arGroups = false, $use_default_role = "Y", $max_role_for_super_admin = "Y", $site_id = false)
		global $DB, $USER;
		static $MODULE_ROLES = [];

		$arRoles = [];
		$min_role = "D";
		$max_role = "W";
		if ($arGroups === false)
			if (is_object($USER))
				$arGroups = $USER->GetUserGroupArray();
			if (!is_array($arGroups))
				$arGroups[] = 2;
		$key = $use_default_role . "_" . $max_role_for_super_admin;
		$groups = '';
		if (is_array($arGroups) && !empty($arGroups))
			foreach ($arGroups as $grp)
				$groups .= ($groups <> '' ? ',' : '') . intval($grp);
			$key .= "_" . $groups;

		$cache_site_key = ($site_id ?: "COMMON");

		if (isset($MODULE_ROLES[$module_id][$cache_site_key][$key]))
			$arRoles = $MODULE_ROLES[$module_id][$cache_site_key][$key];
			if (is_array($arGroups) && !empty($arGroups))
				if (in_array(1, $arGroups) && $max_role_for_super_admin == "Y")
					$arRoles[] = $max_role;

				$strSql =
					"SELECT MG.G_ACCESS FROM b_group G " .
					"	LEFT JOIN b_module_group MG ON (G.ID = MG.GROUP_ID " .
					"		AND MG.MODULE_ID = '" . $DB->ForSql($module_id, 50) . "') " .
					"		AND MG.SITE_ID " . ($site_id ? "= '" . $DB->ForSql($site_id) . "'" : "IS NULL") . " " .
					"WHERE G.ID in (" . $groups . ") AND G.ACTIVE = 'Y'";

				$t = $DB->Query($strSql);

				$default_role = $min_role;
				if ($use_default_role == "Y")
					$default_role = COption::GetOptionString($module_id, "GROUP_DEFAULT_RIGHT", $min_role);

				while ($tr = $t->Fetch())
					if ($tr["G_ACCESS"] !== null)
						$arRoles[] = $tr["G_ACCESS"];
						if ($use_default_role == "Y")
							$arRoles[] = $default_role;
			//	$arRoles[] = COption::GetOptionString($module_id, "GROUP_DEFAULT_RIGHT", $min_role);
			$arRoles = array_unique($arRoles);
			$MODULE_ROLES[$module_id][$cache_site_key][$key] = $arRoles;
		return $arRoles;

	 * Returns an array of rights for a module
	 * W - max rights (admin)
	 * D - min rights (access denied)
	 * @param string $moduleId - a module id
	 * @param array | bool $groups - array of groups ID, if not set then for current useer
	 * @param string $use_default_level - "Y" - use default role
	 * @param string $max_right_for_super_admin - "Y" - for group ID=1 return max rights
	 * @param array | bool $siteId
	public static function GetUserRight($moduleId, $groups = false, $use_default_level = 'Y', $max_right_for_super_admin = 'Y', $siteId = false)
		global $USER;

		$minRight = 'D';
		$maxRight = 'W';

		if ($groups === false && ($USER instanceof CUser))
			if ($max_right_for_super_admin == 'Y' && $USER->IsAdmin())
				return $maxRight;
			$groups = $USER->GetUserGroupArray();

		if (!is_array($groups))
			$groups = [2];

		if (
			$max_right_for_super_admin == 'Y'
			&& in_array(1, $groups)
			&& (
				COption::GetOptionString('main', 'controller_member', 'N') != 'Y'
				|| COption::GetOptionString('main', '~controller_limited_admin', 'N') != 'Y'
			return $maxRight;

		if (!is_array($siteId))
			$siteId = [$siteId];

		$modulePermissions = ModuleGroupTable::query()
			->where('MODULE_ID', $moduleId)
			->where('GROUP.ACTIVE', 'Y')

