Your IP :
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Locale dependent formatting of lists.
The default locale for the functions in this module is determined by the
following environment variables, in that order:
* ``LC_ALL``, and
* ``LANG``
:copyright: (c) 2015 by the Babel Team.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
from babel.core import Locale, default_locale
DEFAULT_LOCALE = default_locale()
def format_list(lst, locale=DEFAULT_LOCALE):
Format the items in `lst` as a list.
>>> format_list(['apples', 'oranges', 'pears'], 'en')
u'apples, oranges, and pears'
>>> format_list(['apples', 'oranges', 'pears'], 'zh')
:param lst: a sequence of items to format in to a list
:param locale: the locale
locale = Locale.parse(locale)
if not lst:
return ''
if len(lst) == 1:
return lst[0]
if len(lst) == 2:
return locale.list_patterns['2'].format(*lst)
result = locale.list_patterns['start'].format(lst[0], lst[1])
for elem in lst[2:-1]:
result = locale.list_patterns['middle'].format(result, elem)
result = locale.list_patterns['end'].format(result, lst[-1])
return result