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 * Bitrix Framework
 * @package bitrix
 * @subpackage main
 * @copyright 2001-2023 Bitrix


class CZip implements IBXArchive
	const ReadBlockSize = 2048;

	public $zipname = '';
	public $zipfile = 0;
	private CBXVirtualIo $io;
	private $arErrors = [];
	private $fileSystemEncoding;
	private $startFile;
	private $arHeaders;

	//should be changed via SetOptions
	private $compress = true;
	private $remove_path = "";
	private $add_path = "";
	private $replaceExistentFiles = false;
	private $checkPermissions = true;
	private $rule = [];
	private $step_time = 30;
	private $arPackedFiles = [];
	private $arPackedFilesData = [];

	public function __construct($pzipname)
		$this->io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance();
		$this->zipname = $this->_convertWinPath($pzipname, false);
		$this->fileSystemEncoding = $this->_getfileSystemEncoding();

	 * Packs files and folders into archive
	 * @param array $arFileList containing files and folders to be packed into archive
	 * @param string $startFile - if specified then all files before it won't be packed during the traversing of $arFileList. Can be used for multistep archivation
	 * @return mixed 0 or false if error, 1 if success, 2 if the next step should be performed. Errors can be seen using GetErrors() method
	public function Pack($arFileList, $startFile = "")
		$this->startFile = $this->io->GetPhysicalName($startFile);
		$this->arPackedFiles = [];
		$this->arHeaders = [];
		$arCentralDirInfo = [];
		$zipfile_tmp = $zipname_tmp = '';

		$isNewArchive = true;
		if ($startFile != "" && is_file($this->io->GetPhysicalName($this->zipname)))
			$isNewArchive = false;

		if ($isNewArchive)
			if (!$this->_openFile("wb"))
				return false;
			if (!$this->_openFile("rb"))
				return false;

			// read the central directory
			if (($res = $this->_readEndCentralDir($arCentralDirInfo)) != 1)
				return $res;


			//creating tmp file
			$zipname_tmp = GetDirPath($this->zipname) . uniqid('ziparc') . '.tmp';
			if (($zipfile_tmp = @fopen($this->io->GetPhysicalName($zipname_tmp), 'wb')) == 0)
				$this->_errorLog("ERR_READ_TMP", str_replace("#FILE_NAME#", removeDocRoot($zipname_tmp), GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_READ_TMP")));
				return $this->arErrors;

			//copy files from the archive to the tmp file
			$size = $arCentralDirInfo['offset'];

			while ($size != 0)
				$length = ($size < self::ReadBlockSize ? $size : self::ReadBlockSize);
				$buffer = fread($this->zipfile, $length);
				@fwrite($zipfile_tmp, $buffer, $length);
				$size -= $length;

			//swapping file handle to use methods on the temporary file, not the real archive
			$tmp_id = $this->zipfile;
			$this->zipfile = $zipfile_tmp;
			$zipfile_tmp = $tmp_id;

		//starting measuring start time from here (only packing time)
		define("ZIP_START_TIME", microtime(true));
		$this->tempres = null;

		$arFileList = $this->_parseFileParams($arFileList);

		$arConvertedFileList = [];
		foreach ($arFileList as $fullpath)
			$arConvertedFileList[] = $this->io->GetPhysicalName($fullpath);

		$packRes = null;
		if (is_array($arFileList) && !empty($arFileList))
			$packRes = $this->_processFiles($arConvertedFileList, $this->add_path, $this->remove_path);

		if ($isNewArchive)
			//writing Central Directory
			//save central directory offset
			$offset = @ftell($this->zipfile);

			//make central dir files header
			for ($i = 0, $counter = 0; $i < sizeof($this->arPackedFiles); $i++)
				//write file header
				if ($this->arHeaders[$i]['status'] == 'ok')
					if (($res = $this->_writeCentralFileHeader($this->arHeaders[$i])) != 1)
						return $res;

				$this->_convertHeader2FileInfo($this->arHeaders[$i], $this->arPackedFilesData[$i]);

			$zip_comment = '';
			//calculate the size of the central header
			$size = @ftell($this->zipfile) - $offset;
			//make central dir footer
			if (($res = $this->_writeCentralHeader($counter, $size, $offset, $zip_comment)) != 1)
				$this->arHeaders = null;
				return $res;
			//save the offset of the central dir
			$offset = @ftell($this->zipfile);

			//copy file headers block from the old archive
			$size = $arCentralDirInfo['size'];
			while ($size != 0)
				$length = ($size < self::ReadBlockSize ? $size : self::ReadBlockSize);
				$buffer = @fread($zipfile_tmp, $length);
				@fwrite($this->zipfile, $buffer, $length);
				$size -= $length;

			//add central dir files header
			for ($i = 0, $counter = 0; $i < sizeof($this->arHeaders); $i++)
				//create the file header
				if ($this->arHeaders[$i]['status'] == 'ok')
					if (($res = $this->_writeCentralFileHeader($this->arHeaders[$i])) != 1)

						return $res;
				//convert header to the usable format
				$this->_convertHeader2FileInfo($this->arHeaders[$i], $this->arPackedFilesData[$i]);

			$zip_comment = '';

			//find the central header size
			$size = @ftell($this->zipfile) - $offset;

			//make central directory footer
			if (($res = $this->_writeCentralHeader($counter + $arCentralDirInfo['entries'], $size, $offset, $zip_comment)) != 1)
				//clear file list
				$this->arHeaders = null;
				return $res;

			//changing file handler back
			$tmp_id = $this->zipfile;
			$this->zipfile = $zipfile_tmp;
			$zipfile_tmp = $tmp_id;

			// @unlink($this->zipname);

			//probably test the result @rename($zipname_tmp, $this->zipname);
			$this->_renameTmpFile($zipname_tmp, $this->zipname);

		if ($isNewArchive && ($res === false))

		//if packing is not completed, remember last file
		if ($packRes === 'continue')
			$this->startFile = $this->io->GetLogicalName(array_pop($this->arPackedFiles));

		if ($packRes === false)
			return IBXArchive::StatusError;
		elseif ($packRes && $this->startFile == "")
			return IBXArchive::StatusSuccess;
		elseif ($packRes && $this->startFile != "")
			//call Pack() with $this->GetStartFile() next time to continue
			return IBXArchive::StatusContinue;
		return null;

	private function _haveTime()
		return microtime(true) - ZIP_START_TIME < $this->step_time;

	private function _processFiles($arFileList, $addPath, $removePath)
		$addPath = str_replace("\\", "/", $addPath);
		$removePath = str_replace("\\", "/", $removePath);

		if (!$this->zipfile)
			$this->arErrors[] = ["ERR_DFILE", GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_DFILE")];
			return false;

		if (!is_array($arFileList) || empty($arFileList))
			return true;

		$j = -1;

		if (!isset($this->tempres))
			$this->tempres = "started";

		//files and directory scan
		while ($j++ < count($arFileList) && ($this->tempres === "started"))
			$filename = $arFileList[$j] ?? '';

			if ($filename == '')

			if (!file_exists($filename))
				$this->arErrors[] = ["ERR_NO_FILE", str_replace("#FILE_NAME#", $filename, GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_NO_FILE"))];

			//is a file
			if (!@is_dir($filename))
				$filename = str_replace("//", "/", $filename);

				//jumping to startFile, if it's specified
				if ($this->startFile <> '')
					if ($filename != $this->startFile)
						//don't pack - jump to the next file
						//if startFile is found, continue to pack files and folders without startFile, starting from next
						$this->startFile = null;

				//check product permissions
				if ($this->checkPermissions)
					if (!CBXArchive::HasAccess($filename, true))

				if ($this->_haveTime())
					if (!$this->_addFile($filename, $arFileHeaders, $this->add_path, $this->remove_path))
						//$arErrors is filled in the _addFile method
						$this->tempres = false;
						//remember last file
						$this->arPackedFiles[] = $filename;
						$this->arHeaders[] = $arFileHeaders;
					$this->tempres = 'continue';
					return $this->tempres;
			//if directory
				if (!($handle = opendir($filename)))
					$this->arErrors[] = ["ERR_DIR_OPEN_FAIL", str_replace("#DIR_NAME#", $filename, GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_DIR_OPEN_FAIL"))];

				if ($this->checkPermissions)
					if (!CBXArchive::HasAccess($filename, false))

				while (false !== ($dir = readdir($handle)))
					if ($dir != "." && $dir != "..")
						$arFileList_tmp = [];
						if ($filename != ".")
							$arFileList_tmp[] = $filename . '/' . $dir;
							$arFileList_tmp[] = $dir;

