Your IP :

Current Path : /var/www/admin_ftp_12/data/www/httpdocs/bitrix/modules/landing/lib/assets/
Upload File :
Current File : /var/www/admin_ftp_12/data/www/httpdocs/bitrix/modules/landing/lib/assets/webpackfile.php


namespace Bitrix\Landing\Assets;

use Bitrix\Landing\Agent;
use Bitrix\Landing\File;
use Bitrix\Landing\Site;
use Bitrix\Landing\Manager;
use Bitrix\Main;
use Bitrix\Main\FileTable;
use Bitrix\Main\Security\Random;
use Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpClient;
use Bitrix\Main\Web\WebPacker;

class WebpackFile
	protected const MODULE_ID = 'landing';
	protected const DIR_NAME = 'assets';
	protected const DEFAULT_NAME = 'assets_webpack';
	protected const CORE_EXTENSION = 'ui.webpacker';
	protected const LANG_RESOURCE = '/bitrix/js/landing/webpackassets/message_loader.js';

	 * @var WebPacker\FileController
	protected $fileController;
	 * @var int relation with file and landing in table
	protected $landingId;
	 * @var int - ID of file from b_file
	protected $fileId;

	 * @var WebPacker\Resource\Package
	protected $package;

	 * @var WebPacker\Resource\Profile
	protected $profile;

	 * Name of file. If not set - will be using default
	 * @var string
	protected $filename;

	 * Unique string of current assets package
	 * @var string
	protected $packageHash;

	 * For browser cache
	protected static int $cacheTtl = 86400; // one day

	 * WebpackFile constructor.
	public function __construct()
		$this->fileController = new WebPacker\FileController();
		$this->package = new WebPacker\Resource\Package();
		$this->profile = new WebPacker\Resource\Profile();

	 * Assets created for every landing.
	 * @param int $lid - id of landing
	public function setLandingId(int $lid): void
		$this->landingId = $lid;

	 * Set unique string for current assets package
	 * @param string $hash
	public function setPackageHash(string $hash): void
		$this->packageHash = $hash;

	 * Set unique name of file. If not set - will be using default
	 * @param string $name
	public function setFileName(string $name): void
		$this->filename = $name;

	protected function getFileName(): string
			$this->filename = self::DEFAULT_NAME . '_' . $this->packageHash . '_' . time() . '.js';
			$this->filename = self::DEFAULT_NAME . '_' . Random::getString(16) . '.js';

		return $this->filename;

	 * @param string $resource Relative path to asset.
	public function addResource(string $resource): void

	 * Create new or get existing webpack file.
	public function build(): void

		// create new file
		if (!$this->fileId)
			$res = $this->fileController->build();
			if ($res->isSuccess())
				$this->fileId = $res->getId();
				File::addToAsset($this->landingId, $this->fileId);

				// tmp fixing agent for 149117
				Agent::addUniqueAgent('checkFileExists', [$this->fileId], 86400, 60);

	 * Prepare fileController for build
	protected function configureFile(): void
		if ($fileId = $this->findExistFile())
			$this->fileId = $fileId;
			$file = \CFile::GetByID($fileId)->Fetch();
			$this->setFileName($file['ORIGINAL_NAME'] ?: $this->filename);


	 * Search existing asset file for current landing
	 * @return null|int - ID of file or false if not exist
	protected function findExistFile(): ?int
		if ($this->landingId)
			foreach(File::getFilesFromAsset($this->landingId) as $fileId)
					$fileId > 0
					&& $this->packageHash
					&& ($file = \CFile::GetByID($fileId)->Fetch())
					&& strpos($file['ORIGINAL_NAME'], self::DEFAULT_NAME . '_' . $this->packageHash) === 0
					return $fileId;

			return null;

		// if have not landing ID - old variant, find something
		$fileQuery = FileTable::query()
			->where('MODULE_ID', self::MODULE_ID)
			->where('%ORIGINAL_NAME', self::DEFAULT_NAME)
		$file = $fileQuery->fetch();

		return $file ? $file['ID'] : null;

	public function setUseLang(): void

	protected function configureResources(): void
		$this->fileController->addExtension(self::CORE_EXTENSION);    // need core ext always
			new WebPacker\Module(

	 * Return JS-string for load assets pack
	 * File must be builded before
	 * @return string
	public function getOutput(): string
		return $this->fileController

	 * Mark webpack files for landing as "need rebuild", but not delete them. File will be exist until not created new file.
	 * @param int|[int] $lid - array of landing IDs.
	 * @throws Main\ArgumentException
	 * @throws Main\SystemException
	public static function markToRebuild($lid): void
		if (!$lid || empty($lid))
			throw new Main\ArgumentException('LID must be int or array of int', 'lid');

		if (File::markAssetToRebuild($lid))

	 * * Mark webpack files for landing as "need rebuild", but not delete them. File will be exist until not created new file.
	public static function markAllToRebuild(): void
		if (File::markAssetToRebuild())