Your IP :
// Copyright 2021 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include "cppgc/common.h"
#include "v8-data.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "v8-local-handle.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "v8-promise.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "v8config.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#if defined(V8_OS_WIN)
namespace v8 {
template <typename T>
class FunctionCallbackInfo;
class Isolate;
class Message;
class Module;
class Object;
class Promise;
class ScriptOrModule;
class String;
class UnboundScript;
class Value;
* A JIT code event is issued each time code is added, moved or removed.
* \note removal events are not currently issued.
struct JitCodeEvent {
enum EventType {
// Definition of the code position type. The "POSITION" type means the place
// in the source code which are of interest when making stack traces to
// pin-point the source location of a stack frame as close as possible.
// The "STATEMENT_POSITION" means the place at the beginning of each
// statement, and is used to indicate possible break locations.
// There are three different kinds of CodeType, one for JIT code generated
// by the optimizing compiler, one for byte code generated for the
// interpreter, and one for code generated from Wasm. For JIT_CODE and
// WASM_CODE, |code_start| points to the beginning of jitted assembly code,
// while for BYTE_CODE events, |code_start| points to the first bytecode of
// the interpreted function.
// Type of event.
EventType type;
CodeType code_type;
// Start of the instructions.
void* code_start;
// Size of the instructions.
size_t code_len;
// Script info for CODE_ADDED event.
Local<UnboundScript> script;
// User-defined data for *_LINE_INFO_* event. It's used to hold the source
// code line information which is returned from the
// CODE_START_LINE_INFO_RECORDING event. And it's passed to subsequent
void* user_data;
struct name_t {
// Name of the object associated with the code, note that the string is not
// zero-terminated.
const char* str;
// Number of chars in str.
size_t len;
struct line_info_t {
// PC offset
size_t offset;
// Code position
size_t pos;
// The position type.
PositionType position_type;
struct wasm_source_info_t {
// Source file name.
const char* filename;
// Length of filename.
size_t filename_size;
// Line number table, which maps offsets of JITted code to line numbers of
// source file.
const line_info_t* line_number_table;
// Number of entries in the line number table.
size_t line_number_table_size;
wasm_source_info_t* wasm_source_info = nullptr;
union {
// Only valid for CODE_ADDED.
struct name_t name;
// Only valid for CODE_ADD_LINE_POS_INFO
struct line_info_t line_info;
// New location of instructions. Only valid for CODE_MOVED.
void* new_code_start;
Isolate* isolate;
* Option flags passed to the SetJitCodeEventHandler function.
enum JitCodeEventOptions {
kJitCodeEventDefault = 0,
// Generate callbacks for already existent code.
kJitCodeEventEnumExisting = 1
* Callback function passed to SetJitCodeEventHandler.
* \param event code add, move or removal event.
using JitCodeEventHandler = void (*)(const JitCodeEvent* event);
// --- Garbage Collection Callbacks ---
* Applications can register callback functions which will be called before and
* after certain garbage collection operations. Allocations are not allowed in
* the callback functions, you therefore cannot manipulate objects (set or
* delete properties for example) since it is possible such operations will
* result in the allocation of objects.
* TODO(v8:12612): Deprecate kGCTypeMinorMarkSweep after updating blink.
enum GCType {
kGCTypeScavenge = 1 << 0,
kGCTypeMinorMarkSweep = 1 << 1,
kGCTypeMinorMarkCompact V8_DEPRECATE_SOON(
"Use kGCTypeMinorMarkSweep instead of kGCTypeMinorMarkCompact.") =
kGCTypeMarkSweepCompact = 1 << 2,
kGCTypeIncrementalMarking = 1 << 3,
kGCTypeProcessWeakCallbacks = 1 << 4,
kGCTypeAll = kGCTypeScavenge | kGCTypeMinorMarkSweep |
kGCTypeMarkSweepCompact | kGCTypeIncrementalMarking |
* GCCallbackFlags is used to notify additional information about the GC
* callback.
* - kGCCallbackFlagConstructRetainedObjectInfos: The GC callback is for
* constructing retained object infos.
* - kGCCallbackFlagForced: The GC callback is for a forced GC for testing.
* - kGCCallbackFlagSynchronousPhantomCallbackProcessing: The GC callback
* is called synchronously without getting posted to an idle task.
* - kGCCallbackFlagCollectAllAvailableGarbage: The GC callback is called
* in a phase where V8 is trying to collect all available garbage
* (e.g., handling a low memory notification).