		$right = '';
		foreach ($modulePermissions as $permission)
			// site filter
			if (in_array($permission['SITE_ID'], $siteId))
				// group filter
				if (in_array($permission['GROUP_ID'], $groups))
					// max
					if ($permission['G_ACCESS'] > $right)
						$right = $permission['G_ACCESS'];

		if ($right == '' && $use_default_level == 'Y')
			$right = COption::GetOptionString($moduleId, 'GROUP_DEFAULT_RIGHT', $minRight);

		return $right;

	public static function GetUserRightArray($moduleId, $groups)
		$arRes = [];

		if (is_array($groups) && !empty($groups))
			$query = ModuleGroupTable::query()
				->where('MODULE_ID', $moduleId)
				->where('GROUP.ACTIVE', 'Y')

			while ($tr = $query->fetch())
				if (in_array($tr['GROUP_ID'], $groups))
					$arRes[($tr['SITE_ID'] != '' ? $tr['SITE_ID'] : 'common')][$tr['GROUP_ID']] = $tr['G_ACCESS'];

		return $arRes;

	public static function GetGroupRightList($arFilter, $site_id = false)
		static $fields = ['MODULE_ID' => 1, 'GROUP_ID' => 1, 'G_ACCESS' => 1];

		$query = ModuleGroupTable::query()->setSelect(['*']);

		foreach ($arFilter as $field => $value)
			if (isset($fields[$field]))
				$query->where($field, $value);

		if ($site_id)
			$query->where('SITE_ID', $site_id);

		return $query->exec();

	public static function GetGroupRight($module_id, $arGroups = false, $use_default_level = "Y", $max_right_for_super_admin = "Y", $site_id = false)
		return CMain::GetUserRight($module_id, $arGroups, $use_default_level, $max_right_for_super_admin, $site_id);

	public static function SetGroupRight($module_id, $group_id, $right, $site_id = false)
		global $DB;

		$group_id = intval($group_id);

		if (COption::GetOptionString("main", "event_log_module_access", "N") === "Y")
			//get old value
			$sOldRight = "";
			$rsRight = $DB->Query("SELECT G_ACCESS FROM b_module_group WHERE MODULE_ID='" . $DB->ForSql($module_id, 50) . "' AND GROUP_ID=" . $group_id . " AND SITE_ID " . ($site_id ? "= '" . $DB->ForSql($site_id) . "'" : "IS NULL"));
			if ($arRight = $rsRight->Fetch())
				$sOldRight = $arRight["G_ACCESS"];
			if ($sOldRight <> $right)
				CEventLog::Log("SECURITY", "MODULE_RIGHTS_CHANGED", "main", $group_id, $module_id . ($site_id ? "/" . $site_id : "") . ": (" . $sOldRight . ") => (" . $right . ")");

		$arFields = [
			"MODULE_ID" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($module_id, 50) . "'",
			"GROUP_ID" => $group_id,
			"G_ACCESS" => "'" . $DB->ForSql($right, 255) . "'",

		$rows = $DB->Update("b_module_group", $arFields, "WHERE MODULE_ID='" . $DB->ForSql($module_id, 50) . "' AND GROUP_ID='" . $group_id . "' AND SITE_ID " . ($site_id ? "= '" . $DB->ForSql($site_id) . "'" : "IS NULL"));
		if (intval($rows) <= 0)
			if ($site_id)
				$arFields["SITE_ID"] = "'" . $DB->ForSql($site_id, 2) . "'";

			$DB->Insert("b_module_group", $arFields);


		foreach (GetModuleEvents("main", "OnAfterSetGroupRight", true) as $arEvent)
			ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, [$module_id, $group_id]);

	public static function DelGroupRight($module_id = '', $arGroups = [], $site_id = false)
		global $DB;

		$strSql = '';

		$sGroups = '';
		if (is_array($arGroups) && !empty($arGroups))
			foreach ($arGroups as $grp)
				$sGroups .= ($sGroups <> '' ? ',' : '') . intval($grp);