						$this->_processFiles($arFileList_tmp, $addPath, $removePath);


		return $this->tempres;

	 * Called from the archive object it returns the name of the file for the next step during multistep archivation. Call if Pack method returned 2
	 * @return string path to file
	public function GetStartFile()
		return $this->startFile;

	 * Unpacks archive into specified folder
	 * @param string $strPath - path to the directory to unpack archive to
	 * @return mixed 0 or false if error, 1 if success. Errors can be seen using GetErrors() method
	public function Unpack($strPath)
		$this->SetOptions(["ADD_PATH" => $strPath]);

		$rule = $this->GetOptions()['RULE'];

		$arParams = [
			"add_path" => $this->add_path,
			"remove_path" => $this->remove_path,
			"extract_as_string" => false,
			"remove_all_path" => false,
			"callback_pre_extract" => "",
			"callback_post_extract" => "",
			"set_chmod" => 0,
			"by_name" => "",
			"by_index" => array_key_exists("by_index", $rule) ? $rule['by_index'] : "",
			"by_preg" => "",

		$result = $this->Extract($arParams);

		if ($result === 0)
			return false;
		//if there was no error, but we didn't extract any file ($this->replaceExistentFile = false)
			if ($result == [])
				return true;
				return $result;

	 * Lets the user define packing/unpacking options
	 * @param array $arOptions an array with the options' names and their values
	 * @return void
	public function SetOptions($arOptions)
		if (array_key_exists("COMPRESS", $arOptions))
			$this->compress = $arOptions["COMPRESS"] === true;

		if (array_key_exists("ADD_PATH", $arOptions))
			$this->add_path = $this->io->GetPhysicalName(str_replace("\\", "/", strval($arOptions["ADD_PATH"])));

		if (array_key_exists("REMOVE_PATH", $arOptions))
			$this->remove_path = $this->io->GetPhysicalName(str_replace("\\", "/", strval($arOptions["REMOVE_PATH"])));

		if (array_key_exists("STEP_TIME", $arOptions))
			$this->step_time = floatval($arOptions["STEP_TIME"]);

		if (array_key_exists("UNPACK_REPLACE", $arOptions))
			$this->replaceExistentFiles = $arOptions["UNPACK_REPLACE"] === true;

		if (array_key_exists("CHECK_PERMISSIONS", $arOptions))
			$this->checkPermissions = $arOptions["CHECK_PERMISSIONS"] === true;

		if (array_key_exists("RULE", $arOptions))
			$this->rule = $arOptions["RULE"];

	 * Returns an array of packing/unpacking options and their current values
	 * @return array
	public function GetOptions()
		$arOptions = [
			"COMPRESS" => $this->compress,
			"ADD_PATH" => $this->add_path,
			"REMOVE_PATH" => $this->remove_path,
			"STEP_TIME" => $this->step_time,
			"UNPACK_REPLACE" => $this->replaceExistentFiles,
			"CHECK_PERMISSIONS" => $this->checkPermissions,
			"RULE" => $this->rule,

		return $arOptions;

	 * Returns an array containing error codes and messages. Call this method after Pack or Unpack
	 * @return array
	public function GetErrors()
		return $this->arErrors;

	 * Creates an archive
	 * @param array $arFileList containing files and folders to be added to the archive
	 * @param array|int $arParams an array of parameters
	 * @return array|int 0 if error, array $arResultList with packed files if success
	public function Create($arFileList, $arParams = 0)

		if ($arParams === 0)
			$arParams = [];

		if ($this->_checkParams($arParams,
				['no_compression' => false,
					'add_path' => "",
					'remove_path' => "",
					'remove_all_path' => false]) != 1)
			return 0;

		$arResultList = [];
		if (is_array($arFileList))
			$res = $this->_createArchive($arFileList, $arResultList, $arParams);
			if (is_string($arFileList))
				$arTmpList = explode(",", $arFileList);
				$res = $this->_createArchive($arTmpList, $arResultList, $arParams);
				$this->_errorLog("ERR_PARAM", GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_PARAM"));
				$res = "ERR_PARAM";

		if ($res != 1)
			return 0;

		return $arResultList;

	 * Archives files and folders
	 * @param array $arFileList containing files and folders to be packed into archive
	 * @param array|int $arParams - if specified contains options to use for archivation
	 * @return array|int 0 or false if error, array with the list of packed files and folders if success. Errors can be seen using GetErrors() method
	public function Add($arFileList, $arParams = 0)

		if ($arParams === 0)
			$arParams = [];

		if ($this->_checkParams($arParams,
				['no_compression' => false,
					'add_path' => '',
					'remove_path' => '',
					'remove_all_path' => false,
					'callback_pre_add' => '',
					'callback_post_add' => '']) != 1)
			return 0;

		$arResultList = [];
		if (is_array($arFileList))
			$res = $this->_addData($arFileList, $arResultList, $arParams);
			if (is_string($arFileList))
				$arTmpList = explode(",", $arFileList);
				$res = $this->_addData($arTmpList, $arResultList, $arParams);
				$this->_errorLog("ERR_PARAM_LIST", GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_PARAM_LIST"));
				$res = "ERR_PARAM_LIST";

		if ($res != 1)
			return 0;

		return $arResultList;

	 * Returns the list of files and folders in the archive
	 * @return array|int 0 if error, array of results if success
	public function GetContent()

		if (!$this->_checkFormat())
			return (0);

		$arTmpList = [];
		if ($this->_getFileList($arTmpList) != 1)
			return (0);

		return $arTmpList;

	 * Extracts archive content
	 * @param array|int $arParams an array of parameters
	 * @return array|int 0 or false if error, array of extracted files and folders if success. Errors can be seen using GetErrors() method
	public function Extract($arParams = 0)

		if (!$this->_checkFormat())
			return (0);

		if ($arParams === 0)
			$arParams = [];

		if ($this->_checkParams($arParams,
				['extract_as_string' => false,
					'add_path' => '',
					'remove_path' => '',
					'remove_all_path' => false,
					'callback_pre_extract' => '',
					'callback_post_extract' => '',
					'set_chmod' => 0,
					'by_name' => '',
					'by_index' => '',
					'by_preg' => '']) != 1)
			return 0;

		$arTmpList = [];
		if ($this->_extractByRule($arTmpList, $arParams) != 1)
			return (0);

		return $arTmpList;

	 * Deletes a file from the archive
	 * @param array $arParams rules defining which files should be deleted
	 * @return array|int 0 if error, array $arResultList with deleted files if success
	public function Delete($arParams)

		if (!$this->_checkFormat())
			return (0);

		if ($this->_checkParams($arParams, ['by_name' => '', 'by_index' => '', 'by_preg' => '']) != 1)
			return 0;

		//at least one rule should be set
		if (($arParams['by_name'] == '') && ($arParams['by_index'] == '') && ($arParams['by_preg'] == ''))
			$this->_errorLog("ERR_PARAM_RULE", GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_PARAM_RULE"));
			return 0;

		$arTmpList = [];
		if ($this->_deleteByRule($arTmpList, $arParams) != 1)
			return (0);

		return $arTmpList;

	 * Returns archive properties
	 * @return array|int 0 if error, array $arProperties if success
	public function GetProperties()

		if (!$this->_checkFormat())
			return (0);

		$arProperties = [];
		$arProperties['comment'] = '';
		$arProperties['nb'] = 0;
		$arProperties['status'] = 'not_exist';

		if (@is_file($this->io->GetPhysicalName($this->zipname)))
			if (($this->zipfile = @fopen($this->io->GetPhysicalName($this->zipname), 'rb')) == 0)
				$this->_errorLog("ERR_READ", str_replace("#FILE_NAME#", removeDocRoot($this->zipname), GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_READ")));
				return 0;

