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Greek fonts found in kbd-1.06.tar.gz:
iso07.* follows ISO 8859-7.
gr928* refers to elot928 which is the same.
(plain gr928 is elot928 with cp437 control chars;
gr928a* is gr928 with Euro at the 0xa4 position;
gr928b* is gr928 with the cp437 symbols in the 0x80-0x9f positions
and a filler symbol on the positions empty in ISO 8859-7)
gr737* somewhat follow cp737.
(gr737a* is cp737 with cp437 control chars;
gr737b* is gr737a with end replaced by cp865;
gr737c* is gr737a with I-diaeresis, Y-diaeresis replaced by integral)
Some of these are derived from fonts contributed by
Sotiris Tsimbonis <>.
There used to be a font grcourier rather similar to but uglier than
gr928-8x16-thin.psfu, so it was deleted.
Some distributions have Greek fonts with names like lat7*,
but latin-7 is ISO 8859-13, a character set for the Baltic Rim.