		if ($module_id <> '')
			if ($sGroups <> '')
				if (COption::GetOptionString("main", "event_log_module_access", "N") === "Y")
					//get old value
					$rsRight = $DB->Query("SELECT GROUP_ID, G_ACCESS FROM b_module_group WHERE MODULE_ID='" . $DB->ForSql($module_id, 50) . "' AND GROUP_ID IN (" . $sGroups . ") AND SITE_ID " . ($site_id ? "= '" . $DB->ForSql($site_id) . "'" : "IS NULL"));
					while ($arRight = $rsRight->Fetch())
						CEventLog::Log("SECURITY", "MODULE_RIGHTS_CHANGED", "main", $arRight["GROUP_ID"], $module_id . ($site_id ? "/" . $site_id : "") . ": (" . $arRight["G_ACCESS"] . ") => ()");
				$strSql = "DELETE FROM b_module_group WHERE MODULE_ID='" . $DB->ForSql($module_id, 50) . "' and GROUP_ID in (" . $sGroups . ") AND SITE_ID " . ($site_id ? "= '" . $DB->ForSql($site_id) . "'" : "IS NULL");
				//on delete module
				$strSql = "DELETE FROM b_module_group WHERE MODULE_ID='" . $DB->ForSql($module_id, 50) . "' AND SITE_ID " . ($site_id ? "= '" . $DB->ForSql($site_id) . "'" : "IS NULL");
		elseif ($sGroups <> '')
			//on delete user group
			$strSql = "DELETE FROM b_module_group WHERE GROUP_ID in (" . $sGroups . ") AND SITE_ID " . ($site_id ? "= '" . $DB->ForSql($site_id) . "'" : "IS NULL");

		if ($strSql <> '')


			foreach (GetModuleEvents("main", "OnAfterDelGroupRight", true) as $arEvent)
				ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, [$module_id, $arGroups]);

	public static function GetMainRightList()
		$arr = [
			"reference_id" => [
			"reference" => [
				"[D] " . GetMessage("OPTION_DENIED"),
				"[P] " . GetMessage("OPTION_PROFILE"),
				"[R] " . GetMessage("OPTION_READ"),
				"[T] " . GetMessage("OPTION_READ_PROFILE_WRITE"),
				"[W] " . GetMessage("OPTION_WRITE")],
		return $arr;

	public static function GetDefaultRightList()
		$arr = [
			"reference_id" => ["D", "R", "W"],
			"reference" => [
				"[D] " . GetMessage("OPTION_DENIED"),
				"[R] " . GetMessage("OPTION_READ"),
				"[W] " . GetMessage("OPTION_WRITE")],
		return $arr;

	Returns a cookie value by the name

	$name			: cookie name (without prefix)
	$name_prefix	: name prefix (if not set get from options)
	public function get_cookie($name, $name_prefix = false)
		if ($name_prefix === false)
			$name = COption::GetOptionString("main", "cookie_name", "BITRIX_SM") . "_" . $name;
			$name = $name_prefix . "_" . $name;
		return ($_COOKIE[$name] ?? "");

	 * Sets a cookie and spreads it through domains.
	 * @param string $name Cookie name (without prefix)
	 * @param string $value value
	 * @param bool|int $time expire date
	 * @param string $folder cookie dir
	 * @param bool|string $domain cookie domain
	 * @param bool $secure secure flag
	 * @param bool|int $spread to spread or not to spread
	 * @param bool $name_prefix name prefix (if not set get from options)
	 * @param bool $httpOnly
	 * @deprecated Use \Bitrix\Main\HttpResponse::addCookie().
	public function set_cookie($name, $value, $time = false, $folder = "/", $domain = false, $secure = false, $spread = true, $name_prefix = false, $httpOnly = false)
		if ($time === false)
			$time = null;

		$cookie = new Main\Web\Cookie($name, $value, $time);

		if ($name_prefix !== false)
			$cookie->setName($name_prefix . "_" . $name);

		if ($domain !== false)

		if ($spread === "Y" || $spread === true)
			$spread_mode = Main\Web\Cookie::SPREAD_DOMAIN | Main\Web\Cookie::SPREAD_SITES;
		elseif ($spread >= 1)
			$spread_mode = $spread;
			$spread_mode = Main\Web\Cookie::SPREAD_DOMAIN;


	 * @return string
	 * @deprecated Use \Bitrix\Main\Web\Cookie::getCookieDomain().
	public function GetCookieDomain()
		return Main\Web\Cookie::getCookieDomain();

	public function StoreCookies()
		$application = Main\Application::getInstance();

		if ($application->getSessionLocalStorageManager()->isReady())
			$response = Main\Context::getCurrent()->getResponse();