			//read central directory info
			$arCentralDirInfo = [];
			if (($this->_readEndCentralDir($arCentralDirInfo)) != 1)
				return 0;


			//set user attributes
			$arProperties['comment'] = $arCentralDirInfo['comment'];
			$arProperties['nb'] = $arCentralDirInfo['entries'];
			$arProperties['status'] = 'ok';

		return $arProperties;

	private function _checkFormat()

		if (!is_file($this->io->GetPhysicalName($this->zipname)))
			$this->_errorLog("ERR_MISSING_FILE", str_replace("#FILE_NAME#", removeDocRoot($this->zipname), GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_MISSING_FILE")));
			return (false);

		if (!is_readable($this->io->GetPhysicalName($this->zipname)))
			$this->_errorLog("ERR_READ", str_replace("#FILE_NAME#", removeDocRoot($this->zipname), GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_READ")));
			return (false);

		//possible checks: magic code, central header, each file header
		return true;

	private function _createArchive($arFilesList, &$arResultList, &$arParams)
		$addDir = $arParams['add_path'];
		$removeDir = $arParams['remove_path'];
		$removeAllDir = $arParams['remove_all_path'];

		if (($res = $this->_openFile('wb')) != 1)
			return $res;

		$res = $this->_addList($arFilesList, $arResultList, $addDir, $removeDir, $removeAllDir, $arParams);


		return $res;

	private function _addData($arFilesList, &$arResultList, &$arParams)
		$addDir = $arParams['add_path'];
		$removeDir = $arParams['remove_path'];
		$removeAllDir = $arParams['remove_all_path'];

		if ((!is_file($this->io->GetPhysicalName($this->zipname))) || (filesize($this->io->GetPhysicalName($this->zipname)) == 0))
			$res = $this->_createArchive($arFilesList, $arResultList, $arParams);
			return $res;

		if (($res = $this->_openFile('rb')) != 1)
			return $res;

		$arCentralDirInfo = [];
		if (($res = $this->_readEndCentralDir($arCentralDirInfo)) != 1)
			return $res;


		$zipname_tmp = GetDirPath($this->zipname) . uniqid('ziparc') . '.tmp';

		if (($zipfile_tmp = @fopen($this->io->GetPhysicalName($zipname_tmp), 'wb')) == 0)
			$this->_errorLog("ERR_READ_TMP", str_replace("#FILE_NAME#", removeDocRoot($zipname_tmp), GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_READ_TMP")));
			return $this->arErrors;

		//copy files from archive to the tmp file
		$size = $arCentralDirInfo['offset'];
		while ($size != 0)
			$length = ($size < self::ReadBlockSize ? $size : self::ReadBlockSize);

			$buffer = fread($this->zipfile, $length);

			@fwrite($zipfile_tmp, $buffer, $length);
			$size -= $length;

		//changing file handles to use methods on the temporary file, not the real archive
		$tmp_id = $this->zipfile;
		$this->zipfile = $zipfile_tmp;
		$zipfile_tmp = $tmp_id;

		$arHeaders = [];
		if (($res = $this->_addFileList($arFilesList, $arHeaders,
				$addDir, $removeDir,
				$removeAllDir, $arParams)) != 1)

			return $res;

		//save central dir offset
		$offset = @ftell($this->zipfile);

		//copy file headers block from the old archive
		$size = $arCentralDirInfo['size'];
		while ($size != 0)
			$length = ($size < self::ReadBlockSize ? $size : self::ReadBlockSize);
			$buffer = @fread($zipfile_tmp, $length);
			@fwrite($this->zipfile, $buffer, $length);
			$size -= $length;

		//write central dir files header
		for ($i = 0, $counter = 0; $i < sizeof($arHeaders); $i++)
			//add the file header
			if ($arHeaders[$i]['status'] == 'ok')
				if (($res = $this->_writeCentralFileHeader($arHeaders[$i])) != 1)
					return $res;

			$this->_convertHeader2FileInfo($arHeaders[$i], $arResultList[$i]);

		$zip_comment = '';

		//size of the central header
		$size = @ftell($this->zipfile) - $offset;

		//make central dir footer
		if (($res = $this->_writeCentralHeader($counter + $arCentralDirInfo['entries'], $size, $offset, $zip_comment)) != 1)
			//reset files list
			return $res;

		//change back file handler
		$tmp_id = $this->zipfile;
		$this->zipfile = $zipfile_tmp;
		$zipfile_tmp = $tmp_id;

		//possibly test the result @rename($zipname_tmp, $this->zipname);
		$this->_renameTmpFile($zipname_tmp, $this->zipname);

		return $res;

	private function _openFile($mode)
		$res = 1;

		if ($this->zipfile != 0)
			$this->_errorLog("ERR_OPEN", str_replace("#FILE_NAME#", removeDocRoot($this->zipname), GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_READ_OPEN")));
			return $this->arErrors;


		if (($this->zipfile = @fopen($this->io->GetPhysicalName($this->zipname), $mode)) == 0)
			$this->_errorLog("ERR_READ_MODE", str_replace(["#FILE_NAME#", "#MODE#"], [removeDocRoot($this->zipname), $mode], GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_READ_MODE")));
			return $this->arErrors;

		return $res;

	private function _closeFile()
		if ($this->zipfile != 0)
		$this->zipfile = 0;

	private function _addList($arFilesList, &$arResultList, $addDir, $removeDir, $removeAllDir, &$arParams)
		$arHeaders = [];
		if (($res = $this->_addFileList($arFilesList, $arHeaders, $addDir, $removeDir, $removeAllDir, $arParams)) != 1)
			return $res;

		//save the offset of the central dir
		$offset = @ftell($this->zipfile);

		//make central dir files header
		for ($i = 0, $counter = 0; $i < sizeof($arHeaders); $i++)
			if ($arHeaders[$i]['status'] == 'ok')
				if (($res = $this->_writeCentralFileHeader($arHeaders[$i])) != 1)
					return $res;
			$this->_convertHeader2FileInfo($arHeaders[$i], $arResultList[$i]);

		$zip_comment = '';

		//the size of the central header
		$size = @ftell($this->zipfile) - $offset;

		//add central dir footer
		if (($res = $this->_writeCentralHeader($counter, $size, $offset, $zip_comment)) != 1)
			return $res;
		return $res;

	private function _addFileList($arFilesList, &$arResultList, $addDir, $removeDir, $removeAllDir, &$arParams)
		$res = 1;
		$header = [];

		//save the current number of elements in the result list
		$count = sizeof($arResultList);
		$filesListCount = count($arFilesList);
		for ($j = 0; ($j < $filesListCount) && ($res == 1); $j++)
			$filename = $this->_convertWinPath($arFilesList[$j], false);

			//if empty - skip
			if ($filename == "")

			if (!file_exists($this->io->GetPhysicalName($filename)))
				$this->_errorLog("ERR_MISSING_FILE", str_replace("#FILE_NAME#", removeDocRoot($filename), GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_MISSING_FILE")));
				return $this->arErrors;

			if ((is_file($this->io->GetPhysicalName($filename))) || ((is_dir($this->io->GetPhysicalName($filename))) && !$removeAllDir))
				if (($res = $this->_addFile($filename, $header, $addDir, $removeDir, $removeAllDir, $arParams)) != 1)
					return $res;

				//save file info
				$arResultList[$count++] = $header;

			if (is_dir($this->io->GetPhysicalName($filename)))
				if ($filename != ".")
					$path = $filename . "/";
					$path = "";

				//read the folder for files and subfolders
				$hdir = opendir($this->io->GetPhysicalName($filename));

				while ($hitem = readdir($hdir))
					if ($hitem == '.' || $hitem == '..')

					if (is_file($this->io->GetPhysicalName($path . $hitem)))
						if (($res = $this->_addFile($path . $hitem, $header, $addDir, $removeDir, $removeAllDir, $arParams)) != 1)
							return $res;
						//save file info
						$arResultList[$count++] = $header;
						//should be ana array as a parameter
						$arTmpList[0] = $path . $hitem;

						$res = $this->_addFileList($arTmpList, $arResultList, $addDir, $removeDir, $removeAllDir, $arParams);
						$count = sizeof($arResultList);

