Your IP :
namespace Bitrix\Iblock\Url\AdminPage;
use Bitrix\Main;
use Bitrix\Iblock;
abstract class BaseBuilder
public const TYPE_AUTODETECT = 'AUTO';
public const TYPE_ID = 'BASE';
protected const TYPE_WEIGHT = null;
protected const PATH_PREFIX = '';
public const PAGE_ELEMENT_LIST = 'elementList';
public const PAGE_ELEMENT_DETAIL = 'elementDetail';
public const PAGE_ELEMENT_COPY = 'elementCopy';
public const PAGE_ELEMENT_SAVE = 'elementSave';
public const PAGE_ELEMENT_SEARCH = 'elementSearch';
public const PAGE_ELEMENT_SEO = 'elementSeo';
public const PAGE_SECTION_LIST = 'sectionList';
public const PAGE_SECTION_DETAIL = 'sectionDetail';
public const PAGE_SECTION_COPY = 'sectionCopy';
public const PAGE_SECTION_SAVE = 'sectionSave';
public const PAGE_SECTION_SEARCH = 'sectionSearch';
public const PAGE_SECTION_SEO = 'sectionSeo';
public const PAGE_CATALOG_SEO = 'catalogSeo';
public const ENTITY_SECTION = 'section';
public const ENTITY_ELEMENT = 'element';
protected const SLIDER_PATH_VARIABLE = 'slider_path';
/** @var Main\HttpRequest */
protected $request;
/** @var string */
protected $id;
/** @var int */
protected $weight;
/** @var string */
protected $languageId;
/** @var int */
protected $iblockId;
/** @var array */
protected $iblock;
/** @var string */
protected $iblockListMode;
/** @var bool */
protected $iblockListMixed;
/** @var string */
protected $prefix;
protected $urlParams = [];
protected $compiledUrlParams = '';
protected $config = [];
protected $urlTemplates = [];
protected $templateVariables = [];
/** @var bool */
protected $sliderMode;
public function __construct()
$this->request = Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest();
public function __destruct()
$this->request = null;
public function getId(): string
return $this->id;
public function getWeight(): ?int
return $this->weight;
public function setLanguageId(string $languageId): void
$this->languageId = $languageId;
$this->setTemplateVariable('#LANGUAGE_ID#', $this->languageId);
$this->setTemplateVariable('#LANGUAGE#', $this->getLanguageParam());
$this->setTemplateVariable('#BASE_PARAMS#', $this->getBaseParams());
public function getLanguageId(): string
return $this->languageId;
public function setIblockId(int $iblockId): void
if ($this->iblockId !== $iblockId)
if ($iblockId > 0)
$iblock = \CIBlock::GetArrayByID($iblockId);
if (!empty($iblock) && is_array($iblock))
$this->iblockId = $iblockId;
$this->iblock = $iblock;
$this->setTemplateVariable('#IBLOCK_ID#', (string)$this->iblockId);
$this->setTemplateVariable('#BASE_PARAMS#', $this->getBaseParams());
public function setPrefix(string $prefix): void
$this->prefix = $prefix;
$this->setTemplateVariable('#PATH_PREFIX#', $this->prefix);
public function getPrefix(): string
return $this->prefix;
public function setUrlParams(array $list): void
if ($this->isSliderMode())
$list += static::getSliderOptions();
$this->urlParams = array_filter($list, [__CLASS__, 'clearNull']);
$this->compiledUrlParams = $this->compileUrlParams($this->urlParams);
public function getCompiledParams(array $params): string
return $this->compileUrlParams($params);
public function isIblockListMixed(): bool
return $this->iblockListMixed;
public function setMixedIblockList(): void
public function setSeparateIblockList(): void
public function preloadUrlData(string $entityType, array $entityIds): void
switch ($entityType)
case self::ENTITY_SECTION:
case self::ENTITY_ELEMENT:
public function clearPreloadedUrlData(): void {}
abstract public function use(): bool;
public function getSectionListUrl(?int $parentId, array $options = [], string $additional = ''): string
return $this->fillUrlTemplate(
$this->getListVariables(self::PAGE_SECTION_LIST, $parentId, $options, $additional)
public function getSectionDetailUrl(?int $entityId, array $options = [], string $additional = ''): string
return $this->fillUrlTemplate(
$this->getDetailVariables(self::PAGE_SECTION_DETAIL, $entityId, $options, $additional)
public function getSectionSaveUrl(?int $entityId, array $options = [], string $additional = ''): string
return $this->fillUrlTemplate(
$this->getDetailVariables(self::PAGE_SECTION_SAVE, $entityId, $options, $additional)
public function getSectionSearchUrl(array $options = [], string $additional = ''): string
return $this->fillUrlTemplate(
$this->getExtendedVariables($options, $additional)
public function getElementListUrl(?int $parentId, array $options = [], string $additional = ''): string