			$localStorage = $application->getLocalSession('spreadCookies');
			$cookies = $localStorage->getData();

			foreach ($cookies as $cookie)
				if ($cookie instanceof Main\Web\Cookie)
					$response->addCookie($cookie, false);



	public function HoldSpreadCookieHTML($bSet = false)
		static $showed_already = false;
		$result = $showed_already;
		if ($bSet)
			$showed_already = true;
		return $result;

	// Returns string with images to spread cookies
	public function GetSpreadCookieHTML()
		$res = '';
		$request = Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest();

		if (
			&& !$this->HoldSpreadCookieHTML()
			&& COption::GetOptionString("main", "ALLOW_SPREAD_COOKIE", "Y") == "Y"
			foreach ($this->GetSpreadCookieUrls() as $url)
				$res .= "new Image().src='" . CUtil::JSEscape($url) . "';\n";

			if ($res)

				return '<script>' . $res . '</script>';

		return '';

	 * Returns array of urls which contain signed cross domain cookies.
	 * @return array
	public function GetSpreadCookieUrls()
		$res = [];
		if (COption::GetOptionString("main", "ALLOW_SPREAD_COOKIE", "Y") == "Y")
			$response = Main\Context::getCurrent()->getResponse();
			$request = Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest();

			$application = Main\Application::getInstance();
			$localStorage = $application->getLocalSession('spreadCookies');
			$cookies = $localStorage->getData();

			foreach ($cookies as $cookie)
				if ($cookie instanceof Main\Web\Cookie)
					$response->addCookie($cookie, false);

			$cookies = $response->getCookies();

			if (!empty($cookies))
				$params = "";
				foreach ($cookies as $cookie)
					if ($cookie->getSpread() & Main\Web\Cookie::SPREAD_SITES)
						$params .= $cookie->getName() . chr(1) .
							$cookie->getValue() . chr(1) .
							$cookie->getExpires() . chr(1) .
							$cookie->getPath() . chr(1) .
							chr(1) . //domain is empty
							$cookie->getSecure() . chr(1) .
							$cookie->getHttpOnly() . chr(2);
				$salt = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "|" . @filemtime($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/version.php") . "|" . $application->getLicense()->getKey();
				$params = "s=" . urlencode(base64_encode($params)) . "&k=" . urlencode(md5($params . $salt));

				$arrDomain = [];
				$arrDomain[] = $request->getHttpHost();

				$rs = CSite::GetList('', '', ["ACTIVE" => "Y"]);
				while ($ar = $rs->Fetch())
					$arD = explode("\n", str_replace("\r", "\n", $ar["DOMAINS"]));
					if (is_array($arD))
						foreach ($arD as $d)
							if (trim($d) <> '')
								$arrDomain[] = $d;

				if (!empty($arrDomain))
					$arUniqDomains = [];
					$arrDomain = array_unique($arrDomain);
					$arrDomain2 = array_unique($arrDomain);
					foreach ($arrDomain as $domain1)
						$bGood = true;
						foreach ($arrDomain2 as $domain2)
							if (mb_strlen($domain1) > mb_strlen($domain2) && mb_substr($domain1, -(mb_strlen($domain2) + 1)) == "." . $domain2)
								$bGood = false;
						if ($bGood)
							$arUniqDomains[] = $domain1;

					$protocol = ($request->isHttps() ? "https://" : "http://");
					$arrCurUrl = parse_url($protocol . $request->getHttpHost() . "/");
					foreach ($arUniqDomains as $domain)
						if (trim($domain) <> '')
							$url = $protocol . $domain . "/bitrix/spread.php?" . $params;
							$arrUrl = parse_url($url);
							if ($arrUrl["host"] != $arrCurUrl["host"])
								$res[] = $url;

		return $res;

	public function ShowSpreadCookieHTML()
		$this->AddBufferContent([&$this, "GetSpreadCookieHTML"]);