				//unset variables for the recursive call

		return $res;

	private function _addFile($filename, &$arHeader, $addDir, $removeDir, $removeAllDir = false, $arParams = [])
		$res = 1;

		if ($filename == "")
			$this->_errorLog("ERR_PARAM_LIST", GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_PARAM_LIST"));
			return $this->arErrors;

		//saved filename
		$storedFilename = $filename;

		//remove the path
		if ($removeAllDir)
			$storedFilename = basename($filename);
			if ($removeDir != "")
				if (mb_substr($removeDir, -1) != '/')
					$removeDir .= "/";

				if ((mb_substr($filename, 0, 2) == "./") || (mb_substr($removeDir, 0, 2) == "./"))
					if ((mb_substr($filename, 0, 2) == "./") && (mb_substr($removeDir, 0, 2) != "./"))
						$removeDir = "./" . $removeDir;
					if ((mb_substr($filename, 0, 2) != "./") && (mb_substr($removeDir, 0, 2) == "./"))
						$removeDir = mb_substr($removeDir, 2);

				$incl = $this->_containsPath($removeDir, $filename);

				if ($incl > 0)
					if ($incl == 2)
						$storedFilename = "";
						$storedFilename = mb_substr($filename, mb_strlen($removeDir));

		if ($addDir != "")
			if (mb_substr($addDir, -1) == "/")
				$storedFilename = $addDir . $storedFilename;
				$storedFilename = $addDir . "/" . $storedFilename;

		//make the filename
		$storedFilename = $this->_reducePath($storedFilename);

		//save file properties
		$arHeader['comment'] = '';
		$arHeader['comment_len'] = 0;
		$arHeader['compressed_size'] = 0;
		$arHeader['compression'] = 0;
		$arHeader['crc'] = 0;
		$arHeader['disk'] = 0;
		$arHeader['external'] = (is_file($filename) ? 0xFE49FFE0 : 0x41FF0010);
		$arHeader['extra'] = '';
		$arHeader['extra_len'] = 0;
		$arHeader['filename'] = \Bitrix\Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncoding($filename, $this->fileSystemEncoding, "cp866");
		$arHeader['filename_len'] = strlen(\Bitrix\Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncoding($filename, $this->fileSystemEncoding, "cp866"));
		$arHeader['flag'] = 0;
		$arHeader['index'] = -1;
		$arHeader['internal'] = 0;
		$arHeader['mtime'] = filemtime($filename);
		$arHeader['offset'] = 0;
		$arHeader['size'] = filesize($filename);
		$arHeader['status'] = 'ok';
		$arHeader['stored_filename'] = \Bitrix\Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncoding($storedFilename, $this->fileSystemEncoding, "cp866");
		$arHeader['version'] = 20;
		$arHeader['version_extracted'] = 10;

		//pre-add callback
		if ((isset($arParams['callback_pre_add'])) && ($arParams['callback_pre_add'] != ''))
			//generate local information
			$arLocalHeader = [];
			$this->_convertHeader2FileInfo($arHeader, $arLocalHeader);

			//callback call
			eval('$res = ' . $arParams['callback_pre_add'] . '(\'callback_pre_add\', $arLocalHeader);');
			//if res == 0 change the file status
			if ($res == 0)
				$arHeader['status'] = "skipped";
				$res = 1;

			//update the info, only some fields can be modified
			if ($arHeader['stored_filename'] != $arLocalHeader['stored_filename'])
				$arHeader['stored_filename'] = $this->_reducePath($arLocalHeader['stored_filename']);

		//if stored filename is empty - filter
		if ($arHeader['stored_filename'] == "")
			$arHeader['status'] = "filtered";

		//check path length
		if (mb_strlen($arHeader['stored_filename']) > 0xFF)
			$arHeader['status'] = 'filename_too_long';

		//if no error
		if ($arHeader['status'] == 'ok')
			if (is_file($filename))
				//reading source
				if (($file = @fopen($filename, "rb")) == 0)
					$this->_errorLog("ERR_READ", str_replace("#FILE_NAME#", removeDocRoot($filename), GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_READ")));
					return $this->arErrors;

				//reading the file content
				$content = $arHeader['size'] > 0 ? fread($file, $arHeader['size']) : '';
				//calculating crc
				$arHeader['crc'] = crc32($content);
				//compress the file
				$compressedContent = empty($arParams['no_compression']) ? gzdeflate($content) : $content;

				//set header params
				$arHeader['compressed_size'] = strlen($compressedContent);
				$arHeader['compression'] = 8;

				//generate header
				if (($res = $this->_writeFileHeader($arHeader)) != 1)
					return $res;

				//writing the compressed content
				$binary_data = pack('a' . $arHeader['compressed_size'], $compressedContent);
				@fwrite($this->zipfile, $binary_data, $arHeader['compressed_size']);

			//if directory
				//set file properties
				$arHeader['filename'] .= '/';
				$arHeader['size'] = 0;
				//folder value. to be checked
				$arHeader['external'] = 0x41FF0010;

				//generate header
				if (($res = $this->_writeFileHeader($arHeader)) != 1)
					return $res;

		//pre-add callack
		if ((isset($arParams['callback_post_add'])) && ($arParams['callback_post_add'] != ''))
			//make local info
			$arLocalHeader = [];
			$this->_convertHeader2FileInfo($arHeader, $arLocalHeader);

			//callback call
			eval('$res = ' . $arParams['callback_post_add'] . '(\'callback_post_add\', $arLocalHeader);');

			if ($res == 0)
				$res = 1;
			} //ignored

		return $res;

	private function _writeFileHeader(&$arHeader)
		$res = 1;

		//to be checked: for(reset($arHeader); $key = key($arHeader); next($arHeader))

		//save offset position of the file
		$arHeader['offset'] = ftell($this->zipfile);

		//transform unix modification time to the dos mdate/mtime format
		$date = getdate($arHeader['mtime']);
		$mtime = ($date['hours'] << 11) + ($date['minutes'] << 5) + $date['seconds'] / 2;
		$mdate = (($date['year'] - 1980) << 9) + ($date['mon'] << 5) + $date['mday'];

		// $arHeader["stored_filename"] = "12345678.gif";

		//pack data
		$binary_data = pack("VvvvvvVVVvv",

		//write first 148 bytes of the header in the archive
		fputs($this->zipfile, $binary_data, 30);

		//write the variable fields
		if ($arHeader['stored_filename'] <> '')
			fputs($this->zipfile, $arHeader['stored_filename'], strlen($arHeader['stored_filename']));
		if ($arHeader['extra_len'] != 0)
			fputs($this->zipfile, $arHeader['extra'], $arHeader['extra_len']);

		return $res;

	private function _writeCentralFileHeader($arHeader)
		$res = 1;

		//to be checked: for(reset($arHeader); $key = key($arHeader); next($arHeader)) {}

		//convert unix mtime to dos mdate/mtime
		$date = getdate($arHeader['mtime']);
		$mtime = ($date['hours'] << 11) + ($date['minutes'] << 5) + $date['seconds'] / 2;
		$mdate = (($date['year'] - 1980) << 9) + ($date['mon'] << 5) + $date['mday'];

		//pack data
		$binary_data = pack("VvvvvvvVVVvvvvvVV",

		//write 42 bytes of the header in the zip file
		fputs($this->zipfile, $binary_data, 46);

		//variable fields
		if ($arHeader['stored_filename'] <> '')
			fputs($this->zipfile, $arHeader['stored_filename'], strlen($arHeader['stored_filename']));
		if ($arHeader['extra_len'] != 0)
			fputs($this->zipfile, $arHeader['extra'], $arHeader['extra_len']);
		if ($arHeader['comment_len'] != 0)
			fputs($this->zipfile, $arHeader['comment'], $arHeader['comment_len']);

		return $res;

	private function _writeCentralHeader($entriesNumber, $blockSize, $offset, $comment)
		$res = 1;

		//packed data
		$binary_data = pack("VvvvvVVv", 0x06054b50, 0, 0, $entriesNumber, $entriesNumber, $blockSize, $offset, mb_strlen($comment));