return $this->fillUrlTemplate(
$this->getListVariables(self::PAGE_ELEMENT_LIST, $parentId, $options, $additional)
public function getElementDetailUrl(?int $entityId, array $options = [], string $additional = ''): string
return $this->fillUrlTemplate(
$this->getDetailVariables(self::PAGE_ELEMENT_DETAIL, $entityId, $options, $additional)
public function getElementCopyUrl(?int $entityId, array $options = [], string $additional = ''): string
return $this->fillUrlTemplate(
$this->getDetailVariables(self::PAGE_ELEMENT_COPY, $entityId, $options, $additional)
public function getElementSaveUrl(?int $entityId, array $options = [], string $additional = ''): string
return $this->fillUrlTemplate(
$this->getDetailVariables(self::PAGE_ELEMENT_SAVE, $entityId, $options, $additional)
public function getElementSearchUrl(array $options = [], string $additional = ''): string
return $this->fillUrlTemplate(
$this->getExtendedVariables($options, $additional)
public function getCatalogSeoUrl(array $options = [], string $additional = ''): string
return $this->fillUrlTemplate(
$this->getExtendedVariables($options, $additional)
public function getElementSeoUrl(int $productId, array $options = [], string $additional = ''): string
return $this->fillUrlTemplate(
$this->getDetailSeoVariables($productId, $options, $additional)
public function getSectionSeoUrl(int $sectionId, array $options = [], string $additional = ''): string
return $this->fillUrlTemplate(
$this->getSectionSeoVariables($sectionId, $options, $additional)
public function getContextMenuItems(string $pageType, array $items = [], array $options = []): ?array
return null;
public function getBaseParams(): string
if ($this->iblockId === null)
return '';
return 'IBLOCK_ID='.$this->iblockId
public function getUrlParams(array $options = [], string $additional = ''): string
return $this->getBaseParams().$this->extendUrl($options, $additional);
public function getLanguageParam(): string
return 'lang='.urlencode($this->languageId);
public function getUrlBuilderIdParam(): string
return 'urlBuilderId='.urlencode($this->id);
public function setSliderMode(bool $mode): void
$this->sliderMode = $mode;
public function isSliderMode(): bool
return $this->sliderMode;
public function getDetailPageSlider(): string
$path = $this->getSliderPath();
if (!$this->checkSliderPath($path))
return '';
$path = \CUtil::JSEscape($path);
return '<script>'
. 'window.history.replaceState({}, \'\', \'' . $path . '\');' . "\n"
. 'BX.ready(function () {' . "\n"
. '' . "\n"
. ' \'' . $path . '\'' . "\n"
. ' );' . "\n"
. '});' . "\n"
. '</script>'
public function showDetailPageSlider(): void
echo $this->getDetailPageSlider();
protected function checkCurrentPage(array $urlList): bool
$currentPage = $this->request->getRequestedPage();
foreach ($urlList as $url)
if (strncmp($currentPage, $url, strlen($url)) === 0)
return true;
return false;
protected function initSettings(): void
$this->id = static::TYPE_ID;
$this->weight = static::TYPE_WEIGHT;
$this->setSliderMode($this->request->get('IFRAME') === 'Y');
protected function initConfig(): void
protected static function clearNull($value): bool
return $value !== null;
protected function resetIblock(): void
$this->iblockId = null;
$this->iblock = null;
$this->iblockListMode = null;
protected function initIblockListMode(): void
if ($this->iblockListMode !== null)
$listMode = '';
if ($this->iblockId !== null)
$listMode = (string)$this->iblock['LIST_MODE'];
if (
$listMode != Iblock\IblockTable::LIST_MODE_SEPARATE
&& $listMode != Iblock\IblockTable::LIST_MODE_COMBINED
$listMode = (Main\Config\Option::get('iblock', 'combined_list_mode') === 'Y'
? Iblock\IblockTable::LIST_MODE_COMBINED
: Iblock\IblockTable::LIST_MODE_SEPARATE
$this->iblockListMode = $listMode;
$this->iblockListMixed = ($this->iblockListMode === Iblock\IblockTable::LIST_MODE_COMBINED);
protected function setIblockListMode(string $listMode): void
if (
$listMode === Iblock\IblockTable::LIST_MODE_SEPARATE
|| $listMode === Iblock\IblockTable::LIST_MODE_COMBINED
$this->iblockListMode = $listMode;
$this->iblockListMixed = ($this->iblockListMode === Iblock\IblockTable::LIST_MODE_COMBINED);
protected function compileUrlParams(array $params): string
$result = '';
$this->compileParamsLevel($result, '', $params);
return $result;
protected function compileParamsLevel(string &$result, string $prefix, array $params): void