	public function AddPanelButton($arButton, $bReplace = false)
		if (is_array($arButton) && !empty($arButton))
			if (isset($arButton["ID"]) && $arButton["ID"] <> "")
				if (!isset($this->arPanelButtons[$arButton["ID"]]))
					$this->arPanelButtons[$arButton["ID"]] = $arButton;
				elseif ($bReplace)
					if (
						&& is_array($this->arPanelButtons[$arButton["ID"]]["MENU"])
						if (!isset($arButton["MENU"]) || !is_array($arButton["MENU"]))
							$arButton["MENU"] = [];
						$arButton["MENU"] = array_merge($this->arPanelButtons[$arButton["ID"]]["MENU"], $arButton["MENU"]);
					$this->arPanelButtons[$arButton["ID"]] = $arButton;

				if (isset($this->arPanelFutureButtons[$arButton['ID']]))
					if (
						&& is_array($this->arPanelButtons[$arButton["ID"]]["MENU"])
						$this->arPanelButtons[$arButton["ID"]]["MENU"] = array_merge(
						$this->arPanelButtons[$arButton["ID"]]["MENU"] = $this->arPanelFutureButtons[$arButton["ID"]];
				$this->arPanelButtons[] = $arButton;

	public function AddPanelButtonMenu($button_id, $arMenuItem)
		if (isset($this->arPanelButtons[$button_id]))
			if (!isset($this->arPanelButtons[$button_id]['MENU']))
				$this->arPanelButtons[$button_id]['MENU'] = [];
			$this->arPanelButtons[$button_id]['MENU'][] = $arMenuItem;
			if (!isset($this->arPanelFutureButtons[$button_id]))
				$this->arPanelFutureButtons[$button_id] = [];

			$this->arPanelFutureButtons[$button_id][] = $arMenuItem;

	public function GetPanel()
		global $USER;

		$isFrameAjax = Composite\Engine::getUseHTMLCache() && Composite\Engine::isAjaxRequest();
		if (isset($GLOBALS["USER"]) && is_object($USER) && $USER->IsAuthorized() && !isset($_REQUEST["bx_hit_hash"]) && !$isFrameAjax)
			echo CTopPanel::GetPanelHtml();

	public function ShowPanel()
		global $USER;

		$isFrameAjax = Composite\Engine::getUseHTMLCache() && Composite\Engine::isAjaxRequest();
		if (isset($GLOBALS["USER"]) && is_object($USER) && $USER->IsAuthorized() && !isset($_REQUEST["bx_hit_hash"]) && !$isFrameAjax)
			$this->showPanelWasInvoked = true;

			AddEventHandler('main', 'OnBeforeEndBufferContent', ['CTopPanel', 'InitPanel']);
			$this->AddBufferContent(['CTopPanel', 'GetPanelHtml']);

			//Prints global url classes and  variables for HotKeys
			$this->AddBufferContent(['CMain', "PrintHKGlobalUrlVar"]);

			if (Main\Loader::includeModule('fileman'))
				//Prints global url classes and  variables for Stickers
				$this->AddBufferContent(['CSticker', "InitJsAfter"]);

			$this->AddBufferContent(['CAdminInformer', "PrintHtmlPublic"]);

	public static function PrintHKGlobalUrlVar()
		return CHotKeys::GetInstance()->PrintGlobalUrlVar();

	 * @deprecated
	public function GetLang()
		$context = Main\Context::getCurrent();
		$culture = $context->getCulture();
		$site = $context->getSiteObject();

		return [
			"LID" => ($site ? $site->getLid() : $context->getLanguage()),
			"DIR" => ($site ? $site->getDir() : ''),
			"SERVER_NAME" => ($site ? $site->getServerName() : ''),
			"CHARSET" => $culture->getCharset(),
			"FORMAT_DATE" => $culture->getFormatDate(),
			"FORMAT_DATETIME" => $culture->getFormatDatetime(),
			"LANGUAGE_ID" => $context->getLanguage(),