		//22 bytes of the header in the zip file
		fputs($this->zipfile, $binary_data, 22);

		//variable fields
		if ($comment <> '')
			fputs($this->zipfile, $comment, mb_strlen($comment));

		return $res;

	private function _getFileList(&$arFilesList)
		if (($this->zipfile = @fopen($this->io->GetPhysicalName($this->zipname), 'rb')) == 0)
			$this->_errorLog("ERR_READ", str_replace("#FILE_NAME#", removeDocRoot($this->zipname), GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_READ")));
			return $this->arErrors;

		//get central directory information
		$arCentralDirInfo = [];
		if (($res = $this->_readEndCentralDir($arCentralDirInfo)) != 1)
			return $res;

		//go to the beginning of the central directory

		if (@fseek($this->zipfile, $arCentralDirInfo['offset']))
			return $this->arErrors;

		//read each entry
		for ($i = 0; $i < $arCentralDirInfo['entries']; $i++)
			//read the file header
			if (($res = $this->_readCentralFileHeader($header)) != 1)
				return $res;
			$header['index'] = $i;

			//get only interesting attributes
			$this->_convertHeader2FileInfo($header, $arFilesList[$i]);

		return $res;

	private function _convertHeader2FileInfo($arHeader, &$arInfo)
		$res = 1;
		$arInfo = [];

		//get necessary attributes
		$arInfo['filename'] = $arHeader['filename'];
		$arInfo['stored_filename'] = $arHeader['stored_filename'];
		$arInfo['size'] = $arHeader['size'];
		$arInfo['compressed_size'] = $arHeader['compressed_size'];
		$arInfo['mtime'] = $arHeader['mtime'];
		$arInfo['comment'] = $arHeader['comment'];
		$arInfo['folder'] = (($arHeader['external'] & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010);
		$arInfo['index'] = $arHeader['index'];
		$arInfo['status'] = $arHeader['status'];

		return $res;

	private function _extractByRule(&$arFileList, &$arParams)
		$path = $arParams['add_path'];
		$removePath = $arParams['remove_path'];
		$removeAllPath = $arParams['remove_all_path'];

		//path checking
		if (($path == "") || ((mb_substr($path, 0, 1) != "/") && (mb_substr($path, 0, 3) != "../") && (mb_substr($path, 1, 2) != ":/")))
			$path = "./" . $path;

		//reduce the path last (and duplicated) '/'
		if (($path != "./") && ($path != "/"))
			// checking path end '/'
			while (mb_substr($path, -1) == "/")
				$path = mb_substr($path, 0, mb_strlen($path) - 1);

		//path should end with the /
		if (($removePath != "") && (mb_substr($removePath, -1) != '/'))
			$removePath .= '/';

		if (($res = $this->_openFile('rb')) != 1)
			return $res;

		//reading central directory information
		$arCentralDirInfo = [];
		if (($res = $this->_readEndCentralDir($arCentralDirInfo)) != 1)
			return $res;

		//starting from the beginning of the central directory
		$entryPos = $arCentralDirInfo['offset'];

		//reading each entry
		$j_start = 0;

		for ($i = 0, $extractedCounter = 0; $i < $arCentralDirInfo['entries']; $i++)
			//reading next central directory record
			if (@fseek($this->zipfile, $entryPos))
				$this->_errorLog("ERR_INVALID_ARCHIVE_ZIP", GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_MISSING_FILE"));
				return $this->arErrors;

			//reading the file header
			$header = [];
			if (($res = $this->_readCentralFileHeader($header)) != 1)
				return $res;

			//saving the index
			$header['index'] = $i;

			//saving the file pos
			$entryPos = ftell($this->zipfile);

			$extract = false;

			//look for the specific extract rules
			if ((isset($arParams['by_name'])) && is_array($arParams['by_name']))
				//is filename in the list
				$count = count($arParams['by_name']);
				for ($j = 0; $j < $count && !$extract; $j++)
					//is directory
					if (mb_substr($arParams['by_name'][$j], -1) == "/")
						//is dir in the filename path
						if ((mb_strlen($header['stored_filename']) > mb_strlen($arParams['by_name'][$j]))
							&& (mb_substr($header['stored_filename'], 0, mb_strlen($arParams['by_name'][$j])) == $arParams['by_name'][$j]))
							$extract = true;
						if ($header['stored_filename'] == $arParams['by_name'][$j])
							$extract = true;
				if ((isset($arParams['by_preg'])) && ($arParams['by_preg'] != ""))
					//extract by preg rule
					if (preg_match($arParams['by_preg'], $header['stored_filename']))
						$extract = true;
					if ((isset($arParams['by_index'])) && is_array($arParams['by_index']))
						//extract by index rule (if index is in the list)
						for ($j = $j_start, $n = count($arParams['by_index']); $j < $n && !$extract; $j++)
							if (($i >= $arParams['by_index'][$j]['start']) && ($i <= $arParams['by_index'][$j]['end']))
								$extract = true;

							if ($i >= $arParams['by_index'][$j]['end'])
								$j_start = $j + 1;

							if ($arParams['by_index'][$j]['start'] > $i)
						$extract = true;

			// extract file
			if ($extract)
				if (@fseek($this->zipfile, $header['offset']))
					return $this->arErrors;
				//extract as a string
				if ($arParams['extract_as_string'])
					//extract the file
					if (($res = $this->_extractFileAsString($header, $string)) != 1)
						return $res;

					//get attributes
					if (($res = $this->_convertHeader2FileInfo($header, $arFileList[$extractedCounter])) != 1)
						return $res;

					//set file content
					$arFileList[$extractedCounter]['content'] = $string;

					//next extracted file
					if (($res = $this->_extractFile($header, $path, $removePath, $removeAllPath, $arParams)) != 1)
						return $res;

					//get attributes
					if (($res = $this->_convertHeader2FileInfo($header, $arFileList[$extractedCounter++])) != 1)
						return $res;
		return $res;

	private function _extractFile(&$arEntry, $path, $removePath, $removeAllPath, $arParams)
		if (($res = $this->_readFileHeader($header)) != 1)
			return $res;
		//to be checked: file header should be coherent with $arEntry info

		$arEntry["filename"] = \Bitrix\Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncoding($arEntry["filename"], "cp866", $this->fileSystemEncoding);
		$arEntry["stored_filename"] = \Bitrix\Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncoding($arEntry["stored_filename"], "cp866", $this->fileSystemEncoding);

		//protecting against ../ etc. in file path
		//only absolute path should be in the $arEntry
		$arEntry['filename'] = _normalizePath($arEntry['filename']);
		$arEntry['stored_filename'] = _normalizePath($arEntry['stored_filename']);

		if ($removeAllPath)
			$arEntry['filename'] = basename($arEntry['filename']);
			if ($removePath != "")
				if ($this->_containsPath($removePath, $arEntry['filename']) == 2)
					//change file status
					$arEntry['status'] = "filtered";
					return $res;

				$removePath_size = mb_strlen($removePath);
				if (mb_substr($arEntry['filename'], 0, $removePath_size) == $removePath)
					//remove path
					$arEntry['filename'] = mb_substr($arEntry['filename'], $removePath_size);

		//making absolute path to the extracted file out of filename stored in the zip header and passed extracting path
		if ($path != '')
			$arEntry['filename'] = $path . "/" . $arEntry['filename'];

		//pre-extract callback
		if ((isset($arParams['callback_pre_extract']))
			&& ($arParams['callback_pre_extract'] != ''))
			//generate local info
			$arLocalHeader = [];
			$this->_convertHeader2FileInfo($arEntry, $arLocalHeader);

			//callback call
			eval('$res = ' . $arParams['callback_pre_extract'] . '(\'callback_pre_extract\', $arLocalHeader);');

			//change file status
			if ($res == 0)
				$arEntry['status'] = "skipped";
				$res = 1;

			//update the info, only some fields can be modified
			$arEntry['filename'] = $arLocalHeader['filename'];