* - kGCCallbackScheduleIdleGarbageCollection: The GC callback is called to
* trigger an idle garbage collection.
enum GCCallbackFlags {
kNoGCCallbackFlags = 0,
kGCCallbackFlagConstructRetainedObjectInfos = 1 << 1,
kGCCallbackFlagForced = 1 << 2,
kGCCallbackFlagSynchronousPhantomCallbackProcessing = 1 << 3,
kGCCallbackFlagCollectAllAvailableGarbage = 1 << 4,
kGCCallbackFlagCollectAllExternalMemory = 1 << 5,
kGCCallbackScheduleIdleGarbageCollection = 1 << 6,
using GCCallback = void (*)(GCType type, GCCallbackFlags flags);
using InterruptCallback = void (*)(Isolate* isolate, void* data);
* This callback is invoked when the heap size is close to the heap limit and
* V8 is likely to abort with out-of-memory error.
* The callback can extend the heap limit by returning a value that is greater
* than the current_heap_limit. The initial heap limit is the limit that was
* set after heap setup.
using NearHeapLimitCallback = size_t (*)(void* data, size_t current_heap_limit,
size_t initial_heap_limit);
* Callback function passed to SetUnhandledExceptionCallback.
#if defined(V8_OS_WIN)
using UnhandledExceptionCallback =
int (*)(_EXCEPTION_POINTERS* exception_pointers);
// --- Counters Callbacks ---
using CounterLookupCallback = int* (*)(const char* name);
using CreateHistogramCallback = void* (*)(const char* name, int min, int max,
size_t buckets);
using AddHistogramSampleCallback = void (*)(void* histogram, int sample);
// --- Exceptions ---
using FatalErrorCallback = void (*)(const char* location, const char* message);
struct OOMDetails {
bool is_heap_oom = false;
const char* detail = nullptr;
using OOMErrorCallback = void (*)(const char* location,
const OOMDetails& details);
using MessageCallback = void (*)(Local<Message> message, Local<Value> data);
// --- Tracing ---
enum LogEventStatus : int { kStart = 0, kEnd = 1, kStamp = 2 };
using LogEventCallback = void (*)(const char* name,
int /* LogEventStatus */ status);
// --- Crashkeys Callback ---
enum class CrashKeyId {
kMapSpaceFirstPageAddress V8_ENUM_DEPRECATE_SOON("Map space got removed"),
using AddCrashKeyCallback = void (*)(CrashKeyId id, const std::string& value);
// --- Enter/Leave Script Callback ---
using BeforeCallEnteredCallback = void (*)(Isolate*);
using CallCompletedCallback = void (*)(Isolate*);
// --- AllowCodeGenerationFromStrings callbacks ---
* Callback to check if code generation from strings is allowed. See
* Context::AllowCodeGenerationFromStrings.
using AllowCodeGenerationFromStringsCallback = bool (*)(Local<Context> context,
Local<String> source);
struct ModifyCodeGenerationFromStringsResult {
// If true, proceed with the codegen algorithm. Otherwise, block it.
bool codegen_allowed = false;
// Overwrite the original source with this string, if present.
// Use the original source if empty.
// This field is considered only if codegen_allowed is true.
MaybeLocal<String> modified_source;
* Access type specification.
enum AccessType {
// --- Failed Access Check Callback ---
using FailedAccessCheckCallback = void (*)(Local<Object> target,
AccessType type, Local<Value> data);
* Callback to check if codegen is allowed from a source object, and convert
* the source to string if necessary. See: ModifyCodeGenerationFromStrings.
using ModifyCodeGenerationFromStringsCallback =
ModifyCodeGenerationFromStringsResult (*)(Local<Context> context,
Local<Value> source);
using ModifyCodeGenerationFromStringsCallback2 =
ModifyCodeGenerationFromStringsResult (*)(Local<Context> context,
Local<Value> source,
bool is_code_like);
// --- WebAssembly compilation callbacks ---
using ExtensionCallback = bool (*)(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>&);
using AllowWasmCodeGenerationCallback = bool (*)(Local<Context> context,
Local<String> source);
// --- Callback for APIs defined on v8-supported objects, but implemented
// by the embedder. Example: WebAssembly.{compile|instantiate}Streaming ---
using ApiImplementationCallback = void (*)(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>&);
// --- Callback for WebAssembly.compileStreaming ---
using WasmStreamingCallback = void (*)(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>&);
enum class WasmAsyncSuccess { kSuccess, kFail };
// --- Callback called when async WebAssembly operations finish ---
using WasmAsyncResolvePromiseCallback = void (*)(
Isolate* isolate, Local<Context> context, Local<Promise::Resolver> resolver,
Local<Value> result, WasmAsyncSuccess success);
// --- Callback for loading source map file for Wasm profiling support
using WasmLoadSourceMapCallback = Local<String> (*)(Isolate* isolate,
const char* name);
// --- Callback for checking if WebAssembly imported strings are enabled ---
using WasmImportedStringsEnabledCallback = bool (*)(Local<Context> context);
// --- Callback for checking if the SharedArrayBuffer constructor is enabled ---
using SharedArrayBufferConstructorEnabledCallback =
bool (*)(Local<Context> context);
// --- Callback for checking if the compile hints magic comments are enabled ---
using JavaScriptCompileHintsMagicEnabledCallback =
bool (*)(Local<Context> context);
// --- Callback for checking if WebAssembly JSPI is enabled ---
using WasmJSPIEnabledCallback = bool (*)(Local<Context> context);
* HostImportModuleDynamicallyCallback is called when we
* require the embedder to load a module. This is used as part of the dynamic
* import syntax.