	 * @deprecated
	public function GetSiteByDir()
		return $this->GetLang();

	public function RestartWorkarea($start = false)
		static $index = null;
		static $view = null;


		if ($start)
			$this->AddBufferContent("trim", ""); //Makes a placeholder after header.php
			$index = count($this->buffer_content);
			$view = $this->__view;

			return true;
		elseif (
			!isset($index) //Was not started
			|| !isset($this->buffer_content_type[$index / 2 - 1]) //RestartBuffer was called
			|| $this->buffer_content_type[$index / 2 - 1]["F"] !== "trim"
			return false;
			$autoCompositeArea = Main\Composite\Internals\AutomaticArea::getCurrentArea();

			$this->buffer_man = true;
			$this->buffer_man = false;

			array_splice($this->buffer_content, $index);
			array_splice($this->buffer_content_type, $index / 2);

			ob_start([&$this, "EndBufferContent"]);

			$this->__view = $view;

			return true;

	public function AddBufferContent($callback)
		$args = [];
		$args_num = func_num_args();
		if ($args_num > 1)
			for ($i = 1; $i < $args_num; $i++)
				$args[] = func_get_arg($i);

		if (!defined("BX_BUFFER_USED") || BX_BUFFER_USED !== true)
			echo call_user_func_array($callback, $args);
		$this->buffer_content[] = ob_get_contents();
		$this->buffer_content[] = "";
		$this->buffer_content_type[] = ["F" => $callback, "P" => $args];
		$this->buffer_man = true;
		$this->auto_buffer_cleaned = false;
		$this->buffer_man = false;
		$this->buffered = true;
		if ($this->auto_buffer_cleaned) // cross buffer fix
			ob_start([&$this, "EndBufferContent"]);

	public function RestartBuffer()
		$this->buffer_man = true;
		$this->buffer_man = false;
		$this->buffer_content_type = [];
		$this->buffer_content = [];

		if (function_exists("getmoduleevents"))
			foreach (GetModuleEvents("main", "OnBeforeRestartBuffer", true) as $arEvent)

		ob_start([&$this, "EndBufferContent"]);

	public function &EndBufferContentMan()

		$res = null;

		if (!$this->buffered)
			return $res;

		$content = ob_get_contents();
		$this->buffer_man = true;
		$this->buffered = false;
		$this->buffer_man = false;

		$this->buffer_manual = true;
		$res = $this->EndBufferContent($content);
		$this->buffer_manual = false;

		$this->buffer_content_type = [];
		$this->buffer_content = [];

		return $res;

	public function EndBufferContent($content = "")
		if ($this->buffer_man)
			$this->auto_buffer_cleaned = true;
			return "";


		if (function_exists("getmoduleevents"))
			foreach (GetModuleEvents("main", "OnBeforeEndBufferContent", true) as $arEvent)

		$asset = Asset::getInstance();
		$asset->addString(CJSCore::GetCoreMessagesScript(), false, AssetLocation::AFTER_CSS, AssetMode::STANDARD);
		$asset->addString(CJSCore::GetCoreMessagesScript(true), false, AssetLocation::AFTER_CSS, AssetMode::COMPOSITE);

		$asset->addString($this->GetSpreadCookieHTML(), false, AssetLocation::AFTER_JS, AssetMode::STANDARD);
		if ($asset->canMoveJsToBody() && CJSCore::IsCoreLoaded())
			$asset->addString(CJSCore::GetInlineCoreJs(), false, AssetLocation::BEFORE_CSS, AssetMode::ALL);

		if (is_object($GLOBALS["APPLICATION"])) //php 5.1.6 fix:
			$cnt = count($this->buffer_content_type);
			for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++)
				$this->buffer_content[$i * 2 + 1] = call_user_func_array($this->buffer_content_type[$i]["F"], $this->buffer_content_type[$i]["P"]);

		$compositeContent = Composite\Engine::startBuffering($content);
		$content = implode("", $this->buffer_content) . $content;

		if (function_exists("getmoduleevents"))
			foreach (GetModuleEvents("main", "OnEndBufferContent", true) as $arEvent)
				ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, [&$content]);