		//check if extraction should be done
		if ($arEntry['status'] == 'ok')
			if ($this->checkPermissions && !CBXArchive::IsFileSafe($arEntry['filename']))
				$arEntry['status'] = "no_permissions";
				//if the file exists, change status
				if (file_exists($arEntry['filename']))
					if (is_dir($arEntry['filename']))
						$arEntry['status'] = "already_a_directory";
						if (!is_writeable($arEntry['filename']))
							$arEntry['status'] = "write_protected";
							if ((filemtime($arEntry['filename']) > $arEntry['mtime']) && (!$this->replaceExistentFiles))
								$arEntry['status'] = "newer_exist";
					//check the directory availability and create it if necessary
					if ((($arEntry['external'] & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010) || (mb_substr($arEntry['filename'], -1) == '/'))
						$checkDir = $arEntry['filename'];
						if (!mb_strstr($arEntry['filename'], "/"))
							$checkDir = "";
							$checkDir = dirname($arEntry['filename']);

					if (($res = $this->_checkDir($checkDir, (($arEntry['external'] & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010))) != 1)
						//change file status
						$arEntry['status'] = "path_creation_fail";

						//return $res;
						$res = 1;

		//check if extraction should be done
		if ($arEntry['status'] == 'ok')
			//if not a folder - extract
			if (!(($arEntry['external'] & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010))
				//if zip file with 0 compression
				if (($arEntry['compression'] == 0) && ($arEntry['compressed_size'] == $arEntry['size']))
					if (($destFile = @fopen($arEntry['filename'], 'wb')) == 0)
						$arEntry['status'] = "write_error";
						return $res;

					//reading the fileby by self::ReadBlockSize octets blocks
					$size = $arEntry['compressed_size'];
					while ($size != 0)
						$length = ($size < self::ReadBlockSize ? $size : self::ReadBlockSize);
						$buffer = fread($this->zipfile, $length);
						$binary_data = pack('a' . $length, $buffer);
						@fwrite($destFile, $binary_data, $length);
						$size -= $length;

					//close the destination file

					//changing file modification time
					touch($arEntry['filename'], $arEntry['mtime']);
					if (($destFile = @fopen($arEntry['filename'], 'wb')) == 0)
						//change file status
						$arEntry['status'] = "write_error";
						return $res;

					//read the compressed file in a buffer (one shot)
					$buffer = @fread($this->zipfile, $arEntry['compressed_size']);

					//decompress the file
					$fileContent = gzinflate($buffer);

					//write uncompressed data
					@fwrite($destFile, $fileContent, $arEntry['size']);
					touch($arEntry['filename'], $arEntry['mtime']);

				if ((isset($arParams['set_chmod'])) && ($arParams['set_chmod'] != 0))
					chmod($arEntry['filename'], $arParams['set_chmod']);

		//post-extract callback
		if ((isset($arParams['callback_post_extract'])) && ($arParams['callback_post_extract'] != ''))
			//make local info
			$arLocalHeader = [];
			$this->_convertHeader2FileInfo($arEntry, $arLocalHeader);

			//callback call
			eval('$res = ' . $arParams['callback_post_extract'] . '(\'callback_post_extract\', $arLocalHeader);');
		return $res;

	private function _extractFileAsString($arEntry, &$string)
		//reading file header
		$header = [];
		if (($res = $this->_readFileHeader($header)) != 1)
			return $res;

		//to be checked: file header should be coherent with the $arEntry info

		//extract if not a folder
		if (!(($arEntry['external'] & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010))
			//if not compressed
			if ($arEntry['compressed_size'] == $arEntry['size'])
				$string = fread($this->zipfile, $arEntry['compressed_size']);
				$data = fread($this->zipfile, $arEntry['compressed_size']);
				$string = gzinflate($data);
			$this->_errorLog("ERR_EXTRACT", GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_EXTRACT"));
			return $this->arErrors;

		return $res;

	private function _readFileHeader(&$arHeader)
		$res = 1;

		//read 4 bytes signature
		$binary_data = @fread($this->zipfile, 4);

		$data = unpack('Vid', $binary_data);

		//check signature
		if ($data['id'] != 0x04034b50)
			$this->_errorLog("ERR_BAD_FORMAT", GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_STRUCT"));
			return $this->arErrors;

		//reading first 42 bytes of the header
		$binary_data = fread($this->zipfile, 26);

		//look for invalid block size
		if (strlen($binary_data) != 26)
			$arHeader['filename'] = "";
			$arHeader['status'] = "invalid_header";

			$this->_errorLog("ERR_BAD_BLOCK_SIZE", str_replace("#BLOCK_SIZE#", $binary_data, GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_BLOCK_SIZE")));
			return $this->arErrors;

		//extract values
		$data = unpack('vversion/vflag/vcompression/vmtime/vmdate/Vcrc/Vcompressed_size/Vsize/vfilename_len/vextra_len', $binary_data);

		$arHeader['filename'] = fread($this->zipfile, $data['filename_len']);

		//extra fields
		if ($data['extra_len'] != 0)
			$arHeader['extra'] = fread($this->zipfile, $data['extra_len']);
			$arHeader['extra'] = '';

		//extract properties
		$arHeader['compression'] = $data['compression'];
		$arHeader['size'] = $data['size'];
		$arHeader['compressed_size'] = $data['compressed_size'];
		$arHeader['crc'] = $data['crc'];
		$arHeader['flag'] = $data['flag'];

		//save date in unix format
		$arHeader['mdate'] = $data['mdate'];
		$arHeader['mtime'] = $data['mtime'];

		if ($arHeader['mdate'] && $arHeader['mtime'])
			//extract time
			$hour = ($arHeader['mtime'] & 0xF800) >> 11;
			$min = ($arHeader['mtime'] & 0x07E0) >> 5;
			$sec = ($arHeader['mtime'] & 0x001F) * 2;

			//...and date
			$year = (($arHeader['mdate'] & 0xFE00) >> 9) + 1980;
			$month = ($arHeader['mdate'] & 0x01E0) >> 5;
			$day = $arHeader['mdate'] & 0x001F;

			//unix date format
			$arHeader['mtime'] = mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year);
			$arHeader['mtime'] = time();

		//to be checked: for(reset($data); $key = key($data); next($data)) { }
		$arHeader['stored_filename'] = $arHeader['filename'];
		$arHeader['status'] = "ok";

		return $res;

	private function _readCentralFileHeader(&$arHeader)
		$res = 1;

		//reading 4 bytes signature
		$binary_data = @fread($this->zipfile, 4);

		$data = unpack('Vid', $binary_data);

		//checking signature
		if ($data['id'] != 0x02014b50)
			$this->_errorLog("ERR_BAD_FORMAT", GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_STRUCT"));
			return $this->arErrors;

		//reading first header 42 bytes
		$binary_data = fread($this->zipfile, 42);

		//if block size is not valid
		if (strlen($binary_data) != 42)
			$arHeader['filename'] = "";
			$arHeader['status'] = "invalid_header";

			$this->_errorLog("ERR_BAD_BLOCK_SIZE", str_replace("#SIZE#", $binary_data, GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_BLOCK_SIZE")));
			return $this->arErrors;

		//extract values
		$arHeader = unpack('vversion/vversion_extracted/vflag/vcompression/vmtime/vmdate/Vcrc/Vcompressed_size/Vsize/vfilename_len/vextra_len/vcomment_len/vdisk/vinternal/Vexternal/Voffset', $binary_data);

		//getting filename
		if ($arHeader['filename_len'] != 0)
			$arHeader['filename'] = fread($this->zipfile, $arHeader['filename_len']);
			$arHeader['filename'] = '';

		//getting extra
		if ($arHeader['extra_len'] != 0)
			$arHeader['extra'] = fread($this->zipfile, $arHeader['extra_len']);
			$arHeader['extra'] = '';

		//getting comments
		if ($arHeader['comment_len'] != 0)
			$arHeader['comment'] = fread($this->zipfile, $arHeader['comment_len']);
			$arHeader['comment'] = '';

		//extracting properties

		//saving date in unix format
		if ($arHeader['mdate'] && $arHeader['mtime'])
			//extracting time
			$hour = ($arHeader['mtime'] & 0xF800) >> 11;
			$min = ($arHeader['mtime'] & 0x07E0) >> 5;
			$sec = ($arHeader['mtime'] & 0x001F) * 2;