* The referrer contains metadata about the script/module that calls
* import.
* The specifier is the name of the module that should be imported.
* The import_attributes are import attributes for this request in the form:
* [key1, value1, key2, value2, ...] where the keys and values are of type
* v8::String. Note, unlike the FixedArray passed to ResolveModuleCallback and
* returned from ModuleRequest::GetImportAssertions(), this array does not
* contain the source Locations of the attributes.
* The embedder must compile, instantiate, evaluate the Module, and
* obtain its namespace object.
* The Promise returned from this function is forwarded to userland
* JavaScript. The embedder must resolve this promise with the module
* namespace object. In case of an exception, the embedder must reject
* this promise with the exception. If the promise creation itself
* fails (e.g. due to stack overflow), the embedder must propagate
* that exception by returning an empty MaybeLocal.
using HostImportModuleDynamicallyCallback = MaybeLocal<Promise> (*)(
Local<Context> context, Local<Data> host_defined_options,
Local<Value> resource_name, Local<String> specifier,
Local<FixedArray> import_attributes);
* Callback for requesting a compile hint for a function from the embedder. The
* first parameter is the position of the function in source code and the second
* parameter is embedder data to be passed back.
using CompileHintCallback = bool (*)(int, void*);
* HostInitializeImportMetaObjectCallback is called the first time import.meta
* is accessed for a module. Subsequent access will reuse the same value.
* The method combines two implementation-defined abstract operations into one:
* HostGetImportMetaProperties and HostFinalizeImportMeta.
* The embedder should use v8::Object::CreateDataProperty to add properties on
* the meta object.
using HostInitializeImportMetaObjectCallback = void (*)(Local<Context> context,
Local<Module> module,
Local<Object> meta);
* HostCreateShadowRealmContextCallback is called each time a ShadowRealm is
* being constructed in the initiator_context.
* The method combines Context creation and implementation defined abstract
* operation HostInitializeShadowRealm into one.
* The embedder should use v8::Context::New or v8::Context:NewFromSnapshot to
* create a new context. If the creation fails, the embedder must propagate
* that exception by returning an empty MaybeLocal.
using HostCreateShadowRealmContextCallback =
MaybeLocal<Context> (*)(Local<Context> initiator_context);
* PrepareStackTraceCallback is called when the stack property of an error is
* first accessed. The return value will be used as the stack value. If this
* callback is registed, the |Error.prepareStackTrace| API will be disabled.
* |sites| is an array of call sites, specified in
using PrepareStackTraceCallback = MaybeLocal<Value> (*)(Local<Context> context,
Local<Value> error,
Local<Array> sites);
#if defined(V8_OS_WIN)
* Callback to selectively enable ETW tracing based on the document URL.
* Implemented by the embedder, it should never call back into V8.
* Windows allows passing additional data to the ETW EnableCallback:
* This data can be configured in a WPR (Windows Performance Recorder)
* profile, adding a CustomFilter to an EventProvider like the following:
* <EventProvider Id=".." Name="57277741-3638-4A4B-BDBA-0AC6E45DA56C" Level="5">
* <CustomFilter Type="0x80000000" Value="AQABAAAAAAA..." />
* </EventProvider>
* Where:
* - Name="57277741-3638-4A4B-BDBA-0AC6E45DA56C" is the GUID of the V8
* ETW provider, (see src/libplatform/etw/etw-provider-win.h),
* - Type="0x80000000" is EVENT_FILTER_TYPE_SCHEMATIZED,
* - Value="AQABAAAAAA..." is a base64-encoded byte array that is
* base64-decoded by Windows and passed to the ETW enable callback in
* the 'PEVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR FilterData' argument; see:
* This array contains a struct EVENT_FILTER_HEADER followed by a
* variable length payload, and as payload we pass a string in JSON format,
* with a list of regular expressions that should match the document URL
* in order to enable ETW tracing:
* {
* "version": "1.0",
* "filtered_urls": [
* "https:\/\/.*\.chromium\.org\/.*", "";, "..."
* ]
* }
using FilterETWSessionByURLCallback =
bool (*)(Local<Context> context, const std::string& etw_filter_payload);
#endif // V8_OS_WIN
} // namespace v8