		$wasContentModified = Composite\Engine::endBuffering($content, $compositeContent);
		if (!$wasContentModified && $asset->canMoveJsToBody())

		return $content;

	public function ResetException()
		if ($this->LAST_ERROR)
			$this->ERROR_STACK[] = $this->LAST_ERROR;
		$this->LAST_ERROR = false;

	public function ThrowException($msg, $id = false)
		if (is_object($msg) && (is_subclass_of($msg, 'CApplicationException') || (mb_strtolower(get_class($msg)) == 'capplicationexception')))
			$this->LAST_ERROR = $msg;
			$this->LAST_ERROR = new CApplicationException($msg, $id);

	public function GetException()
		return $this->LAST_ERROR;

	 * @param $string
	 * @param $charset_in
	 * @param $charset_out
	 * @return mixed
	 * @deprecated Use Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncoding()
	public function ConvertCharset($string, $charset_in, $charset_out)
		return Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncoding($string, $charset_in, $charset_out);

	 * @param $arData
	 * @param $charset_from
	 * @param $charset_to
	 * @return mixed
	 * @deprecated Use Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncoding()
	public function ConvertCharsetArray($arData, $charset_from, $charset_to)
		return Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncoding($arData, $charset_from, $charset_to);

	public function CaptchaGetCode()
		$cpt = new CCaptcha();

		return $cpt->GetSID();

	public function CaptchaCheckCode($captcha_word, $captcha_sid)
		$cpt = new CCaptcha();
		if ($cpt->CheckCode($captcha_word, $captcha_sid))
			return true;
			return false;

	public function UnJSEscape($str)
		if (str_contains($str, "%u"))
			$str = preg_replace_callback(
				function ($ch) {
					$res = chr(hexdec($ch[2])) . chr(hexdec($ch[1]));
					return $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ConvertCharset($res, "UTF-16", LANG_CHARSET);
		return $str;

	 * @deprecated Use CAdminFileDialog::ShowScript instead
	public static function ShowFileSelectDialog($event, $arResultDest, $arPath = [], $fileFilter = "", $bAllowFolderSelect = false)
			"event" => $event,
			"arResultDest" => $arResultDest,
			"arPath" => $arPath,
			"select" => $bAllowFolderSelect ? 'DF' : 'F',
			"fileFilter" => $fileFilter,
			"operation" => 'O',
			"showUploadTab" => true,
			"showAddToMenuTab" => false,
			"allowAllFiles" => true,
			"SaveConfig" => true,

		"URL"=> 'url to open'
		"PARAMS"=> array('param' => 'value') - additional params, 2nd argument of jsPopup.ShowDialog()
	public function GetPopupLink($arUrl)
		CUtil::InitJSCore(['window', 'ajax']);

		if (
			&& (
				|| !is_array($arUrl['PARAMS'])
				|| !isset($arUrl['PARAMS']['resizable'])
				|| $arUrl['PARAMS']['resizable'] !== false
			$pos = mb_strpos($arUrl['URL'], '?');
			if ($pos === false)
				$check_url = $arUrl['URL'];
				$check_url = mb_substr($arUrl['URL'], 0, $pos);

			if (defined('SITE_TEMPLATE_ID'))
				$arUrl['URL'] = (new Uri($arUrl['URL']))
					->addParams(['siteTemplateId' => SITE_TEMPLATE_ID])

			$arPos = CUtil::GetPopupSize($check_url);

			if ($arPos['width'])
				if (!is_array($arUrl['PARAMS']))
					$arUrl['PARAMS'] = [];

				$arUrl['PARAMS']['width'] = $arPos['width'];
				$arUrl['PARAMS']['height'] = $arPos['height'];

		$dialog_class = 'CDialog';
		if (isset($arUrl['PARAMS']['dialog_type']) && $arUrl['PARAMS']['dialog_type'])
			switch ($arUrl['PARAMS']['dialog_type'])
				case 'EDITOR':
					$dialog_class = 'CEditorDialog';
				case 'ADMIN':
					$dialog_class = 'CAdminDialog';
		elseif (str_contains($arUrl['URL'], 'bxpublic='))
			$dialog_class = 'CAdminDialog';