			//...and date
			$year = (($arHeader['mdate'] & 0xFE00) >> 9) + 1980;
			$month = ($arHeader['mdate'] & 0x01E0) >> 5;
			$day = $arHeader['mdate'] & 0x001F;

			//in unix date format
			$arHeader['mtime'] = mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year);
			$arHeader['mtime'] = time();

		//set stored filename
		$arHeader['stored_filename'] = $arHeader['filename'];

		//default status is 'ok'
		$arHeader['status'] = 'ok';

		//is directory?
		if (mb_substr($arHeader['filename'], -1) == '/')
			$arHeader['external'] = 0x41FF0010;

		return $res;

	private function _readEndCentralDir(&$arCentralDir)
		$res = 1;

		//going to the end of the file
		$size = filesize($this->io->GetPhysicalName($this->zipname));
		@fseek($this->zipfile, $size);

		if (@ftell($this->zipfile) != $size)
			$this->_errorLog("ERR_ARC_END", str_replace("#FILE_NAME#", removeDocRoot($this->zipname), GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_ARC_END")));
			return $this->arErrors;

		//if archive is without comments (usually), the end of central dir is at 22 bytes of the file end
		$isFound = 0;
		$pos = 0;

		if ($size > 26)
			@fseek($this->zipfile, $size - 22);

			if (@ftell($this->zipfile) != ($size - 22))
				$this->_errorLog("ERR_ARC_MID", str_replace("#FILE_NAME#", removeDocRoot($this->zipname), GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_ARC_MID")));
				return $this->arErrors;

			//read 4 bytes
			$binary_data = @fread($this->zipfile, 4);
			$data = unpack('Vid', $binary_data);

			//signature check
			if ($data['id'] == 0x06054b50)
				$isFound = 1;

			$pos = ftell($this->zipfile);

		//going back to the max possible size of the Central Dir End Record
		if (!$isFound)
			$maxSize = 65557; // 0xFFFF + 22;

			if ($maxSize > $size)
				$maxSize = $size;

			@fseek($this->zipfile, $size - $maxSize);

			if (@ftell($this->zipfile) != ($size - $maxSize))
				$this->_errorLog("ERR_ARC_MID", str_replace("#FILE_NAME#", removeDocRoot($this->zipname), GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_ARC_MID")));
				return $this->arErrors;

			//reading byte per byte to find the signature
			$pos = ftell($this->zipfile);
			$bytes = 0x00000000;
			while ($pos < $size)
				//reading 1 byte
				$byte = @fread($this->zipfile, 1);
				//0x03000000504b0506 -> 0x504b0506
				$bytes = ($bytes << (8 * (PHP_INT_SIZE - 3))) >> (8 * (PHP_INT_SIZE - 4));
				//adding the byte
				$bytes = $bytes | ord($byte);
				//compare bytes
				if ($bytes == 0x504b0506)


			//if end of the central dir is not found
			if ($pos == $size)
				$this->_errorLog("ERR_ARC_MID_END", GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_ARC_MID_END"));
				return $this->arErrors;

		//reading first 18 bytes of the header
		$binary_data = fread($this->zipfile, 18);

		//if block size is not valid
		if (strlen($binary_data) != 18)
			$this->_errorLog("ERR_ARC_END_SIZE", str_replace("#SIZE#", mb_strlen($binary_data), GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_ARC_END_SIZE")));
			return $this->arErrors;

		//extracting values
		$data = unpack('vdisk/vdisk_start/vdisk_entries/ventries/Vsize/Voffset/vcomment_size', $binary_data);

		//checking global size
		if (($pos + $data['comment_size'] + 18) != $size)
			$this->_errorLog("ERR_SIGNATURE", GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_SIGNATURE"));
			return $this->arErrors;

		//reading comments
		if ($data['comment_size'] != 0)
			$arCentralDir['comment'] = fread($this->zipfile, $data['comment_size']);
			$arCentralDir['comment'] = '';

		$arCentralDir['entries'] = $data['entries'];
		$arCentralDir['disk_entries'] = $data['disk_entries'];
		$arCentralDir['offset'] = $data['offset'];
		$arCentralDir['size'] = $data['size'];
		$arCentralDir['disk'] = $data['disk'];
		$arCentralDir['disk_start'] = $data['disk_start'];

		return $res;

	private function _deleteByRule(&$arResultList, $arParams)
		$arCentralDirInfo = [];
		$arHeaders = [];

		if (($res = $this->_openFile('rb')) != 1)
			return $res;

		if (($res = $this->_readEndCentralDir($arCentralDirInfo)) != 1)
			return $res;

		//scanning all the files, starting at the beginning of Central Dir
		$entryPos = $arCentralDirInfo['offset'];

		if (@fseek($this->zipfile, $entryPos))
			//clean file
			return $this->arErrors;

		$j_start = 0;

		//reading each entry
		for ($i = 0, $extractedCounter = 0; $i < $arCentralDirInfo['entries']; $i++)
			//reading file header
			$arHeaders[$extractedCounter] = [];

			$res = $this->_readCentralFileHeader($arHeaders[$extractedCounter]);
			if ($res != 1)
				return $res;

			//saving index
			$arHeaders[$extractedCounter]['index'] = $i;

			//check specific extract rules
			$isFound = false;

			//name rule
			if ((isset($arParams['by_name'])) && is_array($arParams['by_name']))
				//if the filename is in the list
				for ($j = 0, $n = count($arParams['by_name']); $j < $n && !$isFound; $j++)
					if (mb_substr($arParams['by_name'][$j], -1) == "/")
						//if the directory is in the filename path
						if ((mb_strlen($arHeaders[$extractedCounter]['stored_filename']) > mb_strlen($arParams['by_name'][$j]))
							&& (mb_substr($arHeaders[$extractedCounter]['stored_filename'], 0, mb_strlen($arParams['by_name'][$j])) == $arParams['by_name'][$j]))
							$isFound = true;
						elseif ((($arHeaders[$extractedCounter]['external'] & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010) /* Indicates a folder */
							&& ($arHeaders[$extractedCounter]['stored_filename'] . '/' == $arParams['by_name'][$j]))
							$isFound = true;
					elseif ($arHeaders[$extractedCounter]['stored_filename'] == $arParams['by_name'][$j])
						//check filename
						$isFound = true;
				if ((isset($arParams['by_preg'])) && ($arParams['by_preg'] != ""))
					if (preg_match($arParams['by_preg'], $arHeaders[$extractedCounter]['stored_filename']))
						$isFound = true;
					if ((isset($arParams['by_index'])) && is_array($arParams['by_index']))
						//index rule: if index is in the list
						for ($j = $j_start, $n = count($arParams['by_index']); $j < $n && !$isFound; $j++)
							if (($i >= $arParams['by_index'][$j]['start'])
								&& ($i <= $arParams['by_index'][$j]['end']))
								$isFound = true;
							if ($i >= $arParams['by_index'][$j]['end'])
								$j_start = $j + 1;
							if ($arParams['by_index'][$j]['start'] > $i)

			if ($isFound)

		//if something should be deleted
		if ($extractedCounter > 0)
			//create tmp file
			$zipname_tmp = GetDirPath($this->zipname) . uniqid('ziparc') . '.tmp';
			//create tmp zip archive
			$tmpzip = new CZip($zipname_tmp);

			if (($res = $tmpzip->_openFile('wb')) != 1)
				return $res;

			//check which file should be kept
			for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($arHeaders); $i++)
				//calculate the position of the header
				if (@fseek($this->zipfile, $arHeaders[$i]['offset']))

					return $this->arErrors;

				if (($res = $this->_readFileHeader($arHeaders[$i])) != 1)

					return $res;

				//writing file header
				$res = $tmpzip->_writeFileHeader($arHeaders[$i]);
				if ($res != 1)

					return $res;

				//reading/writing data block
				$res = $this->_copyBlocks($this->zipfile, $tmpzip->zipfile, $arHeaders[$i]['compressed_size']);
				if ($res != 1)

					return $res;

			//save central dir offset
			$offset = @ftell($tmpzip->zipfile);

			//re-write central dir files header
			for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($arHeaders); $i++)
				$res = $tmpzip->_writeCentralFileHeader($arHeaders[$i]);
				if ($res != 1)

					return $res;