$params = array_filter($params, [__CLASS__, 'clearNull']);
if (empty($params))
foreach ($params as $key => $value)
if ($prefix === '' && is_numeric($key))
$index = ($prefix !== '' ? $prefix.'['.$key.']' : $key);
if (is_array($value))
$this->compileParamsLevel($result, $index, $value);
$result .= '&'.urlencode($index).'='.urlencode((string)$value);
unset($index, $key, $value);
protected function getParentFilter(?int $parentId): string
$result = '';
if ($parentId !== null)
if ($parentId === -1)
$result = $this->compileUrlParams([
'find_section_section' => $parentId
elseif ($parentId >= 0)
$result = $this->compileUrlParams([
'find_section_section' => $parentId,
'SECTION_ID' => $parentId,
'apply_filter' => 'Y'
return $result;
protected function getEntityFilter(?int $entityId): string
$result = '';
if ($entityId !== null && $entityId >= 0)
$result = $this->compileUrlParams([
'ID' => $entityId,
return $result;
protected function extendUrl(array $options = [], string $additional = ''): string
$result = $this->compiledUrlParams;
$compiledOptions = $this->compileUrlParams($options);
if ($compiledOptions !== '')
$result .= $compiledOptions;
if ($additional !== '')
$result .= $additional;
return $result;
abstract protected function initUrlTemplates(): void;
protected function getUrlTemplate(string $templateId): ?string
return ($this->urlTemplates[$templateId] ?? null);
protected function fillUrlTemplate(?string $template, array $replaces): string
if ($template === null)
return '';
if (empty($replaces))
return $template;
return str_replace(array_keys($replaces), array_values($replaces), $template);
protected function setTemplateVariable(string $name, string $value): void
$this->templateVariables[$name] = $value;
protected function getTemplateVariables(): array
return $this->templateVariables;
protected function getExtendedVariables(array $options = [], string $additional = ''): array
$replaces = $this->getTemplateVariables();
$replaces['#ADDITIONAL_PARAMETERS#'] = $this->extendUrl($options, $additional);
return $replaces;
protected function getListVariables(string $page, ?int $parentId, array $options = [], string $additional = ''): array
$replaces = $this->getExtendedVariables($options, $additional);
$replaces['#PARENT_ID#'] = (string)$parentId;
$replaces['#PARENT_FILTER#'] = $this->getParentFilter($parentId);
return $replaces;
protected function getDetailVariables(string $page, ?int $entityId, array $options = [], string $additional = ''): array
$replaces = $this->getExtendedVariables($options, $additional);
$replaces['#ENTITY_ID#'] = (string)$entityId;
$replaces['#ENTITY_FILTER#'] = $this->getEntityFilter($entityId);
return $replaces;
protected function getDetailSeoVariables(?int $entityId, array $options = [], string $additional = ''): array
$replaces = $this->getExtendedVariables($options, $additional);
$replaces['#PRODUCT_ID#'] = (string)$entityId;
return $replaces;
protected function getSectionSeoVariables(?int $sectionId, array $options = [], string $additional = ''): array
$replaces = $this->getExtendedVariables($options, $additional);
$replaces['#SECTION_ID#'] = (string)$sectionId;
return $replaces;
protected function getCopyAction(): string
return '&action=copy';
protected function preloadSectionUrlData(array $sectionIds): void {}
protected function preloadElementUrlData(array $elementIds): void {}
protected static function getSliderOptions(): array
return [
'IFRAME' => 'Y',
protected function getSliderPath(): ?string
return $this->request->get(self::SLIDER_PATH_VARIABLE);
public function getSliderPathOption(string $path): ?array
if ($path === '')
return null;
return [
self::SLIDER_PATH_VARIABLE => $path,
public function getSliderPathString(string $path): string
if ($path === '')
return '';
return self::SLIDER_PATH_VARIABLE . '=' . $path;
protected function checkSliderPath(?string $path): bool
if ($path === null)
$path = $this->getSliderPath();
if ($path === null || $path === '')
return false;
$prepared = [];
foreach ($this->getSliderPathTemplates() as $mask)
if (preg_match($mask, $path, $prepared))
return true;
return false;
protected function getSliderPathTemplates(): array
return [];
* Open settings page of IBlock context
* <i>Example: for catalog IBlock it should open settings of catalog</i>
* @return void
public function openSettingsPage(): void
* Subscribe to save settings events depending on the context
* @return void
public function subscribeOnAfterSettingsSave(): void