		$arDialogParams = [
			'content_url' => $arUrl['URL'],
			'width' => null,
			'height' => null,

		if (isset($arUrl['PARAMS']['width']))
			$arDialogParams['width'] = intval($arUrl['PARAMS']['width']);
		if (isset($arUrl['PARAMS']['height']))
			$arDialogParams['height'] = intval($arUrl['PARAMS']['height']);
		if (isset($arUrl['PARAMS']['min_width']))
			$arDialogParams['min_width'] = intval($arUrl['PARAMS']['min_width']);
		if (isset($arUrl['PARAMS']['min_height']))
			$arDialogParams['min_height'] = intval($arUrl['PARAMS']['min_height']);
		if (isset($arUrl['PARAMS']['resizable']) && $arUrl['PARAMS']['resizable'] === false)
			$arDialogParams['resizable'] = false;
		if (isset($arUrl['POST']) && $arUrl['POST'])
			$arDialogParams['content_post'] = $arUrl['POST'];

		return '(new BX.' . $dialog_class . '(' . CUtil::PhpToJsObject($arDialogParams) . ')).Show()';

	public static function GetServerUniqID()
		static $uniq = null;
		if ($uniq === null)
			$uniq = COption::GetOptionString("main", "server_uniq_id", "");
		if ($uniq == '')
			$uniq = Main\Security\Random::getString(32);
			COption::SetOptionString("main", "server_uniq_id", $uniq);
		return $uniq;

	public static function PrologActions()
		/** @global CMain $APPLICATION */

		if (!defined("BX_BUFFER_USED") || BX_BUFFER_USED !== true)
			ob_start([&$APPLICATION, "EndBufferContent"]);
			$APPLICATION->buffered = true;
			define("BX_BUFFER_USED", true);

				function () {
					define("BX_BUFFER_SHUTDOWN", true);
					for ($i = 0, $n = ob_get_level(); $i < $n; $i++)

		//session expander
		if ((!defined('PUBLIC_AJAX_MODE') || PUBLIC_AJAX_MODE !== true) && (!defined("BX_SKIP_SESSION_EXPAND") || BX_SKIP_SESSION_EXPAND === false))
			if (COption::GetOptionString("main", "session_expand", "Y") <> "N")
				//only for authorized
				if (COption::GetOptionString("main", "session_auth_only", "Y") <> "Y" || $USER->IsAuthorized())


		//user auto time zone via js cookies
		if (CTimeZone::Enabled() && (!defined("BX_SKIP_TIMEZONE_COOKIE") || BX_SKIP_TIMEZONE_COOKIE === false))

		// check user options set via cookie
		if ($USER->IsAuthorized())
			$cookieName = COption::GetOptionString("main", "cookie_name", "BITRIX_SM") . "_LAST_SETTINGS";
			if (!empty($_COOKIE[$cookieName]))

		foreach (GetModuleEvents("main", "OnProlog", true) as $arEvent)

	 * Sends the response and terminates the application.
	 * @param string $output String to output before termination
	 * @return void
	public static function FinalActions($output = "")
		global $APPLICATION;

		if ($output === "")
			$output = $APPLICATION->EndBufferContentMan();

		$response = Main\Context::getCurrent()->getResponse();


	 * @internal
	public static function RunFinalActionsInternal()
		global $DB;

		if (!defined('BX_WITH_ON_AFTER_EPILOG'))
			define('BX_WITH_ON_AFTER_EPILOG', true);

		$events = GetModuleEvents("main", "OnAfterEpilog", true);

		define("START_EXEC_EVENTS_1", microtime());

			if (CUserCounter::CheckLiveMode())

		define("START_EXEC_EVENTS_2", microtime());

		foreach ($events as $event)

	 * @deprecated Will be removed soon
	public static function EpilogActions()

	 * @param string|bool $func
	 * @param array $args
	 * @return bool|null
	 * @deprecated Use \Bitrix\Main\Application::addBackgroundJob()
	public static function ForkActions($func = false, $args = [])
		if ($func !== false)
			Application::getInstance()->addBackgroundJob($func, $args);
		return true;

	/** @deprecated */
	public static function __GetConditionFName()
		$connection = Application::getConnection();
		$helper = $connection->getSqlHelper();
		return $helper->quote('CONDITION');

class CMain extends CAllMain