				//convert header to the 'usable' format
				$tmpzip->_convertHeader2FileInfo($arHeaders[$i], $arResultList[$i]);

			$zip_comment = '';
			$size = @ftell($tmpzip->zipfile) - $offset;

			$res = $tmpzip->_writeCentralHeader(sizeof($arHeaders), $size, $offset, $zip_comment);
			if ($res != 1)

				return $res;


			//deleting zip file (result should be checked)

			//result should be checked
			$this->_renameTmpFile($zipname_tmp, $this->zipname);


		return $res;

	private function _checkDir($dir, $isDir = false)
		$res = 1;

		//remove '/' at the end
		if (($isDir) && (mb_substr($dir, -1) == '/'))
			$dir = mb_substr($dir, 0, mb_strlen($dir) - 1);

		//check if dir is available
		if ((is_dir($dir)) || ($dir == ""))
			return 1;

		//get parent directory
		$parentDir = dirname($dir);

		if ($parentDir != $dir)
			//find the parent dir
			if ($parentDir != "")
				if (($res = $this->_checkDir($parentDir)) != 1)
					return $res;

		//creating a directory
		if (!@mkdir($dir))
			$this->_errorLog("ERR_DIR_CREATE_FAIL", str_replace("#DIR_NAME#", $dir, GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_DIR_CREATE_FAIL")));
			return $this->arErrors;

		return $res;

	private function _checkParams(&$arParams, $arDefaultValues)
		if (!is_array($arParams))
			$this->_errorLog("ERR_PARAM", GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_PARAM"));
			return $this->arErrors;

		//all params should be valid
		foreach ($arParams as $key => $dummy)
			if (!isset($arDefaultValues[$key]))
				$this->_errorLog("ERR_PARAM_KEY", str_replace("#KEY#", $key, GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_PARAM_KEY")));
				return $this->arErrors;

		//set default values
		foreach ($arDefaultValues as $key => $value)
			if (!isset($arParams[$key]))
				$arParams[$key] = $value;

		//check specific parameters
		$arCallbacks = ['callback_pre_add', 'callback_post_add', 'callback_pre_extract', 'callback_post_extract'];

		for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($arCallbacks); $i++)
			$key = $arCallbacks[$i];

			if ((isset($arParams[$key])) && ($arParams[$key] != ''))
				if (!function_exists($arParams[$key]))
					$this->_errorLog("ERR_PARAM_CALLBACK", str_replace(["#CALLBACK#", "#PARAM_NAME#"], [$arParams[$key], $key], GetMessage("MAIN_ZIP_ERR_PARAM_CALLBACK")));
					return $this->arErrors;

		return (1);

	private function _errorLog($errorName, $errorString = '')
		$this->arErrors[] = "[" . $errorName . "] " . $errorString;

	private function _errorReset()
		$this->arErrors = [];

	private function _reducePath($dir)
		$res = "";

		if ($dir != "")
			//get directory names
			$arTmpList = explode("/", $dir);

			//check from last to first
			for ($i = sizeof($arTmpList) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--)
				//is current path
				if ($arTmpList[$i] == ".")
					//just ignore. the first $i should be = 0, but no check is done
					if ($arTmpList[$i] == "..")
						//ignore this and ignore the $i-1
						if (($arTmpList[$i] == "") && ($i != (sizeof($arTmpList) - 1)) && ($i != 0))
							//ignore only the double '//' in path, but not the first and last '/'
							$res = $arTmpList[$i] . ($i != (sizeof($arTmpList) - 1) ? "/" . $res : "");
		return $res;

	private function _containsPath($dir, $path)
		$res = 1;

		//explode dir and path by directory separator
		$arTmpDirList = explode("/", $dir);
		$arTmpPathList = explode("/", $path);

		$arTmpDirListSize = sizeof($arTmpDirList);
		$arTmpPathListSize = sizeof($arTmpPathList);

		//check dir paths
		$i = 0;
		$j = 0;

		while (($i < $arTmpDirListSize) && ($j < $arTmpPathListSize) && ($res))
			//check if is empty
			if ($arTmpDirList[$i] == '')

			if ($arTmpPathList[$j] == '')

			//compare items
			if ($arTmpDirList[$i] != $arTmpPathList[$j])
				$res = 0;


		//check if the same
		if ($res)
			//skip empty items
			while (($j < $arTmpPathListSize) && ($arTmpPathList[$j] == ''))

			while (($i < $arTmpDirListSize) && ($arTmpDirList[$i] == ''))

			if (($i >= $arTmpDirListSize) && ($j >= $arTmpPathListSize))
				//exactly the same
				$res = 2;
				if ($i < $arTmpDirListSize)
					//path is shorter than the dir
					$res = 0;

		return $res;

	private function _copyBlocks($source, $dest, $blockSize, $mode = 0)
		$res = 1;

		if ($mode == 0)
			while ($blockSize != 0)
				$length = ($blockSize < self::ReadBlockSize ? $blockSize : self::ReadBlockSize);
				$buffer = @fread($source, $length);
				@fwrite($dest, $buffer, $length);
				$blockSize -= $length;
			if ($mode == 1)
				while ($blockSize != 0)
					$length = ($blockSize < self::ReadBlockSize ? $blockSize : self::ReadBlockSize);
					$buffer = @gzread($source, $length);
					@fwrite($dest, $buffer, $length);
					$blockSize -= $length;
				if ($mode == 2)
					while ($blockSize != 0)
						$length = ($blockSize < self::ReadBlockSize ? $blockSize : self::ReadBlockSize);
						$buffer = @fread($source, $length);
						@gzwrite($dest, $buffer, $length);
						$blockSize -= $length;
					if ($mode == 3)
						while ($blockSize != 0)
							$length = ($blockSize < self::ReadBlockSize ? $blockSize : self::ReadBlockSize);
							$buffer = @gzread($source, $length);
							@gzwrite($dest, $buffer, $length);
							$blockSize -= $length;

		return $res;

	private function _renameTmpFile($source, $dest)
		$res = 1;

		if (!@rename($this->io->GetPhysicalName($source), $this->io->GetPhysicalName($dest)))
			if (!@copy($this->io->GetPhysicalName($source), $this->io->GetPhysicalName($dest)))
				$res = 0;
				if (!@unlink($this->io->GetPhysicalName($source)))
					$res = 0;

		return $res;

	private function _convertWinPath($path, $removeDiskLetter = true)
		if (mb_stristr(php_uname(), 'windows'))
			//disk letter?
			if ($removeDiskLetter && ($position = mb_strpos($path, ':')) !== false)
				$path = mb_substr($path, $position + 1);

			//change windows directory separator
			if ((mb_strpos($path, '\\') > 0) || (mb_substr($path, 0, 1) == '\\'))
				$path = strtr($path, '\\', '/');

		return $path;

	private function _parseFileParams($arFileList)
		if (isset($arFileList) && is_array($arFileList))
			return $arFileList;

		if (isset($arFileList) && $arFileList <> '')
			if (mb_strpos($arFileList, "\"") === 0)
				return [trim($arFileList, "\"")];
			return explode(" ", $arFileList);

		return [];

	private function _cleanFile()

	private function _checkDirPath($path)
		$path = str_replace(["\\", "//"], "/", $path);

		//remove file name
		if (mb_substr($path, -1) != "/")
			$p = mb_strrpos($path, "/");
			$path = mb_substr($path, 0, $p);

		$path = rtrim($path, "/");

		if (!file_exists($this->io->GetPhysicalName($path)))
			return mkdir($this->io->GetPhysicalName($path), BX_DIR_PERMISSIONS, true);
			return is_dir($this->io->GetPhysicalName($path));

	private function _getfileSystemEncoding()
		$fileSystemEncoding = mb_strtolower(defined("BX_FILE_SYSTEM_ENCODING") ? BX_FILE_SYSTEM_ENCODING : "");

		if (empty($fileSystemEncoding))
			if (mb_strtoupper(mb_substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === "WIN")
				$fileSystemEncoding = "windows-1251";
				$fileSystemEncoding = "utf-8";

		return $fileSystemEncoding;