Your IP :
$MESS["BLOG_MODULE_NOT_INSTALL"] = "Blog module is not installed.";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_TITLE"] = "Blog messages";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_REQUEST_ALREADY"] = "Your request is already under consideration with the blog author";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_REQUEST_ADDED"] = "Your request has been accepted for consideration by the blog author";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_REQUEST_ERROR"] = "Error adding request";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_REQUEST_ALREADY_2"] = "The blog author is already in the friend candidate list";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_REQUEST_ADDED_2"] = "The blog author has been added to the friend candidate list";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_REQUEST_ERROR_2"] = "Error sending the friend request";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_REQUEST_ALREADY_3"] = "You are already a friend of the blog author";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_REQUEST_ALREADY_4"] = "The blog author is already your friend";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_REQUEST_NEED_AUTH"] = "Please authorize before submitting request";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_M_1"] = "January";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_M_2"] = "February";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_M_3"] = "March";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_M_4"] = "April";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_M_5"] = "May";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_M_6"] = "June";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_M_7"] = "July";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_M_8"] = "August";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_M_9"] = "September";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_M_10"] = "October";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_M_11"] = "November";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_M_12"] = "December";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_MES_FOR"] = "Messages for ";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_MES_CAT"] = "Messages with tag";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_MES_DELED"] = "Message has been deleted successfully";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_MES_DEL_ERROR"] = "Error deleting message";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_MES_DEL_NO_RIGHTS"] = "You do not have enough permissions to delete this message";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_FRIENDS_ONLY"] = "Only author's friends can read messages in this blog.";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_U_CAN"] = "You can send a request";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_U_CAN1"] = "to the blog author";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_U_CAN2"] = "to read his (her) messages.";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_NEED_AUTH"] = "Please authorize before submitting the request.";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_NO_BLOG"] = "Blog cannot be found";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_LEAVED"] = "You are leaved this blog";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_MES_HIDED"] = "The post is hidden";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_MES_HIDE_ERROR"] = "Error hiding the post";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_BLOG_MES_HIDE_NO_RIGHTS"] = "You do not have permission to hide this post.";
$MESS["BLOG_BLOG_SESSID_WRONG"] = "Your session has expired. Please try again.";